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Supersign, Inc.
location United States

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  1. Signs 3 Products available
  2. Signs, Banners & Nameplates

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  3. Electric Signs

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  5. Others Products 2 Products available

Our Products

We offer a complete product range of MONUMENT SIGNS DENVER and HINGED FRAMED SIGN CABINETS

Exposed Neon Blade Signs

Exposed Neon Blade Signs from offer the timeless appeal of exposed neon tubing a look that never seems to go out of style! The blade sign, fabricated from durable aluminum, houses the electrical components of the neon. The neon tubing protrudes out of the face of the sign, forming the letters. The end result is a weather-resistant, beautiful sign that will turn attention towards your business. Neon signs are timeless they never go out of style!Neon Blade Signs are unique and eye-catching!Blade Signs can easily be installed onto most building surfaces and wired into the existing electrical system.
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Channel Letter Signs

We wrote the book on Channel Letter signs. Well make sure you get the best looking, highest performing sign for your budget. Typical Project Cost for a starting business with a single sign ranges from $3800 to $5500 installed. Signdealz will survey your building, provide you with a permit ready design, and handle any permitting that may be required.Installation in most cases, only takes a day.Typical Lead Times range from 4 to 6 weeks after permit approval.Partner with the experts
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Blade Signs

Blade Signs come in two configurations. Non-illuminated blade signs and Illuminated blade signs. There are litterally millions of combinations you can use for designing an amazing blade sign. Signdealzcan build and ship your new projecting blade sign nationwide. Here are some things to consider when designing a blade sign for your new business. Before you undertake any sign project, make sure you consult your municipal sign code. There will be guidelines informing you of the allowances for blade signs. Often, if your sign hangs over the public right of way like a sidewalk, then you may need special permits. When designing a blade sign here are some important things to consider first. What type of surface will the blade sign be attached to? Will the wall be brick, concrete, wood studded wall?This is very important, the wall will need to be strong enough to support the weight of a large blade sign. The second factor to consider is the projection of the blade sign. How far will it extend from the wall? Once you determine the size and projection of the blade sign, then you can start to develop what the sign will look like. Signdealz uses structural engineers to determine many of these factors.
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LED Illuminated Blade Signs

Lighted blade signs can be illuminated with either LED or neon lights to enhance way finding for your business. The benefits of LED illuminated blade signs include: Conserve energy and earn up to a 30% energy savingsLEDs operate well in the cold with low voltage which can reduce any fire and safety hazardsLEDs are recyclableLEDs do not contain mercury like fluorescent bulbs so you do not have to worry about disposal issues.Equipped with a 4-year warranty on the diodes5-year guarantee on the power source on LEDs
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Interior Signs

From identifying the CEOs office to the simplicity of a bathroom sign, these signs are essential for any facility. Custom interior signs can any shape or color imaginable. Signdealz has the design and fabrication expertise to create your perfect sign. We can make them simple or custom fabricate them to your unique requirements.
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Energy Efficient Pylon Sign

Digital LED Pylon Signs from offer superior visibility with the height of a steel pylon and the crisp, bright colors of LED illumination with an LED illuminated cabinet sign. LEDs are more energy-efficient than other illumination methods, and because they lack an internal filament (like light bulbs), they have a longer lifespan. LEDs can last more than 50, 000 hoursLED Illumination allows a business owner to display a crisp, bright message night after night without losing sleep over the energy bill. Mounted on a tall steel pylon, your energy-efficient message will be visible from blocks away.We use Watchfire LED Signs for digital pylon solution. The finest LED display in the world.
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Pole Signs

SIGNDEALZ HAS BEEN BUILDING PYLON AND POLE SIGNS FOR SOME OF THE LARGEST COMPANIES IN THE UNITED STATES FOR YEARS. This tall and effective electric sign configuration works great for a business on a busy highway that wants to be seen from long distances.
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Sign Cabinets

Electric sign cabinets from Signdealz are made out of extruded aluminum, high quality electric components from France, and are UL listed. Signdealz has numerous options for protecting your sign cabinet from the elements to include high quality painting and powder-coating.
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The purpose of your monument sign is to make your business easy to find. It should stand out from the crowd and be easy to read. A well built monument sign will last for decades and dramatically increase your businesses exposure to the business community and strengthen your corporate identity. Using proven design and fabrication network, we can build a monument sign that will stand against the test of time to tell your companies story for years to come.
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Hinged Framed Cabinets from offer a platform to advertise your message beneath a protected, clear hinged-face. Hinged Cabinet signs can be built to accommodate anything from posters to marquee message boards, and can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Signdealz even offers the security of a lock-and-key face, so you can rest assured knowing that your message will be safe from vandalism.
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