Blade Signs come in two configurations. Non-illuminated blade signs and Illuminated blade signs. There are litterally millions of combinations you can use for designing an amazing blade sign. Signdealzcan build and ship your new projecting blade sign nationwide. Here are some things to consider when designing a blade sign for your new business. Before you undertake any sign project, make sure you consult your municipal sign code. There will be guidelines informing you of the allowances for blade signs. Often, if your sign hangs over the public right of way like a sidewalk, then you may need special permits. When designing a blade sign here are some important things to consider first. What type of surface will the blade sign be attached to? Will the wall be brick, concrete, wood studded wall?This is very important, the wall will need to be strong enough to support the weight of a large blade sign. The second factor to consider is the projection of the blade sign. How far will it extend from the wall? Once you determine the size and projection of the blade sign, then you can start to develop what the sign will look like. Signdealz uses structural engineers to determine many of these factors.