Part # Size (in) WLL (tons) Wire Size Weight (lbs) BLK3HK 3" 2 38" 5 BLK4.12HK 4-12" 4 12" 12 BLK6HK 6" 8 34" 27 BLK8HK 8" 8 58 - 34" 33 BLK10HK 10” 8 58 - 34" 41 BLK16HK 16” 15 34 - 78” 13 more...
Cameron offers a range of traveling blocks, from 275-ton to 1, 250-ton models. Precise weighting of our traveling blocks ensures fast free-fall, and their streamlined, compact design eliminates interference with mast or derrick components. The long service life of our traveling blocks is enhanced through qual more...
1.5" Fixed eye pulley block, industrial quality, forged eye, 716 wide machined sheave with oil impregnated bushing grooved for 316 wire rope. Clear zinc finish or optional Stainless steel finish; safe work load of 525 lbs; weight 0.5 lbs. Options include center removable pinsnatch; deadman; replaceable center more...