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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of IMPAX-SD SOFTWARE, Random Control, SIPS, KRONOS V Sequencer and Sixdyn Motion Platform.


32 bit native application, WinXP Professional recommendedNew Windows enhancements to save windows sizes and stateSupports 1394 firewire VXI interface for laptops & portable VXI chassisRight-click context menus added for additional flexibilityColor-coded signal status for quick identificationerrors appear in redAbility to highlight & select multiple signals for set upSupports analysis of Jaguar .tpd data fileSupports all SD-VXI high speed cardsNew auto-detect hardware feature builds tests quicklySafe Mode shut down to isolate inputs from outside worldTrigger Dialog lets you configure the trigger settings for mastersslavesTransducer grids display the manufacturer and part numberShunt emulation during calibrationSupports SIPS constant current cardsExcitation level defined as transducer characteristic, not channel characteristicConcurrent device support for VX2850, all SD-VXI cards, ZT400, and CAMACIncludes SD Plot graphic package
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Random Control

AGUAR s hardware superiority permits the control scheme to deliver the most accurate and rapid closed-loop control available. Loop times are well under a second with virtually no negative impact from the addition of control channels.98 controllimit channels assure that even the largest, most complex structure can be controlled. Limit channels further enhance large structure control and accuracy. Each limit channel may have its own reference profile.The ability to view all measurement channels, limit channels, H(f), as well as computed spectra in real-time and simultaneously means you never have to wonder if your data are good. You can also examine all criteria for test accuracy while the test is underway, i. e. , each PSD for each control channel that comprises the aggregate control, each limit channel PSD as well as limit profiles, H(f)that are composed in part or whole by control channels also engaged in averaged control, phase, coherence, and more.Random signal generation using a 48 bit random number sequence means JAGUAR produces the most random test ever produced by a digital control system. Coupled to the most advanced phase randomization techniques you are assured of a very accurate test.JAGUAR s patented Adaptive Control Algorithm gives you peace of mind knowing that non-linear structural problems will be controlled more rapidly and more accurately than with any other approach currently available. All of these data would be of no value if the software were difficult to use.For 10 years customers the world over have rated Spectral Dynamics user interface the easiest to use and the most capable. Throughput to Disk ControlAn optional feature for JAGUAR is the ability to add throughput disks to each Acquisition and Control Peripheral (ACP). Disk capacity from nine (9)GBytes up to more than thirty (30)GBytes is available. As many as 6 drives per ACP are permitted. MISO Random permits time data to be streamed to the throughput disks during control so that a permanent record of the test and all measured responses may be stored for post test analysis or archived. Each ACP may have internal andor external drives.
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Acquisition Control Peripherals

Acquisition Control Peripherals: Enclosure housing an extremely powerful RISC processojaghardware r to perform real-time calculations and control TPD operation. ACP may house as few as one measurement card or as many as 10. Communicates with Host Via 100 Base T Ethernet. Figure to the right: Example of measurement card with 8 Input and 2 Output capabilities Measurement Channels: Each channel pair shares a 32 bit DSP. The DSP is automatically loaded with code based upon application. Each channel includes 4 overlapping Programmable Gain amplifiers to permit extraordinary measurement accuracy for each unique application. Each channel may be calibrated, permitting channel transportability. User may select One to 30 DAC Systems. Digital to Analog Systems: Each DAC system includes a 16 bit converter sampled at 204.8KSsec. All DAC systems include smoothing and anti-imaging filters to insure true analog quality signal generation free of harmonic content and distortion. Sine step increment is .00001 Hz. Expansion Monitors & Channels: Start with 8 chs. Grow to 588, all simultaneously captured and displayed with virtually no phase shift. Add additional monitors to provide instant simultaneous access to hundreds of real-time data displays. Speed: All JAGUARs are capable of sampling all measurement channels at 102.4KS.sec. All channels are always simultaneous. Each data array produced always starts at the same exact data point. This is critical in time series analysis. SIGMADELTA converters do not intrinsically perform this way. Accuracy: Summing junctions are designed into the signal path that permit calibration constants to be employed for each of 18 input ranges. The software may then properly set zero DC levels dynamically while a test is running in Sine or Random applications so the channels may auto-range to ensure optimum use of the dynamic range for measurement accuracy. JAGUAR is the only system in the world capable of changing the input ranges during a sine test with no adverse affects to the data. Throughput Disk: May be included inside the ACP andor external to the ACP. As many as 6ea. 70Gbyte drives are permitted per ACP. Time histories are streamed through the MDSP3 Risc processor, resident in each ACP, in parallel to the stream of data to the host. Storage is continuous and contiguous even across disk boundaries. Gap free operation assures data have no discontinuities.

