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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of High Temperature Insulation Bulk, High Temperature Insulation Pyro-Bloc Modules, High Temperature Insulation Pyro-Log, High Temperature Insulation Folded Blanket Modules and High Temperature Insulation Textiles

High Temperature Insulation Bulk

We offer an extensive range of high temperature insulating Bulk fibre materials for use directly as thermal insulation or for the base material in the manufacture of boards and shapes, woven into rope and cloth or blended into liquid binders for coatings and cements.Our range comprises three fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) bulk made from our unique low bio-persistence fibre SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) bulk fibre made from Kaowool, Cerafiber, Cerachem, CerachromePolycrystalline (PCW) bulk fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. Alphawool bulk fibres are classified to 1600C (2912F).Engineered fibres marketed as Enfil AES (Superwool) Our Superwool Bulk Fibres have exceptional performance-to-weight ratio, good resistance to chemical attack, high tensile strength and excellent thermal stability. For example, our Superwool Plus Bulk Fibre retains its original soft fibrous structure up to its maximum continuous use temperature of 1000C (1832F). Superwool Bulk Fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF Bulk Fibres are resistant to chemical attack. They are lightweight, strong and feature a low heat storage capacity for effective energy savings and good thermal shock resistance for use in difficult environments. Kaowool is classified to 1260C (2300F). Cerafibre is classified to 1315C (2400F). Cerachem and Cerachrome are classified at 1426C (2600F). PCW Our Alphawool bulk fibres consists of a mass of randomly oriented, normally long, fluffy polycrystalline fibres that have an excellent thermal stability and retain their original soft fibrous structure up to maximum continuous use temperature. Alphawool bulk fibres contain no binder and do not emit fumes or smell during the first use. Bulk Fibres are a versatile feedstock for manufacturers of insulation products. We can produce them to meet specific customer specifications for composition, compressed density, fibre content, and lubricity. Engineered fibres Enfil is a family of Bulk Fibres that have been further processed to meet specific requirements for fibre index and fibre length. They are also used directly in applications including: Insulation in brick wall expansion jointsInsulating fill in chimneys and fire doorsKiln carsCloth and textile manufacturingFriction modifiers in brake pads and clutch platesTemperature and strength modifier in paints, coatings and cementsBase material in preforms for Metal Matrix Composites If you would like more information on our bulk products or if you have a thermal insulation challenge for which you need assistance, and then please get in touch. We have extensive applications expertise and can work with customers to engineer optimum solutions.
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High Temperature Insulation Pyro-Bloc Modules

Pyro-Bloc is the market leading insulation solution for furnace lining systems. Pyro-Bloc Modules are the only monolithic refractory fibre module on the market. They are ideal for fast installation in industrial heaters, boilers and furnacesOur Pyro-Bloc range comprises two fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) log made from our unique low bio-persistence fibre SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) log made from , Cerablanket (R grade), Cerachrome (C grade), and Cerachem (ZR grade) The Pyro-Bloc Modules offer all the thermal insulation performance of our fibre blanket products, in an uncompressed modular form and are available in densities up to 240 kgm3 (15 pcf). AES (Superwool) Superwool offers exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and is resistant to chemical attack. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF Pyro-Bloc Modules are lightweight and strong, with low thermal conductivity and heat storage capacity for effective energy savings. Cerablanket (R grade), Cerachrome (C grade) and Cerachem (ZR grade) offer excellent chemical stability and strength and have superior acoustic as well as thermal insulation characteristics. Cerablanket (R grade) is classified to 1316C (2400F). Cerachrome (C grade) and Cerachem (ZR grade) are classified to 1427C (2600F). Pyro-Bloc Modules are engineered with an internal anchoring hardware system that allows fast and secure attachment to furnace casings. The monolithic blocks can easily be cut to shape (for example around openings) on site if necessary. Pyro-Bloc Modules provide easy to use, efficient thermal lining for all types of high temperature processing equipment such as: Homogenizing furnacesProcess heatersCeramic kilnsAnnealing furnacesHeat treating furnacesThermal oxidizers We can advise on the optimum Pyro-Bloc Modules products for your high temperature equipment. We also offer a complete furnace lining design service. Contact us for more information.
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High Temperature Insulation Pyro-Log

