We are manufacturer and exporters of Mature Skin Scrub.
Organic Health's Botanica Scrubs are a very special blend of exotic Oriental Clays, exfoliating grits derived from Walnut & Corn, a very emollient, moisturizing and hydrating base which provides the vehicle for the herb-extracts to reach the deep dermal layer of the skin and perform their action, thus giving a long lasting treatment from within the skin. The exquisite balance of ingredients in the Scrubs makes them perform immediately and gives good results that are long lasting. Regular use ensures a true transformation of complexion to a beautiful, smooth, hydrated, baby-soft and glowing skin, which is problem-free. They can be used on the face & body with equal efficacy.
Method of use
Wet face / body. Apply the Scrub and gently massage for at least 2 minutes, this will gently remove the outer layer of dead-skin, declog the pores, clean and open them and the waste products, sebum, grime and other pore-blocking substances will be cleared from the skin and adsorbed by the clays. Keep wetting hands while scrubbing to avoid drying-up and reduce excessive friction. Once this procedure is complete, the moisture vehicle in the Scrub will carry down the effective herb extracts to the deep dermal layer through the opened & decloged pores so that the requisite work can be performed by these extracts form within the skin.
Citrus Orientifolia (Orange) peel extract is used as a skin cell stimulator which helps the skin produce more sebum and keeps dry & wrinkled skins more only, moisturized and protected. Honey is used for providing micro-nutrients to the skin and as a humectant.
Calamine is a healing earth and is used to soothe dry skin and help repair capillary damage in ageing & wrinkled skins.
It is recommended that the scrub be used as a cleanser every night as per instructions above. Once or twice a week it recommended that after the scrub as above the product be allowed to let dry on the face as a pack, and, when dry, wet again, massage and wash off. This increases the overall effectiveness, and the herb-extracts get to act deeper, longer and better on the skin.