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Steel Wire

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of HDMB Spring Steel Wire, Low Carbon Steel Wire and Medium Carbon Steel Wire.

HDMB Spring Steel Wire

  • Rounds: (dia) .039" through .162"
  • Coil Weights: Up to 4, 500#
Hard Drawn Spring Steel Wire (HDMB) has a carbon content > 0.5%. Because of the higher carbon content and manufacturing process of spring steel, this material is stronger and suitable for parts subjected to high stress andor frequent stress repetitions. We produce Class I, Class II, Class III spring steel wire and music wire in our Henderson, KY location. Taubensees careful selection of steel rod grades and cold drawing to finished size under controlled conditions, combine to produce spring wire capable of withstanding the functional stresses inherent in spring production and use. We are always available to discuss your spring wire specifications and needs to help you choose a type of spring wire best suited for your application to give you the highest performance, reliability and long life in your product.
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Low Carbon Steel Wire

  • Rounds .039" through .750
  • Hexagons/Shapes 187" through .625
  • Square 187" through .625
  • Coil Weights: Up to 4, 500
Low carbon steel wire has < 0.20% carbon content. This is a general purpose manufacturing wire suitable for a large range of applications. This type of material has good formability, will take moderate bending or flattening, and can be roll threaded. Its strength is primarily a function of its carbon content, increasing with carbon amount. The ductility (or malleability) of carbon steel decreases as the carbon content increases. When used for plating and coating, an excellent surface finish is imperative. Taubensees decades of expertise in manufacturing a first-class surface finish is what puts our low carbon wire ahead of the rest. Taubensee Steel can adjust many variables in production and chemistry to adapt to your specific application need.
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Medium Carbon Steel Wire

  • Rounds .039" through .750
  • Hexagons/Shapes .187" through .625
  • Square: (dia) .187" through .625
  • Coil Weights: Up to 4, 500#
Medium carbon steel wire has a carbon content between 0.20%-0.5%. This is a popular material suitable for numerous applications. Because of its higher carbon content, it is stronger and slightly less ductile than low carbon wire. This type of material has fair formability, will take moderate bending or flattening, and can be roll threaded. Its strength is primarily a function of its carbon content, increasing with carbon amount. The ductility (or malleability) of carbon steel decreases as its carbon content increases. When used for plating and coating, an excellent surface finish is imperative. Taubensees decades of expertise in manufacturing a first-class surface finish is what puts our medium carbon wire above the rest. Taubensee Steel can adjust many variables in production and chemistry to adapt to your specific application need.
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