Purity of Deposit
99.9 %
Maximum Thickness One Layer
375 µm 0.015 in
Metal Content
100 g/L
SIFCO Process plating solutions include AeroNikl, Cadmium LHE, copper, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, tin, zinc, as well as alloys for Babbitt, brass, bronze, cobalt-tungsten, nickel-cobalt, nickel-phosphorous, nickel-tungsten, tin-zinc, zinc nickel and many more. A plating solution family may contain several different plating solutions (formulations) that provide different deposit characteristics (structure, hardness, wear resistence, and corrosion resistance for instance). For example: The silver plating solution family contains both cyanide and non-cyanide formulations; the nickel plating solution family consists of fifteen different formulations and offers a wide variety of performace characteristics.