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We offer the best product range of MirrorsRequest, PrismsRequest and Plate Polarizers.


Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures high energy laser mirrors and precision optics for both prototype and volume OEM requirements. We also offer custom Ion Beam Sputtered (IBS) thin film coatings for visible to near-infrared wavelengths on customer supplied substrates. PPD utilizes IBS coating technology because it is ideal for complex spectral designs, high power lasers and applications where it is critical to minimize losses from absorption and scatter. Typical mirror coatings include dielectric low-loss high reflectors (HR), broadband high reflectors (BBHR), dichroic mirrors, trichroic mirrors, beam splitter mirrors, low phase shift mirrors, non-polarizing and protected metal designs. Our low overhead structure and production flexibility are designed to maximize both quality and value to our customers. Please send us your requests for custom thin film coatings, high power laser mirrors & other precision laser optics and optical assemblies.
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Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures custom, high-precision prisms and prism assemblies of all shapes and sizes and in a variety of materials including fused silica, fused quartz, N-BK7, YAG, CaF2, ZnSe, SF11 and other high index glasses. Prisms are available uncoated or coated with our low-loss, high energy IBS thin film coatings for applications in the UV, visible and near-infrared (NIR). Typical coatings include anti-reflection (AR), high-reflector (HR), dichroic, beam splitter, polarizing, non-polarizing and protected metal designs. Common types of thin film coated prisms that we produce for both laser and imaging applications include right angle turning prisms, risley prisms, equilateral dispersion prisms and penta prisms. Precision optical assemblies such as polarizing beam splitter cubes and custom, non-polarizing prism beam splitters are also an option. Our technical sales team will work with you at the design and quotation phases to ensure the optimal balance of performance, manufacturability and cost. Please send us your requests for custom prisms, matched wedge pairs & other precision optical components. Angle tolerances to < 2 arc seconds! Sizes from 2x2 mm3 to > 6 inches Polarizing & non-polarizing coatings available Prototype to OEM production quantities
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Plate Polarizers

Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures Brewsters angle polarizers as well as 45 degree plate polarizers for high performance with easy alignment. Because we utilize Ion Beam Sputtered (IBS) coating technology, our dielectric thin film plate polarizers are environmentally stable, thus there is no spectral shift caused by either time, moisture or temperature. The predictability and repeatability of IBS thin film coatings allow us to guarantee high transmission at a specific angle of incidence, eliminating the need to angle tune the optical component in order to achieve optimal performance. As with all of our custom laser optics and polarizers, PPD's IBS coated polarizing beam splitters exhibit low absorption, high extiction (TpTs) and high damage thresholds, making them ideal for use with high energy Nd:YAG and fibers lasers as well as other high-power pulsed and CW laser systems throughout the visible and near-infrared. Our low overhead structure and production flexibility are designed to maximize both quality and value to our customers. Please send us your requests for custom, precision laser optics for either prototype or volume OEM requirements. No angle tuning requiredEnvironmentally stableDurable and easy to cleanHigh damage thresholdHigh Extinction RatioHigh transmission (Tp)RoHS compliant
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Spherical Lenses

PPD manufactures custom, high precision optical components including spherical lenses, lens assemblies and spherical mirror substrates for imaging, machine vision and high energy laser applications from the ultra-violet (UV) through the mid-infrared (MIR). Coated and uncoated optics are available from 2mm to > 8 in diameter and in a wide range of materials including fused silica, infrasil, N-BK7, YAG, CaF2, ZnSe, SF11 and other high index glasses. If your radius of curvature is not yet determined, contact us for information on existing fabrication tooling and test plates, or send us your design specifications for a fully custom lens or mirror quotation. Low-loss ion-beam-sputtered anti-reflection (AR) coatings with reflectivity less than 0.1% per surface and low-absorption high reflector mirror coatings are available on PPD lenses or can be applied to customer supplied substrates. PPD uses only IBS thin film deposition technology because it is a repeatable process which results in coatings that are durable, stable and easy to clean. Please send us your requests for precision laser optics and thin film coatings for critical one-off projects as well as volume OEM requirements. Or contact us for information on super-polished substrates with surface roughness less than 1 RMS.In-house fabricationHigh damage thresholdLow absorption AR coatingsSurface roughness to < 1Prototype to OEM quantities
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Cylindrical Lenses

