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PMD Scientific, LLC
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  • Diameter 128 mm
PMD Scientific offers three extremely rugged pressurized high performance seismometer models for simplified installationand reliable operation in small diameter boreholes:A low noise very broad band 128 mm dia. BB603-BHAn economical broad band 83 mm dia. BB303-BHA medium period 83 mm dia. MP403-BH.Specifications subject to change without notice 0207105-F West Dudleytown Road, Bloomfield, CT 06002 USATel: 1-860-242-8177 Fax: 1-860-242-7812e- Web Site: www.pmdsci.comEach instrument uses three identical proprietary electrochemical sensors1 mounted orthogonallyalong the N, E, and Z-axes. These sensors have many advantages over traditionalelectromechanical devices. In particular, they are extremely rugged and have much larger groundmotion-to-voltage conversion ratio that results in a uniquely shaped noise curve that starts bendingup at much longer periods and then raises more shallow than the traditional 1f curves. Theefficient electrodynamic force-balancing feedback provides for an extended dynamic range, excellent stability and linearity across the entire passband.All borehole seismometer models contain a microcontroller which maintains exceptionally accurateparameter stability over the full operating temperature range and over the life of the instrument.Optionally, the microcontroller can also generate internally calibrating sine or other waveformsignals. The calibration can be initiated by applying a logic level to the Calibration Enable input orvia an optional serial port. If the latter is provided, the user can also select and set the GeneratorConstant value in the 350-20, 000 Vms range
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  • Dimensions 330x100x110 mm
  • SERIES MP411
The MP411 Series instruments are designedas versatile, very rugged medium periodseismic sensors. Unlike traditional seismometers, they are based on proprietary electrochemicaltransducer technology1. Theseinstruments have many advantages overconventional electromechanical sensors.This truly convertible uniaxial seismometer, MP411, can be momentarily installed as either verticalor horizontal sensor without requiring any readjustments. Also available is a three-channelconventional instrument (MP413) with three identical sensors for its vertical and horizontalcomponents. The efficient electrodynamic force-balancing feedback provides for excellentparameter stability and linearity.The MP411 seismometer contains a microcontroller which maintains exceptionally accurateparameter stability over the full operating temperature range and over the life of the instrument.Optionally, the microcontroller can also generate internally calibrating sine or other waveformsignals. The calibration can be initiated by applying logic level to the Calibration Enable input or viaoptional serial port. If the latter is provided, the user can also select and set the GeneratorConstant value in the 350-20, 000 Vms range.
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PMD Scientific SD6503 Sensor Digitizer

  • SERIES SD6503
The PMD Scientific SD6503 SensorDigitizer is the essential minimum versionof the PMD 6500 family of data acquisitionproducts, in that it eliminates both the harddisk and PC. When combined with a PMD, or other seismometer, it becomes a highresolution digital seismometer. Thedigital data stream can be connected via anRS-232 or RS-485 serial port and a digitalradio or cable link to a central datacollection computer. The largeSRAM buffer (up to 16MB) ensures reliabledata retrieval even in highly unreliable transmission conditions. The digitizer consumesextremely low power without sacrificing its high resolution, deep antialiasingfiltering, and wide range of programmable parameters.
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  • Diameter 110 Ñ… 150
LNG203 is an economical high qualitytri-axial geophone aimed at a wide varietyof seismic and industrialapplications. The instrument has anunlimited shelf life and is essentiallymaintenance-free.The geophone is exceptionally rugged.Its output signals are velocity-flat; theuse of a dual-coil design minimizesinterference from external electromagneticfields.Since the sensitivity on each primarygeophone sensor single-ended outputis very low (no better than 20Vms), the instrument is equipped withprogrammable gain low-noiseoperational amplifiers that allow user toselect between 4 available sensitivitiesand also convert the single-endedoutput to differential thus drastically reducingthe common mode noise.Also available are single-axis modelsLNG201h and LNG201v.
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  • SERIES DKU6000
  • DIMENSSION 250x205 x124mm
This unit was designed to serve as an auxiliary deviceproviding user interface with the economical seismic Data Loggers Models DAS6501c andDAS6102c. These models were introduced as economical alternatives to fully equipped seismic recorders, DAS6501 and DAS6102 respectively. When used in seismic arrays of ten or moreautonomous stations, the c models offer significant savings since they do not contain VGA LCDdisplays and weatherized keypads. Instead, the service personnel can employ a DKU6000 box thatplugs in directly into any c recorder. It takes power from the recorder and provides an effective andconvenient full PC-type user interface.DKU6000 enclosure is a fully weatherized, rugged, unsinkable heavy duty ABS plastic box, 250x205 x124mm, with a weatherized circular connector on the back panel. It contains a compactPC mini-keyboard and a large (25cm diagonally) LCD SVGA display. The unit weighs about 3kg.
