Engine: 2 STROKE Fuel Type: Gasoline Cylinders: 2 Engine Position: OUTBOARD boat engine: yacht engine outboard motor: outboard engine outboards: twinsun outboard moto more...
Different marine engines and gensets are available - scrap, new and used - from ship wrecking sites around the world and the price will vary based on the model and type needed. Only serious inquiries will be entertained. more...
Propulsion We offer the marine propulsion market two engine platforms, John Deere and Sabre. Both engines come from pedigrees that are well able to stand up to the rigors of the marine market, but at the same time provide the power-to-weight ratios and fuel consumption advantages the market requires. The Trad more...
Let's face it, a stock performance engine will get you where you want to go, but some of us want to get there a little faster. JASPER MARINE offers a complete line of marine performance engines built with your needs and applications in mind. If you want that extra edge to take you to your favorite spot for a more...
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