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Ultrasound Machine

We offer a complete product range of Acuson X300 Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System, Acuson Cypress Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System, Acuson Sequoia 512 Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System and Acuson Aspen Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System

Acuson X300 Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System

Refurbished Acuson X300 Ultrasound System


  • Articulating Arm
  • 15" Flat Panel Monitor
  • Color Doppler
  • PW Doppler
  • OB / Vascular Calculations Package
  • Tissue Harmonics
  • DVD Read Write
  • 4D (optional)

Today’s clinical challenges require robust imaging performance. The ACUSON X300™ultrasound system provides that imaging capability in a highly mobile, compact package, with state-of-the-art ergonomics and a high level of value, both now and years down the road. The X300 ultrasound system is engineered to give you uncompromised diagnostic performance.  The system’s compact size and easy mobility make it ideal when space is limited, or when fully-featured diagnostic capability is needed in more than one place.  In short, the X300 system was designed to deliver the diagnostic confidence your clinic needs–wherever and whenever you need it next.

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Acuson Cypress Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System

The Cypress system is a complete, full-featured echocardiography system that provides complete cardiovascular studies and outstanding image quality even on the most difficult to image patients. It offers a full range of features including:   • 2D with Harmonics • M-Mode • Color, PW and CW Doppler • Stress echo • Vascular imaging • Comprehensive calculations package • Patient Report with audio capture • Embedded DICOM conformance • High frame rate color flow imaging • Network output • Contrast agent imaging • USB peripheral support

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Acuson Sequoia 512 Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System

Refurbished Acuson Sequoia 512 Ultrasound System

ProMed Solutions, Inc. has many different Acuson Sequoia systems to chose from.  There are so many different variations of options. Contact us to let us know your requirements so we can best find the right system for your needs.

Acuson Sequoia 512 Ultrasound Information

Sequoia system technology not only sets the standard in ultrasound, but continuously raises it — on a single sustainable platform designed to create new opportunities for clinical excellence and synergistic technology migration.  Consider the ultra-premium ACUSON Sequoia™512 ultrasound system. It is based on the four cornerstones of unparalleled system performance: Coherent Imaging Technologies; Innovative Transducer Technologies; DIMAQ™integrated ultrasound workstation;and Advanced Imaging Technologies. 

Now the Sequoia 512 system builds upon this proven foundationby offering even more significant, high-level imaging capabilities dedicated to ultrasound, including:

  • High-density acoustic sampling
  • Wider acoustic apertures
  • Expanded bandwidth
  • Precise control of the transmitted echo pulse

New transducer technologies the Sequoia 512 system brings the value of vision to the most challenging demands of ultrasound, delivering the real-world benefits of superior performance.

Clinical innovation. Improved workflow. Technology for advanced imaging capabilities. And what is perhaps the greatest benefit of all: delivering Proven Outcomes.

Sequoia™matched response technology measures and adapts in realtime to a patient’s individual acoustic properties. This patient specificimaging philosophy matches transmit and receive functions througha unique "window into the body" for heightened clinical specificity, optimized diagnostic outcome and improved workflow efficiency.  From the most difficult-to-image patient to the most complex clinicalapplications, the Sequoia system builds on a legacy of vision to offerultra-premium performance features that meet the highly specializedneeds of ultrasound today — while offering even greater clinicalopportunity for tomorrow.

Coherent image formation employs both phase and amplitudeinformation to form an image. Every image contains far more echo information than can be derived from a traditional beamformer.

Coherent pulse formation precisely controls both the phase andamplitude of the transmitted waveform, providing high framerates, increased temporal and spatial resolution, and greaterdynamic range and sensitivity.  These unique Coherent Imaging Technologies have completely revolutionized the way ultrasound is transmitted, received and processed, delivering:

  • Precision pulse shaping, for complex transmit waveforms thatenable Native™tissue harmonic Imaging (NTHI) to eliminate orreduce body wall artifacts and acoustic noise.
  • Chirp coded excitation, for high-frequency imaging of superficialstructures in such applications as small parts and musculoskeletalwith resolution on the order of 200 microns.
  • Dynamic Transmit Focus, a single-pulse, multi-focus techniquethat improves image uniformity throughout the field-of-view while maintaining optimal frame rates.

With the Sequoia system, innovation means more than new transducer technology. It means a new way of imaging the patient, with greater depth and detail. New workflow pathways, which offer more without asking for more in return. And a new way of getting to the ultimate answer — with greater image content for more predictable study outcomes:

  • Innovative transducer acoustic response with patentedHanafy lens acoustic technology that provides continuous focusing and image uniformity while delivering extremely broad bandwidth and precise control of slice thickness — without adding to transducer size, weight or complexity.Because of its unique design, Hanafy lens acoustic technologyprovides dramatic advantages in both transmit and receive characteristics.
  • Programmable waveform generator, under computer control, precisely shapes the transmitted echo waveform to optimize and match imaging and Doppler performancefrom the system to the patient.
  • Proprietary transducer miniaturization provides advancedergonomics, lighter weight design and easier handling in smallacoustic windows.
  • Bandwidth utilization, from superior acoustic matchingdesigns and signal fidelity, for increased penetration and resolution, and a dramatically higher level of imaging performance in ultrasound.


TEQ™ultrasound technology a sophisticated signal processing technology that utilizes patient specific information to automatically equalize tissue gain and brightness in two dimensions, providing consistent, reproducible image quality in 2D and M-Mode. For spectral Doppler, TEQ technology adapts to individual patient hemodynamics andinstantly optimizes PW and CW Doppler information. TEQ technology is a pre-processing method applied to echo data before the image is formed. A touch of a button, affords higher productivity and a dramatic reduction in exam time and inter-operator variability.

Cadence™contrast agent imaging technology*, an ensemble oftechnologies that provide new methods for contrast agent detection, including extremely effective bubble preservation algorithms. Uniqueemission technologies, including Cadence™contrast pulse sequencingtechnology, allow clinicians to display the tissue image, the contrastagent-only image, or both together.

Transmit and Spatial Compounding Plus improve contrast resolution, enhance continuity of linear structures and increase conspicuity of specular targets through reduction of image speckle.

SST™color Doppler produces images with high spatial resolution, high frame rates and unprecedented sensitivity to low flow; and Solo™spectral Doppler, for superb low flow detection and unprecedentedpenetration using a dedicated processing path.

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Acuson Aspen Cardiac Vascular Ultrasound System

Refurbished Acuson Aspen Advance ! We can configure your Refurbished Acuson Aspen ultrasound for general radiology, cardiac and vascular, OB/Gyn, Musculoskeletal or Urology.

Features :

  • Simple and Easy to Use Interface
  • Image Optimization with Image Control
  • Three Active Transducer Ports
  • Native Tissue Harmonics
  • DICOM (option)
  • 4C1 Option
  • Color Doppler
  • PW and CW Doppler
  • Auto Doppler
  • Cardio/Vascular/OB Calculation Packages (option)
  • Cine
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