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Norland Products, Inc.
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We offer the best product range of Norland Index Matching Liquid, PLUG & PLAY USB INTERFEROMETER, Connector Tuner, Norland Connector Tuner and Crimp Splice Housing.

Norland Index Matching Liquid

  • Appearance Light yellow liquid
  • Viscosity 100 cps
Norland Index Matching Liquid 150 is a low viscosity liquid monomer that can be used as an indexmatching media for temporary splicing using the Norland Optical Splice. This material will not cure and will always remain a liquid. Normal index matching silicone fluids and gels can cause adhesion problems because once it contacts a surface it isvery difficult to remove all traces. Our IML 150 can be removed with acetone.
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  • Series NORLAND AC3000
The Norland AC-3000 is a fully automated, non-contact interferometric microscope designed for measuring the endface geometry of fiber optic surfaces such as connector assemblies, ferrules, andoptical fibers. Using a versatile inverted microscope with a built-in camera and a high-speedcomputer, the AC-3000 provides immediate 3D topographical information on the surface beinginspected. Specifically designed to measure the key parameters of PC polished connectors, the AC-3000 measures the radius of curvature, offset of polish, undercut, or protrusion on FC, ST , SC, LC, and MU typeconnectors. In addition, this system can measure APC, flat polished connectors, bare ferrules, cleavedor polished fibers, and sections of multifiber connectors. The feedback from the AC-3000 provides theuser with optimum control of the production process by quickly showing any variation in the polishquality. The AC-3000 is a novel system that quickly switches between standard monochromatic phase shiftinterferometry (PSI) or white light (broadband scanning) interferometry to handle a wide range ofsurfaces. The monochromatic mode allows the system to quickly map smooth surfaces, while thewhite light mode uses the latest state-of-the-art technology to measure difficult, rough surfaces andeliminate ambiguities in step heights. This method provides the True View that the monochromaticmode cannot always measure. Together, the two modes provide extra versatility for analyzing alltypes of connectors, for trouble shooting or process development and for measuring fiber protrusion(undercut or push back) up to four microns above or below the ferrule. Designed for users needingextreme accuracy, the AC-3000 is capable of measuring fiber height to 0.002 microns and radius ofcurvature and offset of polish to 0.10 mm and 1.0 microns respectively. Each unit is supplied withNIST traceable spherical calibration standards to allow the user to certify the accuracy of themeasurements. No other system provides the customer with this ultimate assurance of performance. In less than three seconds, the advanced technology of the AC-3000 can obtain the surface topology of asmooth connector. Coupled with a passfail function, the AC-3000 quickly converts from a valuableresearch tool to an indispensable part of a modern quality control system, giving the end user fullcontrol of fiber optic connector quality and performance. The AC-3000 with the Windows 7 operatingsystem is by far the easiest, most user friendly system on the market today. Simply insert a connectorinto the unit, adjust the focus and analyze; the AC-3000 does the rest and results are clearly displayed on the monitor. Use either the keyboard or the mouse to activate pull down menus, shortcut icons andonline and context-sensitive help. Fast print spooling and multiprocessing capabilities allow a hard copyprint of the information through a standard ink jet or laser printer. Data can be automatically saved, displayed or printed in Excel for statistical analysis. In addition, custom reports can be generated for each connector with user selectable images and measurement results (bar code labels and reports canbe printed on one page). The pressure sensitive label can be affixed to the outside of a patch cord bag. All these data functions are accessed directly in the AC-3000 program. The unit is designed on anextra stable, inverted microscope base for precision and ease of use. Switching from 2.5 mm connectorsto 1.25 mm connectors is accomplished in seconds with only two thumb screws. Nothing is faster orsimpler. With our new, user-friendly autolevel software, it only takes a minute to calibrate the mountfor sub-micron accuracy in offset measurements. The software also prompts the user to replace themount if wear becomes excessive. Our exclusive Variable Tilt Stage allows the instrument to bequickly adjusted for APC measurements. The stage has continuous variable angles from 0 to 13degrees. A NIST traceable angle standard is available that guarantees accuracy to 0.01 degrees.
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Datacom Splice Enclosure

