We offer a complete product range of Engineered to Order AGV Vehicles, Tugger, Heavy Load Transport, Unit Conveyor Vehicles and Roll Handling Vehicles
Engineered To Order AGV Vehicles
Load Size:14’ x 9’
Load Weight:2, 000 lbs
Transbotics offers a wide range of Engineered-To-Order Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Automatic Guided Carts (AGCs), Tailor-Made. Our specialty is to integrate Tailor-Made AGVs with other types of automation equipment and software. The goal is to provide the BEST SOLUTION for each customer based on their individual needs. We focus on the solution and design the vehicle to conform to the needs of the customer. Below you will find just a few of our unique Tailor-Made AGVs. For more information please click the button below.
Tuggers are offered for light or heavy duty applications. Tugger AGVs & AGCs are used in almost every industry, including aerospace & defense, automotive and tier one supplier, textiles, ceramics, chemical processing, food & beverage, newsprint & publishing, microelectronics, plastics, primary metals and recycling. For more information please click the button below.
Large capacity vehicles are utilized in a variety of industries. Steel, aluminum and paper mills all transport sizable loads. Transbotics offers Automated Guided Vehicle solutions for these and other heavy load applications. For more information please click the button below
Automatic Guided Vehicles are commonly used for assembly lines or can also replace traditional in-floor tow lines. These Automated Guided Vehicles are most commonly ordered as tape guided configurations but are also available in Laser, Spot and Wire guidance for maximum layout flexibility. Transbotics offers standard and customized solutions to meet the end users unique requirements. Below you will find examples of assembly and production vehicles that can be applied to various applications. For more information on any of Transbotics products or services please click below or call us at (704) 362-1115.
Transbotics Unit Load and Conveyor Style AGVs are used to move pallets, drums, boxes, totes and skidded items throughout various areas of a production, manufacturing or distribution facility. The most common use is when all load transfers are to or from a stationary conveyor. The automated vehicle provides the flexibility of connecting stationary conveyors with other conveyor or receiving stations without the physical requirements of a traditional conveyance system. This benefit frees up valuable floor space and allows the flexibility for change in the production process. The Combination ConveyorLift Deck type AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) is an excellent choice when you must interface with conveyors that are different heights. Transbotics Conveyor Style AGVs come in various sizes, heights and weight capacities. We specialize in developing Tailor-Made AGVs to provide our customers with the best material handling solutions for their needs. Below you will find the common Conveyor AGV styles. For more information please click the button below
Forklift or Fork Style vehicles are commonly used to automatically pick up and deliver pallets, skids, rolls, carts and many other transportable loads. Pick up and delivery can be performed at floor level or at stands, racks and conveyors. Narrow-aisle and deep-lane stacking are common applications for fork style automated guided vehicles. For more information please click the button below.
Transbotics Unit Load and Conveyor Style AGVs are used to move pallets, drums, boxes, totes and skidded items throughout various areas of a production, manufacturing or distribution facility. The most common use is when all load transfers are to or from a stationary conveyor. The automated vehicle provides the flexibility of connecting stationary conveyors with other conveyor or receiving stations without the physical requirements of a traditional conveyance system. This benefit frees up valuable floor space and allows the flexibility for change in the production process. The Combination ConveyorLift Deck type AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) is an excellent choice when you must interface with conveyors that are different heights. Transbotics Conveyor Style AGVs come in various sizes, heights and weight capacities. We specialize in developing Tailor-Made AGVs to provide our customers with the best material handling solutions for their needs. Below you will find the common Conveyor AGV styles. For more information please click the button below
Forklift or Fork Style vehicles are commonly used to automatically pick up and deliver pallets, skids, rolls, carts and many other transportable loads. Pick up and delivery can be performed at floor level or at stands, racks and conveyors. Narrow-aisle and deep-lane stacking are common applications for fork style automated guided vehicles. For more information please click the button below.