Pyro-Log is a monolithic refractory fibre material for effective thermal insulation in hot face lining applications. It is used in some of the most challenging and extreme high temperature environments for its durability and versatility.Our Pyro-Log range comprises two fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) log made from our unique low bio-persistence fibre SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) log made from Cerablanket (R grade), Cerachrome (C grade), and Cerachem (ZR grade). Pyro-Log offers all the thermal insulation performance of our fibre blanket products, in an uncompressed log form and is available in densities up to 240 kgm3 (15 pcf). AES (Superwool) Superwool offers exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and is resistant to chemical attack. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF Pyro-Log products are lightweight and strong, with low thermal conductivity and heat storage capacity for effective energy savings. Cerablanket (R grade), Cerachrome (C grade) and Cerachem (ZR grade) offer excellent chemical stability and strength and have superior acoustic as well as thermal insulation characteristics. Cerablanket (R grade) is classified to 1316C (2400F). Cerachrome (C grade) and Cerachem (ZR grade) are classified to 1427C (2600F). Pyro-Log contains a lubricant that allows for extra compression during installation, which ensures good, tight joints. Once installed, Pyro-Log converts to a tough, near-monolithic structure with a durable, board-like texture when fired. Its monolithic structure can easily be cut to shape on site to accommodate openings and awkward shapes. Pyro-Log provides easy to use, economical, efficient thermal lining for all types of high temperature processing equipment. It is typically used in: Homogenizing furnacesProcess heatersCeramic kilnsAnnealing furnacesHeat treating furnacesThermal oxidizers We help customers solve thermal insulation challenges. We can help with optimum product specification and lining design. To discuss your requirements with one of our applications team, please contact us.
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High Temperature Insulation Folded Blanket Modules

We offer an exceptionally wide range of high temperature insulating Blanket Folded and Stacked Modules. Our key products, Pyro-Stack, Pyro-Fold and Z-Blok, are an effective thermal insulation for specialised applications and offer all the advantages of our standard Blanket products in a pre-compressed modular form.Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules feature non-exposed anchoring, economical installation and a positive mechanical attachment. Our Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules are used to protect equipment, conserve energy, and improve process performance in some of the most demanding high temperature industrial environments in the world. Our range comprises three fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) blankets made from our unique low bio-persistence SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) blankets made from Cerablanket, Cerachrome and CerachemPolycrystalline Fibre (PCW) blankets made from Denka AES (Superwool) Our Superwool Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules offer exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and are resistant to chemical attack. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules are strong, easily installed, have low thermal conductivity and heat storage capacity for effective energy savings and good thermal shock resistance for use in difficult environments. Cerablanket, Cerachrome and Cerachem offer excellent chemical stability and strength and have superior acoustic as well as thermal insulation characteristics. . These modules are classified to 1427C (2600F). PCW Our PCW fibres are ideal for high temperature and chemically aggressive applications. These fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. Denka blanket modules are more resistant to acid and alkaline solutions than conventional alumino-silicate fibre blankets and have exceptionally good thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1600C (2912F). Our Pyro-Fold, Pyro-Stack and Z-Blok blanket modules provide easy to use, efficient thermal lining for all types of high temperature processing equipment such as: Process heatersCeramic kilnsAnnealing furnacesHeat treating furnaces See our product datasheets for more information or contact us to discuss the requirements for your application.
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High Temperature Insulation Textiles