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  • SERIES SP400U3
  • Temperature range -12 to + 55 ° C
This unique seismometer is indeed a true isotropic instrument:it operates normally in any random orientation. It is amember of the MP-400 Series family of instruments designed asversatile, very rugged seismic sensors. Along with all other PMDseismometers, these sensors are based on proprietary electrochemicaltransducer technology that offers many advantages overconventional electromechanical sensors.Specifications subject to change without notice 0106105-F West Dudleytown Road, Bloomfield, CT 06002 USATel: 1-860-242-8177 Fax: 1-860-242-7812e- Web Site: www.pmdsci.comSP400U3 is designed to work within a very wide range of supplyvoltages, starting from 3Vdc. It is placed in a light high-pressurehousing made of a special aluminum alloy, submersible to4000m.The force-balancing feedback provides for excellent responsestability and linearity.The latest SP400U3 seismometer contains an optionalmicrocontroller which maintains exceptionally accurate parameter stability over the full operatingtemperature range and over the life of the instrument. Optionally, the microcontroller can generateinternally calibrating sine or other waveform signals. The calibration can be initiated by applying a logiclevel to the Calibration Enable input or via an optional serial port. If the latter is provided, the user can alsoselect and set the Generator Constant value in the 350-20, 000 Vms range.
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  • Dimensions 160x160x160 mm
RSB20 is the next generation rotationalseismometer1 based on the proprietaryelectrochemical transducer technology. All threeidentical sensors are completely insensitive totranslational motion. In comparison with itspredecessors, this instrument is equipped with theforce-balancing magneto-hydrodynamic feedbackthan not only significantly improves its linearity, dynamic range and parameter stability but alsoprovides means for accurate calibration even in thefield conditions. The increase of the dynamic rangeto 144dB with the simultaneous 18dB noisereduction as compared to R-1 makes this instrumentequally suitable for scientific purposes as well as for structural monitoring; in otherwords, the RSB20 picks up well both very weak and very strong rotational motions ina much broader passband. RSB20 seismometer can be equipped with an optionalmicrocontroller to internally generate calibrating sine or other waveform signals. Thecalibration can be initiated by applying a logic level to the Calibration Enable input orvia an optional serial port. If the latter is provided, the user can choose another optionthat allows for selection the Generator Constant value in the 50-1, 000 Vrads range.Still another option includes additional three axes of highly sensitive translationalforce-balanced accelerometers providing 6 outputs covering all possible modes ofground motion.
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  • SERIES DAS6501
DAS6501 is a member of 6500 series of ultralow power, robust, high-performance, extremely versatile 24-bit seismicdata recorders and digitizers.Specifications subject to change without notice 0106105-F West Dudleytown Road, Bloomfield, CT 06002 USATel: 1-860-242-8177 Fax: 1-860-242-7812e- Web Site: www.pmdsci.comThe 6500 family of products includes: a rugged, autonomousfield system DAS6501, a strong motion data logger with builtin(SMLA6501) or external (SML6501-xx) force-balanced accelerometers(CLA100 or CLA200), a compact recorder forocean bottom applications (DAS6502), and a robust sensordigitizer SD6503 stand-alone or built into one of the PMDseismometers. The strength of the 6500 family lies in the efficientcombination of state-of-the art components:A very low-power, high-performance DSP (Texas InstrumentsTMS320VC5419) that controls the data acquisition, real-time digitization and filtration, and stores the datatemporarily in the micro-power, large capacity (up to 16MB) CMOS static RAM.A powerful, fully featured single-board PC that controls the data transfer to disk and communicationfunctions. It is active only when the SRAM is full, typically a few minutes everyseveral hours.PMDs proprietary True Real Time system, controlled by the DSP that maintains extremelyaccurate time with only occasional calls to the GPS receiver.
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Triaxial Force Balanced Accelerometers

The CLA300 is an improvedtriaxial (single-axis sensors are also available) force-balanced accelerometer that offerslow noise, high dynamic range, in a frequency band of DC to 50 Hz (optional to500Hz). It is well suited for most strong motion monitoring applications. The CLA300comes in three standard packaging:An open-ended ball-bearing mounted metal plate that can be mounted internallyin the PMD SMLA6501 or SMLA6102 recorders.A freestanding field package in NEMA4X aluminum or optional stainless steelenclosure and MIL-spec circular connector.A customized narrow down hole unit that includes optional digital magnetic compass:CLA300BH package in hi-pressure stainless steel housing and underwatermarine connectors for installation in boreholes up to several hundred meters deep.Each sensor element is housed in an epoxy sealed aluminum case. All units are extremelyrugged, and designed for long-term deployment in field or underground environments.Unlike solid-state type accelerometers, the CLA300 does not exhibit significantdrifting with temperature changes. Options include a variety of full-scale "g" levels, user selectable full-scale "g" ranges, and extended frequency bands.
