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Our offered Product range includes Powder Systems, Thermal Engineering - Material Handling, Pretreatment Equipment, RadiantWall and Specialty Equipment.

Powder Systems

Powder Paint Booths TEC can supply powder application equipment for many different products. Booths can be supplied with powder reclaim provisions and manual or automatic application. Booths can be designed for rapid color changes. Environmental Enclosures environmental enclosures are provided to ensure application equipment and power storage is conducted in a constant temperature and relative humidity environment. Enclosures are supplied with smooth easy to clean walls and high quality illumination. For Powder Curing Three choices in infrared heat technology are offered to our customers. RadiantWall Our RadiantWall Oven is employed when a three dimensional part needs to be cured. These parts are passed between shaped gas-fired emitter walls to obtain an even temperature profile with a fast temperature rise. High Temperature Gas-Fired Ceramic Infrared Ovens This technology is used mainly in two dimensional wood products applications to accomplish a cure in seconds. TEC Powder SystemsTEC manufacturers infrared gas fired ovens and burners for a wide range of industrial applications. TEC infrared technology offers higher efficiency at lower operating costs than electric infrared. From drying paints, lacquers and inks, to cooking food, sealing plastics and baking electrical armatures, gas infrared promises exceptional performance. TEC engineers will design an infrared gas burner system specifically for your needs.
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Thermal Engineering - Material Handling

We Keep It Moving Material handling equipment is critical to almost every paint application system. TEC provides virtually any type of conveyor to keep your system moving with maximum efficiency. Decades of experience with high temperature conveyors ensure your process moves with smooth efficiency for a long, trouble-free lifetime. TEC will integrate a standard overhead or floor conveyor into your system. We design and manufacture in house specialty conveyors and material handling systems. Our specialty conveyors offer line speeds of up to 400 feet per minute with side transfers, loading and unloading included in the total package. If your system design needs a programmable hoist for conveying, TEC will include this in our integrated package.
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Pretreatment Equipment

The Right Treatment From The Start Proper pretreatment creates a clean, refined surface essential for adherence and durability of finished coatings. TEC manufactures a complete line of pretreatment options to meet the individual requirements of all substrates. From multi-stage systems including immersion to standard spray washers, a full line of pretreatment process is available. Leading manufacturers such as General Motors, Honda of America, Dana Corporation and Freightliner rely on the consistent quality of TEC washers for their pretreatment requirements.
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Two Steps to a Perfect Finish The RadiantWall and Turbulator Ovens compose a total system engineered to sustain a clean environment so vital to flawless finish. The TEC system not only provides a dirt-free enclosure, but also offers savings in time, energy and floor space. The RadiantWall Oven In this two-step process the RadiantWall Oven first transfers heat in a still air environment using infra-red radiation. Highly emissive walls crafted of porcelain enameled steel project radiant heat onto the processed material. This process dries paint to a perfect tack-free surface in as little as six minutes. At this stage, The Turbulator Oven is employed to speed the drying process and promote uniformity of temperature. The Turbulator Oven In the final stage of the curing process, large volumes of turbulent air are directed at the object to be heated. The TEC Turbulator Oven is designed for simple and effective drying and curing. By increasing turbulence, the exposure time and oven operating temperature can be reduced, saving time and energy. The advances brought to the coatings industry by the Tubulator earned TEC the Challenger award for outstanding systems technology. The RadiantWall Oven.To request more information about RadiantWallTurbulator Ovens, click here. The Turbulator Oven. Radiating Consistency The introduction of the AirRadiant Oven has made conventional ovens virtually obsolete. No other process offers uniform temperature distribution essential for a consistent, quality frinish. AirRadiant Ovens give numerous benefits including optimal energy efficiency and reduced operating costs. The AirRadiant model operates on the principle of convection-stabilized radiant heat transfer. This innovative concept provides excellent conditions for automotive paint applications. Temperature will vary as little as plus or minus 3 degrees Fahrenheit over the entire vehicle surface. AirRadiant Ovens also feature the BestBurner system, which provides heat to the back of our curved high emissivity porcelain-coated walls, creating a naturally indirect fired oven. Advantages of TEC AirRadiant Oven Heats uniformly resulting in as little as +-3F variation over the entire vehicle surfaceFaster heat-up and temperature control responseNo external heaters, fans, ducts or heat exchangersQuiet operationConserves floor spaceSubstantial savings in operation costsTypically one-third of the horsepower of conventional ovensModular construction eases future expansion
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Wood Finishing