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** The SIPS-CVCC16, 16 channel Smart Interface Panel System (SIPS), includes; a 16 channel 5.25" rack mount chassis with back planes, two Model 4311 Processor Cards, two AIControl interface cards, Cable restraint panel, 16 Model 1202SIPSChannel cards with software selectable Constant Current (0-20mA w24V), software enabled Constant Voltage Excitation, Constant Voltage continuous drive current in excess of 100mA per channel, remote sensor, red power - remote & software group excitation kill, AC coupling, bridge completion, and shunt cal & special impedance matching network termination. Resistance values user supplied and configured through the user interface connector. Each SIPS system also includes a user interface kit containing connectors (16ea 15 pin "D", 18ea 9 Pin "D", 2ea 15 Pin HD "D"), back shells & jacking screws. Six or 8 foot extended bandwidth cabling kits and scaled power supply kits are also available. CV** The SIPS-CV16, 16 channel SIPS, includes; a 5.25" rack mount chassis with back planes, two Model 4311 Processor Cards, two AIControl interface cards, a Cable Restraint Panel, 16 Model 1201 Channel card with software enabled Constant Voltage Excitation, Constant Voltage continuous drive current in excess of 100mA per channel, remote sensor, red power - remote & software group excitation kill, AC coupling, bridge completion, shunt cal and special impedance matching network termination.SIPSResistance values user supplied and configured through user interface connector. Each SIPS system also includes user interface kit containing connectors (16ea 15 pin "D", 18ea 9 Pin "D", 2ea 15 Pin HD "D"), back shells & jacking screws. Six or 8 foot extended bandwidth cabling kits and scaled power supply kits are also available
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KRONOS V Sequencer

Fremont, CA The Advanced Research Products Group (ARPG) of Spectral Dynamics, Inc., today announced booking the first order for their new KRONOS-V System to General Motors. The facility is Powertrain & Advanced Engineering Group located in Wixom, Michigan. KRONOS-V is a dedicated turn-key system for true spectral KRONOS Vcontent-based, objective real-time engine knock analysis.KRONOS Gary Patterson, Staff Combustion Engineer for General Motors, well known and respected for his contributions to new engine design and combustion analysis, stated After seeing the advanced knock detection and analysis system in operation I had to have one! Patterson went on to say, The real-time spectral display of knocking engine cycles is visually stunning! Its instant response and analysis gives me the real-time feedback I need. KRONOS-V is the first product which allows me to selectively remove non-combustion spectral content. It provides both visual results and control outputs in real-time. The KRONOS-V Knock Analysis tool is an add-on for most combustion analysis and charge amp-based systems. It offers a range of channel counts and capabilities including: Engine Knock and Pre-Ignition, Closed-Loop Lights-Out Engine Mapping, Diesel Noise, and Transfer Function Analysis for Star ModalTM. KRONOS-V is an Automated Knock DetectionCalibrator Feedback System for multi-cylinder measurement & recording. KRONOS-V allows real-time spectral analysis of multiple knock events contained in cylinder pressure data or block mounted acoustic transducer data, with automated quantification of the signal contents for generation of triggers to external devices or programs. The data system uses broadband amplifiers and synchronously clocked high-resolution digitizers with auto tracking Nyquist anti-alias filters to provide spectral purity and prevent digital smearing of critical frequency domain data.KRONOS Mark Remelman, the ARPG Product Line Manager, and inventor of KRONOS, stated, This revolutionary system significantly reduces the overhead and time to map an engine from weeks to hours using unattended lights out operation. Our patented Knock Detection capability will also significantly reduce the loss of engines during testing.
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Sixdyn Motion Platform