We offer a range of woven textile products including yarn, cloth, and ropes made from our high temperature insulating fibre materialsOur textile products are made using refractory insulating fibres and organic or non-organic binders to create a yarn. This yarn can then be woven into products such as cloth, cable rope, rope lagging, twisted rope, webbing and ladder tape. The range comprises two fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) bulk made from our unique low bio-persistence fibre SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) bulk fibre made from Kaowool fibres AES (Superwool) Our Superwool textiles are particularly resistant to chemical attack and can be used with molten aluminium. Superwool is the only low bio-persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF The Kao-Tex and Kaowool family of products features excellent tensile strength with maximum temperature ratings from 538C (1000F) to 1371C (2500F) dependent on additional materials used in the manufacturing and finished product form. All our textile products offer excellent resistance to thermal shock and abrasion and are asbestos free. They are used in manufacturing, chemical processing, power generation and construction, in applications such as: Welding curtains in steel fabricationFire blankets for commercial and domestic kitchensSmoke and fire curtains in buildingsKiln car, expansion joint and door seals in furnacesGaskets in furnaces and domestic appliancesFlexible expansion compensators in power generation equipmentRemovable, flexible thermal insulation quilts for pipe work and valves in the petrochemical industry. We work with our customers to engineer thermal systems to individual specifications. We design thermal systems for folding, wrapping, and conforming to a limitless variety of shapes and sizes. For more information or to discuss your application, contact us today.
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High Temperature Fire Protection Products

We offer products and engineered solutions for a wide variety of passive fire protection applications in hazardous environments.Our FireMaster products are high-performing fire insulation materials offering high-temperature fire resistance, weight and space savings with simple installation. Our engineered fire protection systems typically employ these properties in the oil, gas and chemical production, building and tunnel construction and shipbuilding industries. The FireMaster range of products features: High temperature 1200C (2192F) fire-ratedReliable and long lasting; do not become brittle or shrink in-serviceFully encapsulated in reinforced aluminium facings for easy handling and installationLess than 2550 Smoke and Flame Rating (ASTM E84)Patented low bio-persistence Alkaline Earth Silicate (AES) fibres for safer handling FireMaster products are used in the construction, transport and petrochemical processing sectors, for a wide range of passive fire protection duties. Some typical applications for FireMaster products include: Commercial kitchen grease ductsAir ventilation ductsLife safety ductsStairway pressurization ductsClothes dryer exhaust ductsHazardous fume and chemical exhaust ductsTrash and linen chutesT-Rating Collar for Firestop SystemsLimit smoke and flame in plenumsElectrical circuit integrity protectionStructural steel beams and columns We work with our customers to engineer fire protection systems to individual specifications. . For more information on FireMaster fire protection products or to discuss the requirements of your application, contact us today.
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High Temperature Insulation Blankets

We offer an exceptionally wide range of high temperature insulating fibre blanket products for effective thermal management in specialised applications. Our thermal fibre blankets are used to protect equipment, conserve energy and improve process performance in some of the most demanding high temperature industrial environments in the world. Our range comprises three fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) blankets made from, low bio-persistence Superwool fibresRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) blankets made from Kaowool, Cerablanket, Cerachem and CerachromePolycrystalline Fibre (PCW) blankets made from Denka fibres AES (Superwool) Our Superwool blanket products offer exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and are resistant to chemical attack. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available in the market with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool is an engineered solution that is ideally suited as an alternative solution to RCF based fibres in some applications. Benefits of Superwool fibres include: Lower thermal conductivity over some RCF fibre materials resulting in an improved insulation performance by up to 20%Our Superwool Plus fibres feature less shot resulting in a tighter fiber matrixLower density grade of Superwool in place of an RCF material features a material weight savings up to 25% Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF blankets are air laid into a continuous mat and mechanically needled for added strength and surface integrity. They are lightweight and strong for easier installation, have low thermal conductivity and heat storage capacity for effective energy savings, and good thermal shock resistance for use in difficult environments. Kaowool blankets feature controlled density, high tensile strength, and resiliency and are classified to 1260C (2300F). Cerablanket is classified up to 1315C (2400F) and is a spun blanket manufactured from a high purity blend of alumina-silica. Cerachem and Cerachrome offer excellent chemical stability and strength and have superior acoustic as well as thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1426C (2600F). PCW Our PCW fibres are ideal for high temperature and chemically aggressive applications. These fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. Denka blankets are more resistant to acid and alkaline solutions than conventional alumino-silicate fibre blankets and have exceptionally good thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1600C (2912F). Our high temperature insulating fibre blankets provide thermal insulation in processing of metals, petrochemicals, cement, ceramics and glass, and are used by manufacturers of equipment for aerospace, automotive, marine and domestic applications. Typical applications include: Chimney and duct insulation in power generation plantsPipe insulation in high temperature processing plantsLinings and back-up insulation for all types of furnaces, heaters and kilnsInsulation of steam turbines and hot boxesExhaust and heat shield claddingVehicles and domestic appliance insulation See our product datasheets for more information or contact us to discuss the requirements for your application.
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High Temperature Insulation Board

