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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Used Gardner Denver Air Compressor, Used Screw Compressor (25B-150L), Used Screw Compressor (25-150L), Used Atlas Copco Air Compressor and Air Compressor
Owing to the efforts of our dedicated procurement team, we are able to bring forth high performance Used Gardner Denver Air Compressors for the buyers across different countries of the world. Our team checks the air compressors to ensure their good working conditions. From US, we are the reputed Exporter and Supplier of Used Gardner Denver Air Compressor. We quote nominal prices and promise timely delivery of all the orders.
Details :
Based in South Carolina, US, we are the celebrated Exporter and Supplier of Used Screw Compressor (25B-150L). Our brilliant procurement team obtains the Used Screw Compressors after thoroughly testing them on international quality standards. Therefore, these compressors promise energy efficiency and long working life. Place medium or bulk order, we promise timely delivery across different countries of the world. The credit for the same goes to our brilliant logistics network!
Details :
Get in touch with us to buy Used Screw Compressor (25-150L) at economical price. From South Carolina, US, we are the renowned Exporter and Supplier of Used Screw Compressor (25-150L). Our Used Screw Compressors are quality tested and ensure exceptional performance, efficiency and long service life. When it comes to delivery, we assure our Used Screw Compressors (25-150L) are delivered within the promised time frame.
Details :
Our Used Atlas Copco Air Compressors stand out on performance and efficiency. We have tie-ups with prominent vendors from whom we procure these Used Atlas Copco Air Compressors. Talk of price; we are known for providing the best quality at reasonable prices. Besides, we have a vast distribution network, which facilitates timely delivery of the placed order. From US, we are a credible Exporter and Supplier of Used Atlas Copco Air Compressor.
Details :
Air Compressor / Gardner Denver / 150 HP, yr. 1988
Gardner Denver Air Compressor, Model ECQQOA, ID No. DDAACDD, S/N M34207, 1995 rpm, operating press. min 65 max 100, 575 Volt, 3 phase, 60 Hz, year 6/88- Motor: Model 5K444JL2147, Type K, Frame 444 TSD, 150 HP, 1785 rpm, 575 Volt, 3 ph, 60 Hz, 114 Amp.