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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of West Indian Locust Hardwood, Black Olive Hardwood, Spanish Elm Hardwood, Massaranduba Hardwood and White Oak Hardwood.
Heartwood varies from light orange- brown to darker reddish-brown, sometimes with contrasting dark-gray-brown streaks. Color darker with age. Sapwood is a light grayish yellow, clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Grain is typically interlocked, with a medium to coarse texture. Good natural luster.
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Heartwood yellowish to greenish-brown, olive hued; not always sharply demarcated from yellowish/light brown sapwood. Longitudinal stripes are frequent as a result of roey grain; moderately fine to medium in texture very lustrous.
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Our streamlined inventory system and capacious warehouse assist us in meeting the bulk requirements of the customers. Also, we ensure year round availability of the products. We are a quality-centralized firm and make use of only high quality material for manufacturing the offered lot. Also, we ensure that the material is sourced from the reliable places.
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Heartwood is a medium to dark reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age. Pale yellow sapwood is clearly differentiated from the heartwood, though not always sharply demarcated. Grain straight to interlocked or wavy. Fine uniform texture with low natural luster.
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Heartwood is light brown or golden and not easily separated from the sapwood. The grain is straight to interlocked.
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Heartwood ranges from golden yellow to dark reddish brown. Lighter colored parenchyma bands of varying thickness give a jagged and streaked appearance. Narrow sapwood is a grayish yellow, clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Grain is straight to slightly interlocked. Texture is very coarse and porous, with low natural luster.
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Heartwood ranges from olive to dark greenish brown to almost black, sometimes with a reddish hue. Color darkens with age. Grain is interlocked, sometimes severely so. Has a very fine texture and an oily feel. Bare wood can be polished to a very fine luster due to high natural oil content.
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The heartwood is pinkish to brick red or rich reddish brown and marked by fine and slightly darker striping on flat-sawn surfaces. The sapwood is lighter in color and generally distinct from the heartwood. The texture is medium and fairly uniform, and the grain is generally interlocked.
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Color tends to be a golden to dark brown, with darker streaks. Sapwood is usually thin and yellow/white. Sometimes with highly figured curly or wild grain patterns. Grain is usually straight, but can also be interlocked or wavy. Texture is medium to coarse, with medium to large open pores and a moderate natural luster.
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Much like it’s parents, heartwood color varies from a pale pinkish red brown, to a darker reddish brown with chatoyance. The denser the wood, the darker the color. Color tends to darken with age. Grain can be straight, interlocked, irregular or wavy. Texture is medium and uniform, with moderate natural luster.
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The heartwood is a mix of rich chestnut and burnt-umber browns with quite distinct bands of pale and darker browns. The sapwood is a light cream/yellow. The wood is hard, moderately heavy, and seasons and polishes well.
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Heartwood is golden brown, frequently with bands of lighter and darker colored wood. Contrasting sapwood is pale yellow. Color tends to darken with age. Grain is usually interlocked. With a coarse texture and good natural luster.
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Heartwood is pinkish to red, turning light reddish brown; the sapwood is whitish to brownish. Texture is medium, grain is straight.
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Heartwood is a creamy yellow-white color, with little difference in sapwood color. Has straight grain and coarse texture. The wood is soft and lightweight.
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Heartwood is pale to reddish brown, sapwood is yellowish white and is distinct from the heartwood. Straight grained with a medium to coarse texture and a distinct odor.
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Heartwood color varies from a pale pinkish brown, to a darker reddish brown with chatoyance. The denser the wood, the darker the color. Color tends to darken with age. Grain can be straight, interlocked, irregular or wavy. Texture is medium and uniform, with moderate natural luster.
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Color ranges from a lighter salmon pink to a darker brownish red. Color tends to deepen with age. Has a medium texture and small to medium sized open pores. The grain tends to be straight and even.
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Heartwood yellowish brown when freshly cut becoming yellow to golden brown. Sapwood is light yellow brown. Grain more or less interlocked; texture medium to rather coarse; luster high with faint spicy odor.
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Heartwood is light to medium brown, sometimes with a reddish hue. Darker streaks of brown are sometimes present. Sapwood is pale yellow and is clearly demarcated from heartwood. Grain usually slightly interlocked. Very coarse texture. Moderate natural luster.
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Heartwood color varies, from a pale pinkish brown, to a darker reddish brown, with chatoyance. Color tends to darken with age. Grain can be straight, interlocked, irregular or wavy. Texture is medium and uniform, with moderate natural luster.
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Heartwood medium reddish brown, marked with slightly darker colored stripes. Sapwood is indistinct and somewhat lighter in color. Grain is generally irregular and often interlocked. Texture is medium and luster rather high.
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Heartwood varies in color; grays, browns, olives, blues, sometimes with streaks of green, blue, or purple. Narrow sapwood is pale yellow and is clearly demarcated from heartwood. Blue Mahoe exhibits a bluish hue. Grain is usually straight or shallowly interlocked, with a uniform fine to medium texture and a low natural luster.
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Heartwood is a golden brown, while other colors such as yellow and streaks of pink and/or black can also occur. Paler sapwood is not always clearly defined. Curly or mottled grain patterns are also common. Grain can be straight or interlocked. With a medium- to-coarse texture, and good natural luster.
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Heartwood is medium to dark brown, to nearly black, with light brown contrasting stripes, sometimes with a red or yellow hue. Grain can be interlocked or wavy, with a coarse texture. Pores naturally filled with resinous material which creates a smoother surface than other open-grained woods with large pores. Good natural luster.
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Heartwood is light pinkish to reddish brown colors tend to darken with age. Random pockets of gum and natural oils are commonly present. Grain patterning and figure tends to be somewhat bland. Grain is straight or shallowly interlocked. Medium texture and moderate natural luster.
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The heartwood in its purest form, is a uniform dark golden-brown, without markings. But most other heartwood found in this species is dark golden yellow, which turns into rich brown with darker, chocolate-brown markings upon exposure.
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