We manufacture Fibre Boards and Shapes for use as back-up insulation or installed as hot face application solutions ranging from furnace linings to burner surrounds to hot tops. Our Fibre Boards and Shapes are typically used for thermal management and due to three fibre grades available for manufacturing, the customization options are broad. We offer standard formulations, sizes and shapes typically found and required in the market. In addition, we have the capability to make custom forms to precise requirements.Our range comprises three fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) boards and shapes made from our unique low bio-persistence Superwool fibreRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) boards and shapes made from Kaowool, Cerafibre, Cerachem and CerachromePolycrystalline Fibre (PCW) boards and shapes made from Alphawool and Denka AES (Superwool) Our Superwool Fibre Boards and shapes can be designed to be rigid, self-supporting insulation or manufactured into a flexible solution, with both providing exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and are resistant to most chemical attacks. Superwool Fibre Boards and Shapes offer a potential for space savings of up to 50% thickness when replacing insulating firebricks or castables. Our range of flexible Superwool Fibre Boards and Shapes feature good dimensional resilience after compression and makes utilization very easy where rigid products are unsuitable. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool is an engineered solution that is ideally suited as an alternative solution to RCF based fibres in some applications. Benefits of Superwool fibres are advantageous in many applications: Lower thermal conductivity over some RCF fibre materials resulting in an improved insulation performance by up to 20%Our Superwool Plus fibres feature less shot resulting in a tighter fiber matrixLower density grade of Superwool in place of an RCF material features a material weight savings up to 25% Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF Fibre Boards and Shapes can be machined to tight tolerances to create standard shapes or custom designs to meet individual needs. Kaowool Fibre Boards and Shapes feature low thermal conductivity, excellent thermal shock resistance and low heat storage for effective energy savings. These Fibre Boards and Shapes are mechanically strong and dimensionally stable up to 1649C (3000F). Cerafibre Boards and Shapes are also resistant to chemical attack and thermal shock resistance. They are classified to 1400C (2552F) and perform exceptionally well in application with direct flame impingement. PCW Our PCW fibres are ideal for high temperature and chemically aggressive applications. These fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. Alphawool and Denka boards and shapes are more resistant to acid and alkaline solutions than conventional alumino-silicate fibre products and have exceptionally good thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1600C (2912F). They are both offered as rigid or flexible products. Our advanced manufacturing processes allow us to make precise Fibre Shapes to meet customers exact application requirements; ranging from simple sections such as fibre boards, sleeves and cones to complex configurations. These products are used to protect equipment, conserve energy, and improve process performance in demanding high temperature applications such as: Furnace, kiln and oven hot face liningsInsulation for appliances and equipment used in high temperature processingCombustion chambers, for domestic appliancesHeat shieldsHigh temperature gaskets and sealsContact parts for non-ferrous metals processing including molten aluminium We have the applications expertise to design, manufacture and install optimum thermal solutions for individual customer challenges. Contact us to discuss the requirements for your application.
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High Temprature Insulation Paper

