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  1. Coal & Charcoal 3 Products available
  2. Coal

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  3. Fungicide

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  4. Catalysts And Absorbents

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  5. Fertilizer

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  6. Ores And Minerals

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Our Products

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric acid is the most widely used chemical in the world. The major use of sulphuric acid is in the production of phosphoric acid, which is used to manufacture phosphate fertilizers. Oxbow trades, distributes and handles the logistics and marketing of this commodity, ensuring a regular off-take for producers and a reliable source of competitively priced products for our customers. Sulphuric acid is the most widely used chemical in the world. The major use of sulphuric acid is in the production of phosphoric acid, which is used to manufacture phosphate fertilizers. Oxbow trades, distributes and handles the logistics and marketing of this commodity, ensuring a regular off-take for producers and a reliable source of competitively priced products for our customers. A large percentage of the world's commercial sulphuric acid is manufactured in the Contact Process, and is available commercially in a number of grades and concentrations. In the Contact Process the acid supply comes from the burning of sulphur to form sulphur dioxide, which is then heated and passed over a catalyst; the sulphur dioxide is oxidized to sulphur trioxide. Concentrated sulphuric acid is used to dissolve sulphur trioxide where it forms oleum in an absorption tower. The oleum is then mixed with water to obtain concentrated sulphuric acid. Oxbow has longstanding relationships with the world's leading sulphuric acid producers in Asia, Europe, and North America.
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Coal is a combustible sedimentary rock made up mostly of carbon. It is a fossil fuel that is abundant throughout the United States. Its origins began millions of years ago and are the altered remains of prehistoric vegetation that accumulated over time. These prehistoric plants were buried with the solar energy they once absorbed and over time the plant material was subjected to high temperature and pressures, eventually forming the energy source we know as coal. Oxbow Carbon provides bituminous coal which is the most common type mined in the United States and the type of coal primarily used to generate electric power.
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Activated Carbon

Activated carbon is a highly engineered product used in a variety of environmental applications, including air purification, water treatment and numerous medical and consumer products. Activated carbon is produced by charring certain types of carbon-containing materials, such as wood, coal, biomass and nut shells and then "activating" it by exposing it to high temperature steam or certain chemicals. Much like a kernel of popcorn, initially small and dense but later large and porous, once activated, specialty carbons can possess very large surface areas for a given volume of material. In some cases, as little as a teaspoon of activated carbon can possess as much surface area as an entire football field. Further, the surface area of the activated carbon contains many pores of varying sizes. Certain pollutants are naturally captured by the pores in activated carbon, allowing this material to serve as an effective filter of airborne and waterborne pollutants. Some raw carbons, when activated, have widely varying characteristics, and are therefore suitable for different applications. Granulated, powdered and pelletized activated carbons are used for such diverse purposes as filtering municipal and household water supplies, de-odorizing, de-colorizing edible oils, soft drinks and pharmaceuticals, reducing mercury emissions from power plants and supplying the filters on gas masks. Oxbow sources different activated carbon products from a number of countries, delivering millions of pounds of material each year.
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Not all gypsum produces the same high quality drywall and cement. Knowing the difference between inferior and high quality is just one of the reasons our customers trust Oxbow to deliver their product. As the worlds's largest distributor of Mexican gypsum, we ship primarily to the Pacific Northwest, Western Canada, and California in self-unloading vessels and barges. What is Gypsum? Gypsum is the common name for a mineral compound known as calcium sulphate dihydroxide. This mineral is found underground, often near deposits of limestone or other minerals, which are formed by evaporation. To reduce the moisture content found in gypsum it is routinely heated and the resulting powder is often called burnt gypsum. Although its color is usually white, gypsum comes in many hues including pink, gray, off-white, cream, brownish and white. It also comes in a variety of forms, including a pure white crystal called alabaster, and a crystal that forms in desert terrain resembling petals of a flower. Gypsum is naturally resistant to fire and heat. To address environmental impacts, we dedicate considerable time and effort to fit dust suppression systems on all of our gypsum vessels. Oxbow Energy Solutions LLC ships high quality gypsum that will be used in products for homes and businesses throughout the West Coast and Canada. End Uses Gypsum is primarily used in the production of dry-wall and Portland cement. It is also an important additive for soil amendment. The benefits for farmers using agricultural gypsum include reduction of nitrogen loss to the air, increased nutrient availability in the soil and improved water retention and drainage, with no effect on soil pH levels. Gypsum's versatility also makes it ideal for use in a wide range of smaller applications such as a mild abrasive in toothpastes.
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There are twelve essential nutrients which plants must take up from the soil. The macronutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K). Plants need smaller amounts of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S). These are called secondary nutrients. Plants need micronutrients in very small amounts. The micronutrients are iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), boron (B), copper (Cu) and molybdenum (Mo). Nutrients are needed in different amounts; however, a deficiency of any nutrient will result in poor crop growth. Fertilizers are materials used to provide plants with nutrients. Many fertilizers are extracted and purified from natural deposits in the earth. Materials such as muriate of potash, diammonium phosphate (DAP) and monoammonium phosphate (MAP) are all produced from naturally occurring minerals. Some materials, such as urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) are synthetic, but provide plants with the same nutrients that are found naturally in the soil. The color of fertilizers vary depending on where they were extracted, the degree of purification and the presence of added dyes. For example, muriate of potash can be either red, white or colorless crystals. The color of a fertilizer does not indicate its usefulness, what really matters is its nutrient content and its availability. Many different materials are used as fertilizers. The actual nutrient level can vary depending on the source. Oxbow owns and operates multiple fertilizer distribution facilities which provide vital storage and handling for producers and customers throughout the North American cropping areas. Oxbow maintains a worldwide network with strong relationships and a reputation for reliability and performance in the marketplace.
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Calcined Petroleum Coke

