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All systems are UL listedSelector switches for openclosed transition, automaticmanual paralleling of generator or utility sources, and automaticmanual retransfer to normal source providedActive synchronizationRedundant PLC controlsSYSTEM OPERATION Soft loading systems are utility paralleling systems capable of sustained paralleling. Whereas many load curtailment systems transfer loads from the utility power source to the generator all at once (in 100 milliseconds or less), soft loading systems parallel the two live power sources, allowing a more gradual transfer of loads (up to 20 seconds or longer). This eliminates any momentary dip in voltage and the disruptive effects of block loading. Conversely, retransfer from the generator source to the utility source is accomplished through soft loading. System specifiers should be aware that soft loading systems usually require utility-approved protective relaying and control measures.
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All systems are UL listedSelector switches for openclosed transition, automaticmanual paralleling of generator or utility sources, and automaticmanual retransfer to normal source providedActive synchronization (when required)Redundant PLC controlsSoft loading power transfer availableSYSTEM OPERATION Peak shaving power control systems offer power users a means to more effectively manage the cost of electric power. These systems let power users take advantage of the relatively low cost of utility power during periods of off-peak demand and generate (a portion or all of) their own power during peak periods thereby avoiding high demand charges. These systems function in much the same way as load curtailment systems, except decisions about when to drop off the grid and generate their own power are made by power customers, not by the utility. These customer decisions are based on financialcost considerations instead of utility considerations, such as supply and power stability. Russelection power control systems are easily configured for peak shaving control schemes. They can be designed for open-transition transfer, momentary closed-transition transfer, or longer transfer times using soft loading.
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Emergency Power Systems

Complete systems are custom designed and fully manufactured by Russelectric.All systems are UL listed.Incorporate a variety of sophisticated control functions such as peak shaving and load curtailment.IProgrammable logic controllers (PLCs) are used extensively for system control.Designed for maximum safety and operating simplicitySCADA capable.Touchscreen control available.Alarm and failure system, including annunciation, automatically shuts down an engine generator if required.Redundant PLCs ensure uninterrupted automatic system control even if one fails.System design allows manual start and synchronization of generator sets if automatic controls malfunction.15 LCD HMI touchscreen displays, system one-line, alarms, setpoints, etc.Optional load demand sensing determines the number of engine generators in operation based on the external load.SYSTEM OPERATION Upon receipt of loss of normal power source signal from automatic transfer equipment, system automatically sends command to start engine generator.The first generator set to reach pre-set voltage and frequency is connected to the bus by closing its circuit breaker.System permits first priority loads to transfer to the connected engine generator set, while delaying the transfer of lower priority loads until additional generator capacity has been connected.System manages random paralleling of remaining generator sets to the emergency bus through their individual synchronizers and circuit breakers.System signals lower priority loads to transfer to the emergency power system as generator sets are added to the bus.System manages the shedding of low priority loads if a generator set fails during emergency operation, thereby assuring continuous power to the high priority loads.Upon receipt of signal from transfer equipment that it has retransferred to the normal source, system alerts generator sets to disconnect and shut down.
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All systems are UL listedSelector switches for openclosed transition, automaticmanual paralleling of generator or utility sources, and automaticmanual retransfer to normal source providedActive synchronizationRedundant PLC controlsSoft loading power transfer availableSYSTEM OPERATION Choice of either momentary (100 milliseconds or less) paralleling with the utility or sustained paralleling for soft loading.Paralleling of generator sets with the utility (upon return of the utility source after power interruption).System testing in closed-transition mode with no interruption of the load. Generators are paralleled with the utility and the load is transferred to them. Upon completion of testing, the load is retransferred through closed-transition to the utility source without disturbance.Configurable for peak shaving or utility-sponsored load curtailment programs.