First At The Finish For many years Thermal Engineering Corporation has been at the forefront of paint curing technology as applied to wood products. The introduction of the Turbulator oven in the mid 1970's literally revolutionized the curing of furniture coatings. Today the Turbulator oven is the oven of choice in the furniture industry. For flat products such as paneling, door skins, or lap siding, TEC is recognized industry-wide as the leader in paint curing technology. Our combination of gas infrared and high velocity convection ovens provides complete cure in minimal amount of floor space. Additionally, our decades of experience, in combination with our complete testing facility, ensure all design parameters are fully proven before any equipment is built. Whether your product is handcrafted fine furniture or mass-produced lap siding, TEC's unique designs will ensure your product is the best it can be!
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Specialty Equipment

The TEC AIR-KNIFE COATER is designed for water based paint applications involving wood building products, composites, or gypsum products. This coater has been designed with flexibility as a primary design element and can coat product at speeds up to 250 feet per minute. It is equipped with dual spray manifolds and can be used for top coating, bottom coating or both. Adjustable input pinch rollers permit a variety of either singular or multiple input sizes. Dual brushes provide for superior distribution of coating and permit cleaning of the brushes on the fly. Dual air knives, with individual pressure and flow control, provide flexibility and control of coating thickness. The coater is fabricated of stainless steel with all wetted surfaces lined with polypropylene for ease of cleaning. The end housings and internal baffles are all of polypropylene and removable for maintenance. All drive rollers may be partially submerged in water to minimize coating adhesion. The coater can be supplied with optional pumping, filtration, and mix tanks per the individual customer requirements
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Paint Finishing Systems

Turn-Key Essentials Thermal Engineering Corporation designs and manufactures all equipment necessary for total turn-key flexibility. A complete system comprises all essential equipment for surface preparation, paint application and final finishing. The system begins with pretreatment equipment to ensure a chemically cleaned surface prior to application. After cleaning and drying, coatings are applied in our custom designed booths. Curing of the coatings is then accomplished in our patented ovens. Customers may choose from gas, steam, hot oil or electric energy for process fuels. A variety of special materials is offered to give TEC equipment outstanding resistance to corrosion, abrasion and heat degradation.
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Air Houses

Fresh Air from Start To Finish Many industrial processes require the consumption of large volumes of often specially conditioned air. Inattention to proper air replacement can cause problems with the manufacturing process, other equipment, and worker health. TEC designs and manufactures a complete range of air replacement systems from simple air make-up units to large air supply houses. Systems can be equipped with high efficiency filtration and full control of air temperature and humidity. TEC has developed unique control systems that allow the air replacement system to react to changing outside air conditions without operator intervention. Air houses can be supplied with water chiller and hot water heating systems. Humidification can be supplied via sprayed coils, evaporative media pads, steam injection or high pressure water spray. Many of our air houses are applied on recirculated paint booths that can save many thousands of dollars in operation costs.
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Electro-Deposition Coatings

E-Coat Systems TEC will design, engineer, manufacture and install a complete Electro-deposition coating system for your needs. We incorporate the best technology available to build a system that is custom-engineered for your products. TEC E-coat systems can be designed with either monorail or programmable hoist type material transfer systems. The entire E-coat system is supplied in an integrated manner including ultrafilters, electrolyte recirculation, anodes, power supplies and paint recirculation systems. RO DI water supply systems are also included. Your E-Coat system will be enhanced with our patented oven technology to fully dehydrate the coated parts to prevent blistering problems before curing begins. TEC will also supply our standard Turbulator cooler system to cool your parts and conveyors, reducing excess smoke and odor problems in your manufacturing environment.
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Paint Application Equipment

Enclosed in Quality TEC manufactures all types of spray booths and enclosures, from environmentally controlled booths to prep booths, inspection booths and flash tunnels. Both dry filter and water wash booths are available; each can be designed with fully conditioned air for consistent painting applications. Our technical service specialists design each TEC spray booth to meet the unique climactic conditions of your particular region. Powder coating and environmental booths can also be manufactured to your individual specifications. All TEC booth systems are constructed of quality corrosion-resistant galvanized or stainless steel. Our booths are equipped with glass walls, final filtration, high level illumination and high efficiency paint eliminators. For water wash systems, paint sludge removal can be built-in to complete the process. spray booths and enclosures Integrating the Complete Package TEC will incorporate the paint application equipment into the total finishing package. This can include the paint kitchen with all the pumps, paint piping, day tanks, mix tanks with agitators, gun movers, robotics and specialty paint booths for various products and line speeds of up to 300 feet per minute. We also offer an integrated vacuum coating system including conveyors and ovens.
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