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  • Diameter 200 mm
  • SERIES MP403
  • Dynamic Range 142 dB
The MP403 Series instruments(former SP400) are designed asversatile, very rugged broadbandseismic sensors; they are based onproprietary electrochemicaltransducer technology1. Theseinstruments have many advantagesover conventional electromechanicalsensors. This seismometer isavailable as a three-channelconventional instrument (MP403)with three identical sensors for itsvertical and horizontal componentsor as a convertible single-channelinstrument (MP401) which can bemomentarily installed as eithervertical or horizontal sensor. Theefficient electro-dynamic forcebalancingfeedback provides forexcellent parameter stability andlinearity.The MP403 contains a microcontroller which maintains exceptionally accurate parameter stability over the fulloperating temperature range and over the life of the instrument. The microcontroller can also generateinternally calibrating sine or other waveform signals. The calibration can be initiated by applying a logic level tothe Calibration Enable input or via an optional serial port. If the latter is provided, the user can also select andset the Generator Constant value in the 350-20, 000 Vms range.
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High-resolution Seismic Data Acquisition System

  • SERIES DAS6102
  • Temperatures: +5 to + 60
This extremely versatile high-resolution seismic data acquisitionsystem can be configured from 4 to 32 channels, all operating synchronously up to 2, 000samples per second. The system is available in a variety of configurations:A field version, DAS6102, with graphic VGA display and keypad, packaged in a portable, compact, rugged, weatherproof heavy duty plastic box; mass medium: HDD or CFC.An economical field version, DAS6102c, without display and keypad, packaged in a portable, compact, rugged, weatherproof heavy duty plastic box; mass medium: HDD or CFCAn industrial version, SML6102, packaged in a weatherproof enclosure with or without displayand keypad.A strong-motion accelerograph, SMLA6102, which includes internal force-balanced accelerometersand an optional rotational seismometer to record up to all six degrees of freedom.The system has a unique time management circuit which maintains accurate real time, and keepsthe programmable sampling rates precisely synchronous with the real time marks. Re-indexingof data is never required. The time system does not require continuous or frequent referencesto GPS to maintain accuracy. The typical GPS access interval is once every 12 - 24 hours.
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PMD Scientific Electrochemical Seismic Sensors

  • SERIES LC501
  • Dimensions 50 x 100 x 150 mm
This unique instrument has been developed for the USDepartment of Energy for use as a wide passbandhighly sensitive vibration sensor in the beam focusingservo-system of linear super-colliders (very high energyparticle accelerators). As such this sensor has beenhighly radiation hardened and designed to functionnormally in extremely strong magnetic fields up to 6Tesla.PMD Scientific electrochemical seismic sensors are theonly among all known highly sensitive devices that canperform adequately in such environment. The sensorswere successfully tested in high strength magnetic fieldsat the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) anddemonstrated complete immunity to the field. Presentlyseveral pilot seismometers are tested by theInternational Linear Collider team in France where there are going to be usedwhen the construction of the accelerator is completed.Each seismometer has a single component sensor which can work readily aseither horizontal or vertical with the sensitivity axis always looking along thedirection indicated by the arrow. Moreover, this sensor is essentially isotropic i.e. it will perform equally well in any random orientation. Its extremely smalldimensions fully answer severe space limitations imposed by the linear collidersfocusing systems.
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  • Diameter 200 mm
  • SERIES BB603
The BB603 represents the new generation of lownoise very broadband seismometers equallysuitable for vault, field and OBS (reduced powerversion) applications. The sensors highly efficientelectrodynamic force-balancing feedback providesfor an extended dynamic range, excellent stabilityand linearity across the entire passband.The instrument uses three identical proprietaryelectrochemical sensors1 mounted orthogonallyalong the N, E, and Z-axes. These sensors havemany advantages over traditionalelectromechanical devices. In particular, theyhave much larger ground motion-to-voltageconversion ratio that results in a uniquely shapednoise curve that it starts bending up at muchlonger periods and then raises more shallow thanthe traditional 1f curves.BB603 contains a microcontroller which maintains exceptionally accurate parameterstability over the full operating temperature range and over the life of the instrument.Optionally, the microcontroller can also generate internally calibrating sine or otherwaveform signals. The calibration can be initiated by applying a logic level to theCalibration Enable input or via an optional serial port. If the latter is provided, theuser can also select and set the Generator Constant value in the 350-20, 000 VmsrangeSimilarly to other PMD seismometers, the BB603 is extremely rugged which makesit ideal for field use. This seismometer does not require a mass lock, mass centering, or special installationequipment or procedures. It has low power consumption, operates over a wide temperature range; it is waterproofup to the one-meter depths, and stays operational within a wide range of installation tilts. It provides low cost ofownership, requiring no maintenance over the life of the instrument. Three and five-year extended warranties areavailable.
