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  1. Building Material 5 Products available
  2. Cement

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  3. Construction Aggregates

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  4. Sand

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  5. Transportation Services

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  6. Concrete

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  7. Adhesives & Sealants

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  8. Calculator

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  9. Wall Hanging

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  10. Ores And Minerals

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  11. Others Products / Services 1 Products / Services available

Building Material

Our product range contains a wide range of Envira Concrete, Flowable Fill Concrete, Flowing Concrete, Lightweight Concrete and Underwater Concrete

Envira Concrete

Storm water runoff is the single largest contributing pollutant to many waterways. Envira Concrete, developed by Titan America, is the best solution we have today. When rain hits its pervious porous surface, it seeps directly into the earth which naturally filters harmful pollutants and prevents them from flowing into bodies of water. Developers and contractors are also concerned about cost. By avoiding the need for expensive drainage systems and land-consuming retention ponds, Envira Concrete actually saves money. The fact that it takes much less time to place is still another advantage.
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Flowable Fill Concrete

Flowable fill concrete is a mix specially designed for applications where a flowable, self leveling, self compacting, controlled density product that can be easily excavated is required. Backfill applications for this product are sewer and utility trenches, bridge abutments, conduit trenches, pile excavations and retaining walls. Structural fill applications include foundations subbase, subfooting, floor slab base and pipe bedding. Flowable fill can also be used for abandoned underground storage tanks, well, abandoned utility company vaults, and voids under pavement, sewers and manholes. This product reduces in-place cost, reduces manpower and equipment needs. It is pre-mixed and delivered ready for use.
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Flowing Concrete

High slump or "flowing" concrete mixes are economical ready mix products that allow maximum flowability without sacrificing strength by adding water at the jobsite. These high slump, high strength properties are attained through the use of high range water reducing admixtures (superplasticizers). These mixes feature high slumps (8" - 11") without segregation or sacrificing strength. High slump concrete provides faster and easier placement.
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Lightweight Concrete

Because of weight limitations, it often becomes necessary to use lightweight concrete in multi-story commercial applications. The unit weight of concrete produced using lightweight or expanded aggregates is considerably less than the weight of concrete using normal materials. This type of concrete becomes an extremely desirable construction material when the structural flexibility and integrity of concrete is necessary, while maintaining a lighter unit weight. Tarmac can produce many differently classifications of lightweight concrete depending on the specific needs of the project.
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Underwater Concrete

Where necessary, using properly proportioned mixes along with anti-washout admixtures, Titan America can provide concrete that can effectively be poured underwater. The anti-washout admixture greatly reduces the tendency for cement and fine aggregate to be washed out during underwater placement.
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