BraidsBreak Strength: 10, 000 - 125, 000 lbs (45 - 556 kN)Diameter: 14 - 1 in (6.4 - 25.4 mm)View Technical BulletinWeights and Dimensions can vary Technora is a registered trademark of Teijin, Ltd CAUTION: Break Strength: The breaking strength of a rope is the load at which a new rope will break when tested under laboratory conditions. Break strength should not be mistaken for safe working load. Safe Working Load: Because of the wide range of rope use, rope condition and the degree of risk of life or property, it is not possible to make a blanket recommendation for safe working load. It is ultimately dependent on the rope user to determine what percentage of break strength is their own safe working load. Wear: Ropes wear out with use; the more severe the usage, the greater the wear. It is often not possible to detect wear on a rope by visible signs alone. Therefore, it is recommended that the rope user determine a retirement criteria for ropes in their application. For assistance in developing safe working load and retirement criteria for each application please call or write Phillystran, Inc. All printed statements, data and recommendations are based on reliable information and tests, and are presented without any guarantee or warranty. Statements regarding the use of Phillystran, Inc.'s products and processes are not to be construed as recommendations for use in violation of any applicable laws, regulations or patent rights. All rights reserved. Phillystran manufactures high tenacity fiber ropes, strands, braids and strength members from fibers such as Kevlar, Twaron, Technora, Vectran, Dyneema and Zylon. Phillystran also manufactures polyester ropes for specialized applications. Phillystran products are used worldwide in a broad range of marine, industrial and military rope applications including mooring lines, life lines and winch lines, boat rigging, structural and support lines, power cables and broadcast tower guy cables.