  • Weight 47 oz.
  • Dimensions 8.75
  • Connectors Nylon with neoprene gland
The Norland Datacom Splice Enclosure PN21300 is designed for the maximum protection of up to 6 fiber opticsplices. For larger fiber cable, the Norland Datacom Splice Enclosure PN 21310 is equipped to hold up to 18splices. These compact, durable splice enclosures are ideal for dropping fibers, repairing broken cables orextending cable links. The aluminum die cast construction and liquid tight seal protect the splices against weatherand environmental conditions. These enclosures can be buried in the ground, mounted on the wall or affixed foraerial applications. The Norland Datacom Splice Enclosure increases productivity because the enclosure and the splice organizers arecombined to form one small, lightweight assembly. No splice tray is used in this design. Instead, splice organizersare mounted directly inside the enclosure to hold the completed splices. By looping the fibers around the inside ofthe Datacom and fastening the splices to the organizers, ample bend reliefradii is supplied for all multimode fibers.
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  • Series CC6000
Norland Products has added a new feature to the Norland Connect-Chek 6000. After the interferometric measurement of the fiber optic connector end face, it will automatically generate a 3D image showing the measured radius of curvature, offset and fiber height. This feature allows customers to get immediate visual feedback on the endface geometry of their connector. The 3 D image will help them better understand their quality control and quality assurance issues and get the most from their high performance fiber optic connectors. NORLAND Connect-Chek 6000. This compact interferometer attaches to a PC or laptop through a standard USB port and uses the exclusiveCC6000 software to control the interferometer and measure the connectors. No custom boards, or complicatedconfigurations are required. Simply install the software, plug in the CC6000 and run. Our user-friendly softwareallows anyone with minimal experience to accurately measure the 3D end face geometry of a fiber optic connector.The CC6000 is designed for both the factory or the field to provide the crucial quality information needed to assurethe long-term performance of your fiber optic connectors.
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Connector Tuner

  • Power 12 VDC Powered though the PC
  • Series Centroc GP
  • Dimensions weight 260 x 150 x 345 mm (w x h x d), 7.5 kg.
Fiber and FerruleVisual examination +Eccentricity or Concentricity Measurements of Fiber Core w.r.t Ferrule Outside Diameter+Ferrule Cylindricity Assessment+Angular Tuning of PC connectos for Minimum Insertion Loss (After PC Polishing)+Angular Tuning of APC Connectors for Optimal Angular Polishing and Minimum Insertion Loss (Before APC Polishing)The CentrocGP is a specially designed auto-focus microscope with a digital camera and precision chucks. Thesystem performs measurements of fiber optic core eccentricity with respect to ferrule outside diameter ofconnectors, and provides the basis for angular tuning of PC-type (@ post PC polishing) and APC-type (@ pre-APCpolishing) connectors. The PC controlled unit is equipped with universal active devices (LEDs @ 475nm and 630 nm) for connector typesequipped with 2.50mm and1.25mm ferrules. Measurement fixtures are available for all standard connectors andferrules. The system collects a pre-selected number of focused imaging scans from the fully filled illuminated fiber core.Between the scans the connector is rotated in steps of 45, 60 or 90 degrees. Digital images are processed bymachine vision software and the following results are supplied: The Eccentricity Amplitude as defined from the center of the ferrule outside diameter to the fiber core center(Quick switch between Eccentricity and Concentricity outputs is available)The Eccentricity Angle relative to Key OrientationThe Cylindricity of ferrule outside diameterIndicated are: Reference for Centered or Tuned connectorProduct identification, operator and unit identificationStatistics of measurement results
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Norland Connector Tuner

  • Power 12 VDC Powered though the PC
  • Series Norland Centroc1000
  • Dimensions weight 260 x 150 x 345 mm (w x h x d), 7.5 kg.
Connector Manufacturers --- Incoming InspectionFerrule Endface Visual ExaminationConcentricity or Eccentricity Measurements of Ferrule Cavitywith respect to Ferrule Outside DiameterFerrule Cylindricity AssessmentTuning of Ferrules at Orientations of ConcentricityTuned Ferrule Concentricity for Fabrication of Connectors with Minimized Insertion Loss The Centroc1000 is a specially designed auto-focus microscope with high gain imaging. The system performs concentricity measurements of a fiber optic ferrule cavity (ferrule ID) with respect to theferrule OD using a precision automatic rotation apparatus. It can be used as an essential tool forquality control and ferrule grade classification by ferrule manufacturers and for ferrule incomingquality control inspections by connector manufacturers. When operating in the tuning mode, thesystem also orients a ferrule with its angle of concentricity at the 12 O'clock position, enabling the fabrication of high precision connectors at very low insertion losses. The PC controlled instrument is equipped with interchangeable mounts for common ferrule types of2.50mm and1.25mm outside diameters. Optional size mounts for 2.0 mm and 1.6 mm ferrules are available. Tested ferrules can be utilized for production of high quality SM and MM fiber opticalconnectors, for example, SC, FC, LC, MU, as well as other types. The system collects a series offocused imaging scans from the front illuminated ferrule end face. The ferrule is automatically rotatedover 360 degrees during the measurements. Digital images are processed by our proprietarymachine vision algorithms. The high gain image requires a smooth ferrule without any coarsescratches to make measurements accurate to 0.02 microns. The Centroc1000 Measures the Following: Amplitude of Ferrule Concentricity as Defined from Center of Ferrule Cavity to Center of FerruleOutside DiameterAngle of Ferrule ConcentricityTuning of Angle of Ferrule Concentricity to 12:00 O'clock PositionCylindricity Assessment of Ferrule Outside Diameter
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Crimp Splice Housing