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SYSTEM FEATURES All systems are UL listedSelector switches for openclosed transition, automaticmanual paralleling of generator or utility sources, and automaticmanual retransfer to normal source providedActive synchronizationRedundant PLC controlsSYSTEM OPERATION Load curtailment programs involve an agreement between an electric power customer and a utility or power provider, whereby the customer agrees to meet a portion (or all) of its power needs on its own during periods of high utility demand in return for special rates, discounts, or other concessions from the utility. Under such programs, the power customer typically agrees to drop portions of their load off the grid at the utilitys request and with advance notice leaving them to meet their own power needs. In response to a notice from the utility, the customer powers up its own generators, and transfers all loads (either all at once or gradually through paralleling with the utility) to the generators. This reduces the total power demand on the utility, allowing it to better meet unusually high demand while avoiding potential brownouts or blackouts. Once the period of high power demand, or the time period agreed upon between the customer and utility has passed, the customer is free to transfer all loads back to the utility. Russelectric power control systems can be designed to accommodate load curtailment programs using closed-transition transfer, utility paralleling, andor soft loading control schemes.
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INDUSTRYS MOST COMPREHENSIVE LINE OF UL TESTED 30-CYCLE-RATED AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES Russelectric RTS Series automatic transfer switches are the most complete line of 480 VAC 30-cycle-rated and 3-cycle-rated UL tested switches available today. Russelectric RTS-30 30 Cycle-Rated Automatic Transfer Switches are available in the following versions: Open-Transition (& Dimensional Details)Closed-Transition (& Dimensional Details)TESTED, LISTED, AND LABELED BY UL UNDER UL-1008 A Before Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. will allow a transfer switch to be listed with a short circuit rating, it requires that the switch be able to close in on the same amount of fault current as it can withstand. All Russelectric RTS Series automatic transfer switches have been fully tested, listed, and labeled for 30-cycle and 3-cycle closing and withstand ratings (A) under UL-1008. In applications where extremely high short circuit current is available, fuse protection is mandatory. When coordinated with current limiting fuses, Russelectric RTS Series transfer switches have UL listed closing and withstand ratings of 200, 000 amperes. RPTCS ATS CONTROL SYSTEM The Russelectric RPTCS microprocessor automatic transfer control system controls all operational functions of the ATS. For complete information on the RPTCS Control, click here. BROCHURE To download a PDF of the RTS-30, 30 Cycle rated Transfer Switch Brochure, click here. USER MANUAL To download a PDF of the RTS-30, 30 Cycle rated User Manual, click here. Note: User manual configured for double sided printing and contains blank pages.
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First medium-voltage automatic transfer switch tested, listed, and labeled by UL for use on emergency systemsAvailable at 5-15kV, 1200-Amp and 2000-Amp continuous current ratingsConfigurable for open- or closed-transition transferAdjustable Center-Off Time DelayRusselectric RPTCS programmable microprocessor-based control systemAdjustable center-off time delayUL TESTED, LISTED, AND LABELED Russelectric was the industry leader in obtaining UL listing for its medium-voltage transfer switchgear. All Russelectric RTS Series circuit breaker automatic transfer switches have been fully UL tested, listed, and labeled under UL 1008A. In addition, all Russelectric medium-voltage transfer switchgear (operating above 600 volts and below 15 kV) is listed per UL category Circuit Breakers and Metal-Clad Switchgear Over 600 Volts (DLAH). It is also designed, manufactured, and tested to meet or exceed stringent IEEE, NEMA, and ANSI standards. RUGGED HIGH SPEED SWITCHING DEVICES Russelectric RTS Series Russelectric Medium-Voltage Circuit Breaker type Automatic Transfer Switches are designed to transfer electrical loads from a normal power source to an emergency power source upon reduction or loss of voltage and to retransfer loads when normal power is restored. Supervised by the advanced RPTCS microprocessor control, Russelectric Medium-Voltage Circuit Breaker Automatic Transfer Switches direct the flow of electric power through the carefully timed openingclosing of circuit breakers. START A CONVERSATIONWITH OUR ENGINEERS Name Company Phone Email Project Details SEND AVAILABLE IN AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH AND BYPASSISOLATION CONFIGURATIONS Automatic Transfer Switch (A) BypassIsolation Switch (B) DESIGNED, FOR MAXIMUM SAFETY AND OPERATING SIMPLICITY Switches are designed to provide maximum protection for operators and maintenance personnel and to minimize the danger of operator error. Drawout modules, metal-clad construction, segregation of controls from power elements, and separately accessible grounded compartments are all part of Russelectrics design safety philosophy. All switches are designed for unattended automatic operation, but include controls for manual operation. Designs provide accessibility for maintenance, trouble-shooting, and component replacement. All switches are factory tested for functionality prior to shipment. Interconnect wiring diagrams enable proper interfacing of switches. DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, AND TESTING All bus is formed, cut, and punched before being insulated with high-dielectric epoxy coating to guarantee the integrity of the insulation and ensure maximum performance. Busbars pass throughtrack-resistant, polyester glass barriers between cubicles. Main bus joints have silver-plated connections and are insulated with preformed boots. All transfer switches are thoroughly inspected and tested both mechanically and electrically under simulated operating conditions before shipment.