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  • Diameter 155 mm
  • SERIES BB313
The BB313 instruments are designed asextremely robust, versatile, compact, lightweight, broadband seismic sensors. Unliketraditional seismometers, they are based onproprietary electrochemical technology1 thatprovides many advantages over theconventional electromechanical sensors.Each of the three identical sensor elements inBB313 is equipped with an efficientelectrodynamic force-balancing feedback.BB313 is a more compact, lighter version ofour BB303 seismometer, the difference beingin a slightly higher noise at longer periods.The instruments are offered in twoapplication-dependent versions. The standardBB313-(LN) is the reduced noise version. The BB313-SM has a higher cliplevel and is used for strong motion applications. Both versions have the same dynamic range, which is shifted upby approximately 10db in the SM relatively to the standard LN version. The BB313 instruments have beenrecently redesigned. Also available are a single component version BB313U, a very low power customizedlightweight, compact ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) BB313-OBS (photo on the right above), and a narrow(83mm diameter) borehole model BB313-BH
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  • Diameter 155 mm
  • SERIES MP483
The MP483 seismometer is a variation of our popular MP413family of extremely rugged, compact medium periodinstruments. It is a smaller, lighter version of the MP473 modeldiffering from the latter only by a very slightly higher noise nearthe low frequency cutoff. Similarly to all PMD seismometers, these devices are based on proprietary electrochemicaltransducer technology1 which affords them many advantagesover conventional electromechanical sensors.This seismometer contains three identical sensors for itsvertical and horizontal components. The efficientelectrodynamic force-balancing feedback provides for excellentparameter stability and linearity.All MP483 seismometers contain microcontrollers which maintain exceptionallyaccurate parameter stability over the full operating temperature range and over the lifeof the instrument. Optionally, the microcontroller can also generate calibrating sine orother waveform signals. The calibration can be initiated by applying a logic level tothe Calibration Enable input or via an optional serial port. If the latter is provided, theuser can also select and set the Generator Constant value in the 350-20, 000 Vmsrange.
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  • Diameter 155 mm
  • Series MP413
  • Dynamic Range 142 dB
The MP413 Series instruments are designed as versatile, very ruggedbroadband seismic sensors. Unlike traditional seismometers, they arebased on proprietary electrochemical transducer technology1. Theseinstruments have many advantages over conventionalelectromechanical sensors. MP413 is a smaller, lighter version of outpopular medium period seismometers. They have characteristics almostidentical to those of the MP403 except for a very slightly higher noisenear the low frequency cutoff.This seismometer is available as a three-channel conventionalinstrument (MP413) with three identical sensors for its vertical andhorizontal components or as a convertible single-channel seismometer(MP411) which can be momentarily installed as either vertical orhorizontal sensor. The efficient electrodynamic force-balancingfeedback provides for excellent parameter stability and linearity.All MP413 seismometers contain microcontrollers which maintain exceptionally accurate parameterstability over the full operating temperature range and over the life of the instruments. Optionally, the microcontroller can also generate internally calibrating sine or other waveform signals. Thecalibration can be initiated by applying a logic level to the Calibration Enable input or via an optionalserial port. If the latter is provided, the user can also select and set the Generator Constant valuein the 350-20, 000 Vms range.
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  • Diameter 200 mm
  • SERIES BB303
The BB303 instruments are designedas extremely robust, versatile, broadband seismic sensors. Unliketraditional seismometers, they arebased on proprietary electrochemicaltechnology1 that provides manyadvantages over the conventionalelectromechanical sensors. In particular, BB303 noise curve is essentially flatstarting from about 1Hz to the low-fcutoff. Each of the three identicalsensor elements in BB303 is equippedwith an efficient electrodynamic forcebalancingfeedback.The instruments are offered in twoapplication-dependent versions. The standard BB303-(LN) is the reduced noise version. The BB303-SM has ahigher clip level and is used for strong motion applications. Both versions have the same dynamic range, which isshifted up by approximately 10db in the SM relatively to the standard LN version. The BB303 instruments havebeen recently redesigned. Also available are a single component version BB303U, a very low power customizedocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) BB303-OBS (photo on the right above), and a narrow (83 to 128mm diameter)borehole model BB303-BH BB313-BH.BB303 contains a microcontroller which maintains exceptionally accurate parameter stability over the full operatingtemperature range and over the life of the instrument. Optionally, the microcontroller can also generate internallycalibrating sine or other waveform signals. The calibration can be initiated by applying logic level to the CalibrationEnable input or via optional serial port. If the latter is provided, the user can also select and set the GeneratorConstant value in the 350-20, 000 Vms range.
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