The crimp splice housing is designed to protect the Norland Optical Splice and provide full cable strength when splicing either simplex cable or duplex zipper cable. Cable strength is achieved by crimping the Kevlar strength member fibers between a metal collet and the central housing. Shrink tubing is added to the ends to provide additional strain relief and a weather tight seal.This device requires a hexagonal crimp tool for 14" stock such as a Daniels HX4 with Y205 die. Final crimp diameter is 0.213". It also requires a heat gun with temperatures to 125C. A. Before making splice. 1. Insert one shrink tube and one collet on each cable section. Slide these pieces up out of the way. Slide central housing onto one of the cablesections. 2. Strip 2 inches of outer cable jacket from each cable. Fold Kevlar fibers back out of the way of the buffered fiber. 3. Strip buffer coating off each optical fiber and cleave to give approximately 12" of bare fiber extending from buffer. 4. Remove additional outer cable jacket to give a total of 1 34" of optical fiber extending from jacket. 5. Complete splice following splice assembly procedure. B. After splice is completed. 1. Start with the collet which is on opposite side from central housing. Slide it down to the end of the cable. Split Kevlar into two equal bundles. Push collet 14" forward over Kevlar and slip Kevlar to the back of the slots on collet. Pull Kevlar snug so that cable end is flush with the back of the slots. Fold Kevlar back and hold on collet.2. Still holding collet and Kevlar, slide central housing down onto collet and Kevlar. Push cable and collet further into housing until Kevlar from opposite cable appears at opposite end.3. Pull kevlar out. Split into two equal bundles. Slide second collet forward until it is about 14" forward over Kevlar. Slip Kevlar into back of slots on collet. Pull snug and fold back and hold on collet.4. Slide central housing back down over second collet. Do not tug on cable. If fit is tight, gently push collet into housing while pulling on cable at other side. Adjust both collets so they are equidistant from ends of housing. 5. Crimp central housing to collets. Leave 116" lip on end of housing. Trim excess kevlar off. 6. Slide shrink tubing over crimp area. Shrink down using low heat (125C) until adhesive inner wall melts and bonds to cable. Be careful not to melt cable insulation.
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Fiber Cleaving Tool

  • Series CL-310-VL
The Norland Fiber Cleaver is a precision stapler-type cleaver which uses a ceramic blade to nick the optical fiber.The fiber is then bent causing it to break cleanly giving a square cut to the fiber end. The Norland Fiber Cleaver is a sturdy unit for use in both laboratory and field service work. This cleaver allowsfor variable cleave lengths from 2 to 20 millimeters. The ceramic blade gives hundreds of good cleaves and is replaceable if necessary.
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Fiber Visualizer

  • Size 9" x 2" x 2.5"
  • Weight 1.2 pounds
  • CDRH Class II
  • Wavelength 633 nanometers
The Norland Fiber Visualizer is a unique instrument which simplifies installation and testing of fiber optic networks. This compact unit uses a 0.5 mW helium neon laser, with an ultra-precision optical adapter, to focus high intensity visible light into the core of a fiber optic connector. As the light travels down the fiber, a visible red glow is emitted anywhere discontinuity occurs. The Visualizer imitates on the visible level, what normally occurs in the invisible infrared spectrum, thereby allowing the end user to actually see any problems in the system. As an installation tool the Visualizer is the ideal monitor for splicing fibers using a technique called Visual Splice Optimization (VSO). This technique can be used on the Norland UVC Optical Splice or any other mechanical splice which has a clear or translucent area where the fibers meet. With the Visualizer attached to the system, the splice will glow bright red when the cleaved fibers are inserted. As the fibers contact and the cores align, the red glow disappears because the light is transferred to the core of the opposite fiber. This sudden change from bright to dark provides instant visual feedback at the splice point making it obvious when light loss has been minimized. If a glow is still present, VSO allows the splice to be optimized by adjusting the fibers. As a test instrument, the Fiber Visualizer is useful for trouble-shooting typical fiber problems such as locating breaks and microbends in the fiber, tracing fiber for identification and locating bad splices or connectors. The advantage is in its simplicity. The feedback is an easy to understand, visual signal which occurs exactly at the problem site. The Visualizer is unique because it uses a safe, low powered laser to generate high optical output. The ultraprecision optical adapter focuses up to 90% of the laser beam into the fiber core and allows the light to be seen at a break more than a kilometer down the fiber. Even though the Visualizer uses a visible laser source, the power output is limited to less than 1.0 milliwatts. This categorizes it as a Class II laser which means it is safe for normal operation with the stipulation that you do not stare into the beam.
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