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Power Control Systems

Russelectric custom designs and builds low- and medium-voltage power control systems to meet the stringent performance and reliability requirements of data centers, airports, hospitals, communications, energy, defense, and other mission critical facilities. Russelectric systems can control on-site emergency generator operation, synchronizing, and distribution. Switchgear can provide open-transition transfer or utilitygenerator paralleling for closed-transition transfer. Systems can be designed to manage sophisticated control schemes such as:Every Russelectric power control system is custom-designed and manufactured to specific customer requirements and stringent performance, safety, and quality standards. All components are of the absolute highest quality. Redundant industrial-quality PLC controls ensure flawless system operation even in the event of a control failure. Controls are designed to allow fast, easy upgrades such as the addition of accessories or advanced monitoring and control capabilities.
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REMOTE MONITORING OF ALL POWER SYSTEM FUNCTIONS A Russelectric SCADA system allows the user to monitor system operation, acknowledge alarms, and review PLC setpoints and alarm history. All screens are custom designed for each power control system, providing the most realistic, accurate display possible. BASIC SCADA The basic SCADA system includes a dynamic one-line display with changing color codes to indicate real-time power switching device status and power source connection to the loads. Event logging, alarm logging, and help screens are also included. OPTIONAL ENHANCEMENTS FOR ADDED FUNCTIONALITY Optional enhancements include highly detailed graphic displays of the physical arrangement of equipment, control panel close-ups, instrument displays indicating actual values, and the ability to initiate control functions. An optional simulation system, based on SCADA system graphics, allows operator training off-line without affecting any operating system parameters. Please click on the images below to see descriptions.
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FEATURES UL-1008 listed through 4000 amperesElectrical initiation through the use of two pushbuttonsQuick-break, quick-make contactsRapid and reliable arc quenchingPositive mechanical and electrical interlockingSafe external manual operator capable of switching under loadEasily converted to automatic operation in the future3 OR 30-CYCLE RATED SINGLE- OR DUAL-OPERATOR NONAUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES Russelectric RTS-03 (3 cycle rated) and RTS-30 (30 cycle rated) Series nonautomatic transfer switches are ideal for applications in which immediate restoration of service is not critical, and local maintenance personnel are available to initiate transfer. The nonautomatic transfer switch is a UL-listed double-throw device with identical withstand ratings and design characteristics to RTS Series (low voltage) automatic transfer switches. Since these nonautomatic switches are identical in design to Russelectric RTS Series (low voltage) automatic transfer switches and of the same exceptional quality, users can be confident that they are time-tested, reliable, and safe. Maintenance personnel can initiate a source transfer using local electrically operated pushbuttons, an external operator, or remotely (optional). All nonautomatic switches can be easily converted to fully automatic operation with the addition of a control panel and minor wiring changes. This ensures flexibility for future expansion and system redesign. TESTED, LISTED, AND LABELED BY UL UNDER UL-1008 Before Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. will allow a transfer switch to be listed with a short circuit rating, it requires that the switch be able to close in on the same amount of fault current as it can withstand. All Russelectric RTS Series transfer switches have been fully tested, listed, and labeled for 3-cycle and 30-cycle closing and withstand ratings under UL-1008. In applications where extremely high short circuit current is available, fuse protection is mandatory. When coordinated with current limiting fuses, Russelectric RTS Series transfer switches have UL-listed closing and withstand ratings of 200, 000 A. BROCHURESTANDARD DIMENSIONS Standard Dimensions for Non Automatic Transfer Switches can be found in brochures (click below) Brochure (3 cycle rated) Brochure (30 cycle rated)
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