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Optical Scientific, Inc.
location United States

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Sensors And Transducers

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of OFS-2000C Optical Flow Sensor [Combustion Air], OFS-2000W Optical Flow Sensor [with AGC], OFS-2000F Optical Flow Sensor [Flare Gas Flow Monitor] and OFS-2000 Optical Flow Sensor.

OFS-2000C Optical Flow Sensor [Combustion Air]

  • Measurement Technique Optical scintillation
  • Velocity Range 0.1 to 40 m/s velocity
  • Path Length 0.3 to 3 meters (1 - 10 ft. Contact OSI for other lengths)
  • Data Output 4-20mA and/or RS-232 ASCII serial I/O
  • Dust Intrusion IP65
Optimized for Primary and Secondary combustion airTemperature and pressure-corrected flow or mass flow output.Non-intrusive; nothing in flow path.Measurement unaffected by distance, pressure, moisture & opacity.No calibration necessaryBuilt in continuous self-test diagnostics.Easy installation and alignment.No moving parts: operates unattended - 247365.Rugged ultra-low maintenance design for harsh environments. The OFS 2000C model is enhanced with temperature and pressure sensors to provide data for mass flow measurement. This latest development of our renowned air flow sensor offers operators more accurate control* of the combustion process resulting in increased efficiency, fuel cost savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
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OFS-2000W Optical Flow Sensor [with AGC]

  • Measurement Technique Optical scintillation
  • Velocity Range 0.1 to 40 m/s velocity
  • Accuracy 2% of reading
  • Resolution 0.1 m/s
  • Dust Intrusion IP65
Full cross-stackduct measurement for superior accuracyUnaffected by distance & pressure, moisture or opacity.Non-intrusive; nothing in flow path.No flow media high temperature limits.No calibration necessaryBuilt in continuous self-test diagnostics.Easy installation and alignment.No moving parts: operates unattended - 247365.Rugged ultra-low maintenance design for harsh environments. The OFS 2000-W model is equipped with Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to compensate for variations in opacity caused by particulate matter or moisture carried in the stack flow. The OFS uses EPA Method 14 optical scintillation technology with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) electronics to provide highly accurate, path-averaged air velocity measurements for Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS). OFS accuracy has been proven by U.S. National Institute of Standards (NIST) and at installations world-wide.
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OFS-2000F Optical Flow Sensor [Flare Gas Flow Monitor]

  • Measurement Technique Optical scintillation
  • Dynamic Range 0.03 to 100 m/sec, bidirectional
  • Accuracy (absolute) +/- 0.01 m/sec basic -or- <2% of reading, whichever is greater
  • Repeatability (relative) +/- 0.01 m/sec basic -or- <1% of reading, whichever is greater
  • Dust Intrusion IP65
Full cross-stackduct measurement for superior accuracyUnaffected by distance & pressure, moisture or opacity.Conforms to EPA 40 C.F.R. Part 60 Subpart Ja.Non-intrusive; nothing in flow path.No flow media high temperature limits.No calibration necessary.Accurate at low velocity and ambient temperatureInstalls in short runs - 2 dia. upstream, 1 dia. downstreamBuilt in continuous self-test diagnostics. Whatever you call it: Flare Gas Sensor, Flow Monitor, or Flare Analyzer, OFS 2000F is specially developed for refinery flare stack applications where increased velocity scale, wider temperature range, and quick response time are necessary. OSI's optical scintillation technology provides the most accurate, path-averaged air velocity measurements of any flare gas sensor. It's superiority has bee proven again and again, in flare, air-assisted flare, and SRU (Sulfur Recovery Unit) installations world-wide.
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OFS-2000 Optical Flow Sensor

  • Measurement Technique Optical scintillation
  • Velocity Range 0.1 to 40 m/s velocity
  • Path Length 0.3 to 10 meters standard (Consult OSI for other ranges)
  • Dust Intrusion IP65
  • Resolution 0.1 m/s
Full cross-stackduct measurement for superior accuracyUnaffected by distance & pressure, moisture or opacity.Non-intrusive; nothing in flow path.No flow media high temperature limits.No calibration necessaryBuilt in continuous self-test diagnostics.Easy installation and alignment.No moving parts: operates unattended - 247365.Rugged ultra-low maintenance design for harsh environments. Our original patented and still unequalled stackduct flow velocity sensor for Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS). The OFS uses EPA - approved Method 14 optical scintillation technology. Optical scintillation technique uses advanced Digital Signal Processing (DSP) electronics to measure the movement of turbulence found in a gaseous flow stream to provide highly accurate, path-averaged air velocity measurements. OFS accuracy has been proven by the U.S. National Institute of Standards (NIST) and at customer sites world-wide.
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