PreviousNextPPD manufactures custom, precision optics such as cylindrical lenses and cylindrical mirror substrates for medical instrumentation, semiconductor processing and high energy laser applications in the ultra-violet (UV), visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) wavelength regions. Coated and uncoated optics are available from 5 mm to > 4 in size and in a variety of materials including fused silica, infrasil, N-BK7, CaF2, ZnSe, SF11 and other high index glasses. If your radius of curvature is not yet determined, contact us for information on existing fabrication tooling and tolerances, or send us your design specifications for a fully custom lens or mirror quotation. Low-loss ion-beam-sputtered anti-reflection (AR) coatings with reflectivity less than 0.1% per surface and low absorption high reflector mirror coatings are available on PPD lenses or can be applied to customer supplied substrates. PPD uses only IBS thin film coating technology because it is a repeatable process which results in coatings that are durable, stable and easy to clean. In-house fabricationHigh damage thresholdLow loss AR & HR coatingsSuperior image qualityPrototype to OEM quantities
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Color Glass Filters

Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures color glass filters, band-pass filters, dichroic filters, coated interference filters and optical beam splitters for both R&D and OEM applications. Because we utilize Ion Beam Sputtered (IBS) coating technology, our AR coated long-pass filters, short-pass filters and beam samplers are environmentally stable, durable and easy to clean. Precision optical filters and dichroic beam splitters are available in a variety of shapes and sizes from 2mm to > 4 in diameter and in a wide range of materials including fused silica and N-BK7 as well as Schott, OHara and Hoya colored glasses. Multi-layer coated filters and beam splitters offer better rejection and sharper cut-on and cut-off wavelengths than colored glass filters, and can be designed for specific laser wavelengths or for broadband light sources. However, colored glass filters are typically less expensive than coated filters and are often used for detection, attenuation and other broadband applications such as fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy. PPD manufactures custom optical filters and beam splitters for the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared wavelength regions. Low-cost, High-valueCustom manufacturingDurable, easy to cleanEnvironmentally stableOptional AR coatings
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IBS Coatings

Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures custom IBS coated laser mirrors, beam splitters, polarizers and other precision optical components for wavelengths from 266nm to 3um. PPD utilizes Ion Beam Sputtered coating technology because it is ideal for complex spectral designs, high power Nd:YAG & fiber lasers and applications where it is critical to minimize losses from absorption andor scatter. IBS thin films have densely packed micro-structures resulting in stable, easy to clean optics that are insensitive to environmental changes such as heat, humidity and pressure. Common coating types include high power high reflectors (HR), broadband reflectors (BBHR), low-loss anti-reflection (AR), dual-band anti-reflection (DBAR), dichroic beam splitters, output couplers, low phase shift mirrors, low dispersion mirrors, edge filters, band-pass filters, polarizers, non-polarizers and protected metal designs. We are often asked for AR coatings with damage thresholds of 20J or sometimes even 40J at 1064nm. Click here for recent results showing test data from two different thin film coating runs that withstood more than 60 Jcm2, peak fluence! Low-loss: Low scattering, low absorptionHigh damage thresholds (pulsed & CW)High reflectivity (R > 99.99%)Ultra low reflectivity (R < 0.05%)Environmental stabilityDurability (easy to clean)
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Beam Splitters

Perkins Precision Developments (PPD) manufactures polarizing and non-polarizing beam splitters, beam splitter cubes, dichroic laser mirrors, prism polarizers, partial reflectors and output couplers for both R&D and OEM applications. Because we utilize Ion Beam Sputtered (IBS) coating technology, our beam splitters and beam splitter assemblies are environmentally stable, thus there is no spectral shift caused by either time, moisture or temperature. As with all of our precision laser optics and optical assemblies, PPD's laser-line and broadband beam splitters and output couplers exhibit both low absorption and high damage thresholds (20J!), making them ideal for use with high energy Nd:YAG and fibers lasers as well as other high-power pulsed and CW laser systems. Custom dielectric beam splitter coatings and low-loss anti-reflection (AR) coatings can also be deposited on customer supplied substrates, including flats, curves and prisms. Please send us your requests for precision laser optics and thin film coatings for either prototype or volume OEM requirements.High damage thresholdAccurate & RepeatableDurable, easy to cleanEnvironmentally stableLow-loss ARs to R < 0.1%RoHS compliant
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