Our Complete range of products are Engineered Wood, Lumber and PRESERVED WOOD.
Engineered Wood
Taiga is the national distributor of engineered wood products for Pinkwood. Taiga distributes the PKJoist series from PinkWood. In eastern Canada, Taiga is partnered with Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Please note that not all products may be available in your region, contact your local Taiga representative for more information.
Taiga has been a market leader in providing the building industry with their lumber requirements, since 1973. We specialize in distributing Eastern and Western Canadian dimension SPF (Spruce, Pine, Fir), Douglas Fir, and FirLarch in LCL (less than car load) volumes.
Taiga produces preserved wood at three plants strategically located to service the Canadian market. These are among Canada's most efficient and environmentally friendly wood preservation plants.