We offer a wide of range of high temperature insulating fibre Papers for thermal and acoustic insulation. Our paper products are manufactured with high purity fibres and optimal binder content that burns out cleanly in service. Some of our specialised applications include heat shields and air bag technologyOur papers are the preferred choice over fibreglass, textiles, or metal. In addition, our offering includes several AES and RCF expandable papers that are ideally suited for gaskets or seals. They can offer up to 400% expansion characteristics. The full range of paper products comprises three fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) bulk made from our unique low bio-persistence fibre SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) bulk fibre made from KaowoolPolycrystalline Fibre (PCW) paper made from Alphawool and Denka AES (Superwool) Superwool paper is resistant to chemical attack and is non-wetting to molten aluminium. It is the only low bio-persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF Kaowool papers offer good resistance to tearing, high flexibility, and resistance to thermal shock. They also have very low thermal conductivity and low thermal mass. These papers are classified to 1649C (3000F) PCW Our PCW fibres are ideal for high temperature and chemically aggressive applications. These fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. Our papers that are produced with Alphawool and Denka bulk fibres are more resistant to acid and alkaline solutions than conventional alumino-silicate fibre papers and have exceptionally good thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1600C (2912F). Our fibre papers provide thermal and acoustic insulation in high temperature process for specialised applications, such as: Aluminium casting and fabricationHigh temperature filtrationRefractory back-up for aluminium melting and holding furnacesAluminium furnace tap-out plug cover and parting agentAluminium distributor pan liningsGaskets for any high temperature applicationBack up lining for metal troughsHeat shields See our product datasheets for more information or contact us to discuss the requirements for your application.
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High Temperature Insulation Felt

We make a range of high temperature insulating fibre Felts that are ideal for thermal and acoustic insulation applications that require the cutting of complex shapes to close tolerances, such as specialty gaskets for railways and super alloys and suitable for die cuttingOur high temperature insulating Felts are resistant to high temperatures and thermal shock and offer a reliable and effective alternative to products made from fibreglass, textile, or metal. All our thermal Felts are made using high temperature insulating fibres bonded with an organic binder which begins to burn out at 180C (356F). The range comprises two fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) bulk made from our unique low bio-persistence fibre SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) bulk fibre made from Cerafelt, Cerachrome, and K-Shield AES (Superwool) Superwool Felt is strong and lightweight, so it is easy to cut using a saw, water jet or stamp. It is resistant to wetting and chemical attack and is the only low bio-persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF Our Cerafelt and Cerachrome ceramic felts are strong, lightweight, flexible and easy to handle. They cut cleanly, making them ideal for the manufacture of the most intricate die-cut shapes and gaskets, even in thin sections. Cerafelt is rated to 1260C (2300F), while Cerachrome is rated to 1427C (2600F). K-Shield is a premium low-shot material with low thermal conductivity. It is very clean and has been developed for demanding markets such as aerospace. They are used in a wide range in thermal and acoustic insulation applications including: High temperature gaskets and sealsExpansion jointsMolten metal resistant insulation Contact us to discuss the particular requirements of your application. We have considerable applications expertise and can help with all types of thermal insulation product specification and problem solving.
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High Temperature Insulation Shape

