A cable assembly can be created using a number of different casings straps, cable ties, cable lacing, sleeves, electrical tape, conduit, braiding, a weave of extruded string, or a combination of the these materials but the purpose is always to increase the efficiency of the products.Cable assemblies are designed according to geometric and electrical requirements, which are translated into a diagram that is used in the preparation and assembly of the harness. First the wires are cut to the desired length followed by a marking process (either manual or automated) for identification purposes. Next, the wires are stripped to expose their metal cores and assembled together with any extra terminals or connectors housings required. The bundle is then clamped onto a form board or assembly fixture. This finished mass is fitted with any protective sleeves, conduit, or extruded yarn. The entire process is usually completed by hand because of the intricate processing required at various stages of production, such as routing the wires through sleeves, taping, crimping terminals onto wires, inserting one sleeve into another, and fastening the strands with tape, clamps, or cable ties.