The central blockage associated with this feed is substantially less than that of a conventional UHF prime focus feed. The feed mounts to the vertex region of the reflector and does not require struts or guy wires. The reduced blockage achieved by this unique feed design provides increased antenna gain and improved side lobe level performance. The integral monopod support provides a focal adjustment of 3 along the focal axis of the reflector to accommodate insitu feed focusing. Operating frequency is 401-476 MHz. Input on this feed is a type N female located at the base of the monopod support. Axial ratio is less than 1.0 dB. VSWR is 1.4:1. This feed is weather sealed and designed to survive 125 mph winds, 1.0 radial ice, -40F to +140F temperatures and corrosive atmosphere as encountered in coastal regions andor heavily industrialized areas.As part of the design effort for this feed system mWAVE furnished a separate sealed enclosure with fully integrated diplexer, LNA, DC power supply, and interconnecting low-loss cable assemblies. mWAVE also furnished measured test data for the feed and each of the various RF components housed within the enclosure. The model number of the complete system including the, feed, enclosure, and all RF components is FPVCL-043-N-CEC.SPECIAL NOTE: This style feed can support high power handling requirements making it an excellent candidate for high gain FTS applications. Combining our vertex mounted feed with an appropriately sized reflector yields a high gain FTS antenna at a fraction of the cost of conventional dual and quad helix antennas. Moreover, our vertex mounted feed is weather sealed whereas conventional dual and quad helix antennas are often exposed to the open environment resulting in mechanical and RF degradation. The graph below shows the Estimated Gain vs. Reflector Diameter when combining our vertex mounted feed with a paraboloidal reflector.