Versatile motion platform for applications such as driving and flight simulation, turret testing or teaching of subjects like Structural Dynamics or Robotics.Several available dimensions. Payloads up to 5 ton. Frequency range up to 20 Hz.
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Pneumatic Shock Machine

The Shock and Bump (SD B) Series Machines are used to simulate and evaluate the design and destructive testing of components, circuits, hybrids, and complete assemblies. There are 5 standard shock and bump machine test systems available or we can also customize one to meet your needs. All our shock and bump machines are pneumatically powered shock testers for accuraterepeatable laboratory and production impact testing. With suitable pulse generators, these shock and bump machines can produce half sine, sawtooth, and square wave pulse shapes which meet the specifications of military, industrial, and individual test requirements. Generated waveforms comply with typical military specifications, including ISO, MILSTD-810, and customized method. They are used for both the commercial field and military applications; testing a wide variety of products from disk drives to wristwatches, and spark plugs to automotive sensors. DUT mounting table: The table is made from aircraft aluminum with high strength and uniformity but light weight. It is guided by 4 guide rods to keep high stability.High precision guide: Chromium plated high precision guide rod and sliding bearings assembly ensure the guide system a long life.Second shock preventing brake: After the first shock, the brake will be active to prevent an undesired second shock. Mounting Table Drive System: Adopting a high frequency velocity air cylinder with pilot actuated valve can ensure a short shock distance. This can result in the same shock terminal velocity, which is generated by 1.5 meters drop distance, a normal free drop shock machine. A precision displacement transducer, controlled by software, ensures the precise repeating drop height to get accurate repeatability of shock test.Shock absorption base: Shock absorption base is configured with a two-way damping device and large air bags. This can reduce the shock force transferring to the floor. No dedicated seismic base needed.Waveform Generators: Waveform generators can produce half sine, trapezoid, and sawtooth waves. Auto Shock control: ASK01 uses touch screen to control the shock activity. MIS02 is control and measurement system. Please refer respective spec sheets for further information.Expending features: Bump frequency and shock energy specifications can be expanded in a customized machine.
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Throughput To Disk

The Throughput Disk (TPD) features for Jaguar Systems provide an extra level of flexibility and convenience for users who are interested in continuously storing all of the acquired test data as quickly as possible The TPD data may be used for post-test data reduction by the Jaguar, converted to other formats or archived for long term storage.TPDAdditionally, Jaguar TPD offers the unique capabilities of real-time processing and display features that allow you to fully document the test event as the data is being stored to the TPD hard drives. Depending on the application, you may store raw time history files or processed data to the TPD. The TPD feature are also supported for large channel count applications (greater that 500 channels) where a Jaguar system may be configured with multiple Acquistion & Control Peripherals (ACP). Each ACP supports independent TPD contrllers and drives for no reduction in test bandwidth or storage bandwidth. The multiple ACP's support simultaneous synchronixed sampling and storage for the full channel count. Throughput to Disk means streaming time histories to a disk drive located in the ACP. While acquiring data from sensors, producing resultant data, passing resultant data to the host, TPD also allows the parallel operation of storing time histories to disk. Implementation: With the addition of a proprietary Fast SCSI port added to the MDSP3 middle processor in the ACP, the disk drives, up to six, 18 Gbytes ea. store up to 98 channels of data sampled up to 25, 600 times sec each. Other combinations to 51.2k are furnished. The data format is extremely dense for optimum efficiency. The Drives: The large ACP shown at left may house 1 or 2 drive(s) internally and up to 4 additional drives in the caddy shown on top of the ACP. The external drives may be swapped, allowing rapid expansion for sequential tests, without waiting to download the disks to the host. Playback: Data stored on the TPD may be selected as the source for the data stream fed to a variety of application packages. The analysis processes offered by those sw packages can then be performed upon the TPD data. Applications Supporting TPD: MISO and MIMO Random support time history storage and permit playback of time histories via the Rand2 diskom Analysis feature. Signal and Transient Capture support time history storage and play back. In addition both may playback files from MISO and MIMO Random, with analysis. Sine Analysis will play back Signal data from TPD, allowing Tracking Filtered analysis of raw time histories while preserving the original time history. MISO Sine Control will store and analyze complex data rather than time histories. This permits H(f) pairings to be re-established for additional analysis of original data. Long Term Storage: TPD files are very dense and must be converted to an open architecture for post-test use. JAGUAR permits the storage of the dense file to the host as intermediate storage. The user may also choose to translate and store, at the push of a button, in I-deasATI format, MatLab ASCI or MatLab Binary formats to the host disk or to optional fast SCSI drives that can be removable.
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Spectral Dynamics' Shock Test Machines