Calcined Petroleum Coke is a critical ingredient in the production of aluminum. It is created by placing high quality raw "green" petroleum coke into rotary kilns, where it is heated to temperatures between 1200 to 1350 degrees C (2192 to 2460 F). The high temperatures remove excess moisture, extract all remaining hydrocarbons and modify the crystalline structure of the coke, resulting in a denser more electrically conductive product. In a matter of hours, calcined petroleum coke is cooled from 1350 degrees C to less than 200 degrees C, when it can be safely handled and transported to storage silos or placed directly into shipping containers, trucks, railcars, barges or vessels. Calcined petroleum coke has a sponge-like structure which plays an important role in the making of anodes. The pores allow binding material to penetrate through the coke particles and form a solid carbon block, through which aluminum smelters conduct electricity into their smelting pots. Over time, the anodes are consumed, roughly at the rate of 40 tons of calcined petroleum coke for each 100 tons of aluminum produced. Currently, there is no known commercially viable substitute for calcined petroleum coke in the fabrication and utilization of aluminum smelter anodes. The majority of Oxbow Carbon's calcined petroleum coke finds its way into the primary aluminum industry; another large segment is used in the steel industry as a recarburizing agent. Other uses include the production of titanium dioxide, which is used as a pigment for paint, plastics, sunscreens, and food coloring.
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Metallurgical Coke

Oxbow Carbon LLC purchases, screens and distributes more than a million tons of metallurgical coke annually. Oxbow distributes metallurgical coke sourced from China, Colombia, Europe and the United States to companies throughout Asia, the Americas, and Europe. What is Metallurgical Coke? Metallurgical coke is made from low ash, low sulfur bituminous coal, with special coking properties, which is inserted into ovens and heated to 1000F to fuse fixed carbon and inherent ash and drive off most of the volatile matter. The final product is a nearly pure carbon source with sizes ranging from basketballs (foundry coke) to a fine powder (coke breeze). Processing Metallurgical coal is used in the production and purification of metallurgical coke. It is during the heating process that the unstable components are released. The final product is a non-melting, solid, stable carbon. However, the "ash" elements, which were part of the original bituminous coal, remain encapsulated in the resultant met coke. One attribute of met coke is its ability to burn while producing little or no smoke. Oxbow Carbon LLC obtains high quality metallurgical coke from China, Colombia, the United States, and various European countries. End Uses Met coke is used in products where a high quality, tough, resilient carbon is required. Met coke, limestone, and iron ore are mixed together in high temperature furnaces where extreme heat causes the chemical properties to bond, forming iron and steel. More than 95 percent of the met coke produced is used in the iron and steel industries.
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Sulphur is produced as a byproduct of oil refining, natural gas production and other industrial processes. Upon production, sulphur is a hot, molten, amber colored material, but it cools to a solid, bright yellow color. Sulphur is used in a number of important markets, notably in the production of fertilizers and in the mining of precious metals. Sulphuric acid is used in a variety of chemical applications, including the production of steel, paper, sugar, gasoline, and in water purification. Due to its chemical composition and changing physical form, sulphur is a logistically and capital intensive material to handle. Specialized trucks, tanks, railcars, transloaders, forming units and other purpose built equipment are necessary for the safe and environmentally friendly transportation to end use markets. Oxbow is also the largest independent marketer of sulphur in the world. The company owns and operates a wide array of sulphur related assets and provides a variety of sulphur-related services to producers and customers around the globe. Oxbow has world class expertize in all aspects of the business and has been awarded the Gold Safe Handling Award by the Canadian National Railway for the past 12 years.
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Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is a by-product of the oil refining process. As refineries worldwide seek to operate more efficiently and extract more gasoline and other high value fuels from each barrel of crude oil, a solid carbon material known as petcoke is produced. The chemical and physical characteristics of petcoke are a function of the crude oil and refining technology used by the refinery. Petcoke can be hard or relatively soft. Physically, petcoke can resemble large sponges with numerous pores, or it can resemble small spheres, ranging in size from a grain of sand to a large marble. Chemically, petcoke can include a variety of elements and metals in a wide range of concentrations. Depending on these physical and chemical characteristics, petcoke is typically used in either an energy application, as a source of BTU's or in an industrial application, as a source of carbon. Fuel grade petcoke represents roughly 80 percent of worldwide petcoke production, and Oxbow is the worldwide leader in fuel grade petcoke sourcing and sales, handling more than 11 million tons per year. Oxbow sources petcoke from every major refining company in the world, including ExxonMobil, Valero, Chevron, and British Petroleum. Fuel grade petcoke is typically very high in heating value (BTUs per pound), produces virtually no ash when burned, and is most commonly used in electric power plants and cement kilns.
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