Differential Scanning Calorimeter LMDSC-A100 Differential Scanning Calorimeter LMDSC-A100 is designed to determine differential scanning with the highest degree of precision, and it consists of several groups of thermocouples for different temperatures. An imported e-couple sensor offers excellent anti-interf more...
The CSI Specific Heat Calorimeter determines the mean specific heat of thermal insulating materials and adaptable for use with other materials. The unit is inherently simpler than those generally used in scientific calorimetry, but of adequate accuracy for most thermal measurement purposes. more...
The COSA 9610™ Wobbe Index Meter's measuring principle is based on the analysis of the oxygen content in the flue gas after combustion of the sample. A continuous gas sample is mixed with dry air at a precisely maintained constant ration, which depends on the BTU range of the gas to be measured. The fuel ai more...