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LTG MIXEDDISPLACEMENT VENTILATION Air conditioning of rooms means introducing air that has been brought to the required temperature into the zones frequented by people in order to ensure the greatest possible thermal comfort. The performance of conventional room flow configurations is impaired as soon as these frequented zones start to feel uncomfortable. The idea of tangential ventilation, for decades the leading concept in the ventilation field, is to blow air across the ceiling and over the facade in order to circulate the air forcefully around the room. If the cold airstream breaks away from the ceiling too early and descends into the frequented zone, then this leads to the well-known phenomenon of draughts. By contrast, when the room has to be cooled, displacement air ventilation results in cold feet if the outlet temperature is reduced too much in order to increase cooling capacity. The mixeddisplacement air ventilation method developed by LTG and incorporated into VDI 3804 permits high cooling capacities combined with outstanding thermal comfort because it cleverly combines the advantages of both ventilation concepts. Mixed ventilation in the immediate vicinity of the supplied air outlet is followed by a displacement flow into the room to ensure all the benefits of displacement air ventilation. Thanks to optimised air distribution elements, which are now available in all LTG units, this mixed air ventilation is precisely controlled to ensure a depth of penetration right through to the frequented zone. Systematic flow tests have been performed in order to determine the limitations in the use of the various flow concepts. The diagram shows the applications of the different flow configurations, which are primarily defined in terms of the thermal comfort they provide. On this basis, it is now possible to implement the ideal flow configuration for the project-specific parameters cooling capacity and supplied air volume flow using the different LTG air-water systems. We perform engineering services to permit further optimisations designed to fulfil special requirements.
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Air-water systems represent for modern building services an energy-efficient solution for ventilation and air-conditioning of rooms. Whether it's an INDUCTION UNIT, a CHILLED BEAM, a FAN COIL UNIT or a DECENTRALIZED VENTILATION UNIT individual requirements for cooling capacity, acoustics, comfort and installation situation result in selection of the most suitable system.
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Products for air distribution are crucial for economical operation of air-conditioning and ventilation systems. They permit optimum distribution of supply air and return air, and check or control the air flows from the central ventilation unit to the room.
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The mechanically self-operated flow rate controllers VRX are designed for supply pressure-independent constant flow rate control without external power supply in rectangular air lines of air-conditioning systems.The flow rate control is obtained through an asymmetrically angled regulating blade on friction-free bearings, ensuring a precision response and regulating action even at small flow rates. Flow rate control without external power supply - no wiring requiredMaximum flexibility free setting of flow ratesInsensitive to dust or environmental influences - maintenance-free with reliable precision controlParticularly suitable for visible installationConstant regulating action in any duct orientation
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LTG DEMAND CONTROLLED VENTILATION Building ventilation systems have to perform several different tasks: ensuring the health of the occupants, i.e. by supplying sufficient high-quality air, guaranteeing thermal comfort, and protecting the building, i.e. by removing humidity. That is why the standard distinguishes between a person-related air volume and a building-related air volume. If rooms are not full during actual use (as assumed during the dimensioning of the central air-conditioning unit), then too much air will continuously be introduced into the room. If one considers that occupancy levels of 80% are far from infrequent, with individuals absent during breaks or periods of leave, and that the required fan capacity is a cubic function of the volume flow, then it is easy to see how great the potential savings are. However, these savings cannot be achieved unless the ventilation products can be used across a wide volume flow range, e.g.: Linear diffusers that can be operated at significantly low temperatures even with low air volumesInduction units whose induction ratios do not collapse at partial loadVolume flow controls that can also handle small air volumes reliablyOn-demand ventilation can be implemented directly if the outside air for any individual room is provided via a decentralised ventilation unit. Decentralised ventilation units that are activated automatically depending on use.LTG products for demand-controlled ventilation:
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The visual appearance and impact within the indoor environment are primarily determined by the architecture. LTG SystemDesign makes it possible to implement various air-conditioning solutions in different building areas based on a uniform visual pattern. In many cases, varying conditions and comfort-related requirements demand the use of different ventilation and air-conditioning systems in one and the same building. Previously, the different systems also looked different. LTGs SystemDesign for floor-mounted units solves this problem. Different units for different air- conditioning systems can be concealed behind exactly the same ventilation grille and give the rooms where they are installed a harmonious visual appearance bringing many advantages for investors, architects, planners and process engineers alike. For architects, they are the answer to a long-standing need: the grilles can be mounted as a continuous strip and being available from a width of 200 mm are comparatively narrow. They are available in a range of materials and colours. The discharge grilles are positioned directly at the facade. The floor cutouts for all the units integrated in the LTG SystemDesign are identical. For planners, this simplifies the planning of the building, while investors save on the cost of construction work. All the units of LTG SystemDesign have the same structure. While process engineers appreciate the simplified assembly and maintenance this brings, investors again benefit from reduced costs. A major advantage for investors and landlords is the ease with which the air-conditioning and ventilation technology can be adapted, for example when a room is used for a different purpose. And this remains true in the event of a retrofit or conversion.
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Air Diffusers

Air diffusers are crucial for the operation and efficiency of air-conditioning and ventilation systems. They permit an ideal distribution of treated air inside the room plus effective removal of thermal loads important criteria for health and wellbeing.
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Linear air diffusers for floor Installation like LTG's LDU and LDU-W(H) heatandcoolroomscomfortablyanddraught-free. Their application fields are versatile: fromofficetolivingroom, from meeting room to hotel room, confined spaces benefit from high thermal and acoustic comfort.
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FLOW RATE CONTROLLERSIn systems with constant volumetric flow (KVS), flow rate controllers are used that automatically maintain a constant volumetric flow mechanically. Not needing cables or external power, they are a practical and inexpensive solution. LTG flow rate controllers for a constant volumetric flow are available in many variants: in a round or angled shape, in many sizes, and with or without an insulating casing. Thanks to System ActiveControl, LTG flow rate controllers handle all the important checking and control tasks, even at very low air velocities and with a minimal space requirement and also for futuristic control concepts like
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