We manufacture Fibre Boards and Shapes for use as back-up insulation or installed as hot face application solutions ranging from furnace linings to burner surrounds to hot tops. Our Fibre Boards and Shapes are typically used for thermal management and due to three fibre grades available for manufacturing, the customization options are broad. We offer standard formulations, sizes and shapes typically found and required in the market. In addition, we have the capability to make custom forms to precise requirements.Our range comprises three fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) boards and shapes made from our unique low bio-persistence Superwool fibreRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) also known as Alumino Silicate Wool (ASW) boards and shapes made from Kaowool, Cerafibre, Cerachem and CerachromePolycrystalline Fibre (PCW) boards and shapes made from Alphawool and Denka AES (Superwool) Our Superwool Fibre Boards and shapes can be designed to be rigid, self-supporting insulation or manufactured into a flexible solution, with both providing exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and are resistant to most chemical attacks. Superwool Fibre Boards and Shapes offer a potential for space savings of up to 50% thickness when replacing insulating firebricks or castables. Our range of flexible Superwool Fibre Boards and Shapes feature good dimensional resilience after compression and makes utilization very easy where rigid products are unsuitable. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool is an engineered solution that is ideally suited as an alternative solution to RCF based fibres in some applications. Benefits of Superwool fibres are advantageous in many applications: Lower thermal conductivity over some RCF fibre materials resulting in an improved insulation performance by up to 20%Our Superwool Plus fibres feature less shot resulting in a tighter fiber matrixLower density grade of Superwool in place of an RCF material features a material weight savings up to 25% Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF Fibre Boards and Shapes can be machined to tight tolerances to create standard shapes or custom designs to meet individual needs. Kaowool Fibre Boards and Shapes feature low thermal conductivity, excellent thermal shock resistance and low heat storage for effective energy savings. These Fibre Boards and Shapes are mechanically strong and dimensionally stable up to 1649C (3000F). Cerafibre Boards and Shapes are also resistant to chemical attack and thermal shock resistance. They are classified to 1400C (2552F) and perform exceptionally well in application with direct flame impingement. PCW Our PCW fibres are ideal for high temperature and chemically aggressive applications. These fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. Alphawool and Denka boards and shapes are more resistant to acid and alkaline solutions than conventional alumino-silicate fibre products and have exceptionally good thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1600C (2912F). They are both offered as rigid or flexible products. Our advanced manufacturing processes allow us to make precise Fibre Shapes to meet customers exact application requirements; ranging from simple sections such as fibre boards, sleeves and cones to complex configurations. These products are used to protect equipment, conserve energy, and improve process performance in demanding high temperature applications such as: Furnace, kiln and oven hot face liningsInsulation for appliances and equipment used in high temperature processingCombustion chambers, for domestic appliancesHeat shieldsHigh temperature gaskets and sealsContact parts for non-ferrous metals processing including molten aluminium We have the applications expertise to design, manufacture and install optimum thermal solutions for individual customer challenges. Contact us to discuss the requirements for your application.
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High Temperature Insulation Stacked Blanket Modules

We offer an exceptionally wide range of high temperature insulating Blanket Folded and Stacked Modules. Our key products, Pyro-Stack, Pyro-Fold and Z-Blok, are an effective thermal insulation for specialised applications and offer all the advantages of our standard Blanket products in a pre-compressed modular form.Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules feature non-exposed anchoring, economical installation and a positive mechanical attachment. Our Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules are used to protect equipment, conserve energy, and improve process performance in some of the most demanding high temperature industrial environments in the world. Our range comprises three fibre grades: Alkaline Earth Silicate Fibre (AES) blankets made from our unique low bio-persistence SuperwoolRefractory Ceramic Fibre (RCF) blankets made from Cerablanket, Cerachrome and CerachemPolycrystalline Fibre (PCW) blankets made from Denka AES (Superwool) Our Superwool Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules offer exceptional performance-to-weight ratio and are resistant to chemical attack. Superwool is the only low bio persistence fibre available with a classification temperature of 1300C (2372F). Superwool fibres are exonerated and are not classified as carcinogenic by IARC or under any national regulations on a global basis. They have no requirements for warning labels under GHS (Globally Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of chemicals). In Europe, Superwool fibres meet the requirements specified under NOTA Q of European Directive 67548. All Superwool fibre products are therefore exempt from the classification and labelling regulation in Europe. RCF All our RCF Folded and Stacked Blanket Modules are strong, easily installed, have low thermal conductivity and heat storage capacity for effective energy savings and good thermal shock resistance for use in difficult environments. Cerablanket, Cerachrome and Cerachem offer excellent chemical stability and strength and have superior acoustic as well as thermal insulation characteristics. . These modules are classified to 1427C (2600F). PCW Our PCW fibres are ideal for high temperature and chemically aggressive applications. These fibres are manufactured by sol-gel technology using processes specifically designed to produce fibres of defined dimensions. Denka blanket modules are more resistant to acid and alkaline solutions than conventional alumino-silicate fibre blankets and have exceptionally good thermal insulation characteristics. They are classified to 1600C (2912F). Our Pyro-Fold, Pyro-Stack and Z-Blok blanket modules provide easy to use, efficient thermal lining for all types of high temperature processing equipment such as: Process heatersCeramic kilnsAnnealing furnacesHeat treating furnaces See our product datasheets for more information or contact us to discuss the requirements for your application.
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