The Bump (SD B) Series Machines are used to simulate and evaluate the design and destructive testing of components, circuits, hybrids, and complete assemblies as it pertains to bump. There are 7 standard bump machine test systems available or we can also customize one to meet your needs. All our bump machines are pneumatically powered shock testers for accuraterepeatable laboratory and production impact testing. With suitable pulse generators, these bump machines can produce half sine wave shapes which meet the specifications of military, industrial, and individual test requirements. Generated waveforms comply with typical military specifications, including ISO, MILSTD-810, and customized method. They are used for both the commercial field and military applications; testing a wide variety of products from disk drives to wristwatches, and spark plugs to automotive sensors. Excellent wave form for small g level bump testing: The min g level for bump testing can extend up to 2.0g. Traditional mechanical bump machines can extend up to 5.0g.DUT mounting table: The table is made from aircraft aluminum with high strength and uniformity but light weight. It is guided by 4 guide rods to keep high stability.High precision guide: Chromium plated high precision guide rod and sliding bearings assembly ensure the guide system a long life.Mounting Table Drive System: Adopting a high frequency velocity air cylinder with pilot actuated valve can ensure a short shock distance. This can result in the same shock terminal velocity, which is generated by 1.5 meters drop distance, a normal free drop shock machine. A precision displacement transducer, controlled by software, ensures the precise repeating drop height to get accurate repeatability of shock test.Auto Shock control: MIS02 is control and measurement system. Please refer respective spec sheets for further information.Expending features: Bump frequency and shock energy specifications can be expanded in a customized machine.
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VIDAS System Solution from The Advanced Research Products Group (ARPG) of Spectral Dynamics offers VIDAS (VXI Data Acquisition System), high performance VXI hardware & software solutions. VIDAS combines dynamically scalable channel count versatility with features you need and critical performance for your testing demands. Our products offer superior fidelity and excellent channel-to-channel phase match for the most accurate measurements in the industry. Highlights: Up to 1024 independent channelsModular, scalable designHigh powered VXI instrumentation chassisFull bandwidth flat response:0.1dB DC to 1 MHz2.2MHz @3dBUp to 5M samplessecch sample rateBandwidth licensing enables cost savings while providing future growth pathAutomated end-to-end calibrationFull bridge completion availableRemote application control capability with pipessocket serverPassive Input Panel system (PIPS)or Smart Interface Panel System (SIPS) accommodates front-end wiring and special function signal conditioning requirements.Applications: Acoustic Shock MeasurementAircraft power system testingReal-time knock analysisComponent test standsRocket testingFAA seat testingHighway structures developmentExplosive shock studiesElectromagnetic propulsion researchCalibration labsHopkinson bar testingGas turbine testing
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