PHASE-A-MATIC Static Phase Converters have been developed, tested, and thoroughly proven over a 46 year period demonstrating exceptionally high reliability and long life. These converters are the workhorse of many commercial uses and multitudes of home shop machines. LIFE EXPECTANCY: The Static Converter has been in use for approximately 46 years and has already proven itself to be extremely reliable when properly applied. Phase-A-Matic was recently able to purchase back the first one that was ever sold, and it is still working fine. It is reasonable to expect the converter to be in good working condition and service for 20 or 30 years or more. We continue to hear back from customers who have them still running their equipment faithfully after 20 years and more. Uses include: Lathes, Mills, Grinders, Drills, Saws, Metalworking and Woodworking Equipment, Printing Equipment, Sewing Machines, Garbage Disposals, Food Processing Equipment, Meat Grinders, Food Mixers and Blenders, Conveyer Belts, and numerous other uses.