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Expansion Joints

We offer a complete product range of Exhaust Expansion Joints, In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints, Elbow Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints, Externally Pressurized Expansion Joints and Hinged Expansion Joints

Exhaust Expansion Joints

Triad Bellows specializes in the design and manufacturing of metal bellows expansion joints specifically engineered for the engine exhaust industry. The minimum pressure rating on Triad exhaust expansion joints is 5 PSIG @ 1000F making them the perfect solution for blower, fan, and other low pressure piping applications. Triad Bellows supplies Single-ply and Multi-ply expansion joints for diesel driven generators, marine exhaust and numerous other hot air piping systems. Our metal bellows and expansion joints are designed and manufactured in accordance with the Expansion Joint Manufactures Association (EJMA) latest 10th Edition.
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In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints

The In-Line Pressure Balanced Metal Bellows Expansion Joint is used in a straight piping run to absorb axial movement with minimal thrust forces imposed on the system anchors. Each In-Line Pressure Balanced Expansion Joint is specifically designed for specific pressure, temperature and axial compression rating. The most common fitting configurations are flanges or beveled weld ends. As with all metal expansion joints that Triad manufactures your expansion joint order will be 100% leak tested.
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Elbow Pressure Balanced Expansion Joints

Unlike any of the In-Line Pressure balanced Expansion joints, serving only straight pipe lines where lateral deflection MUST be eliminated, 90 Elbow Pressure Balanced Joints can absorb both axial compression and lateral offset. This expansion joint is similar to the tied universal expansion joint with a balancing bellows that almost totally eliminates the pressure thrust on the anchors. This metal expansion joint design is recognized and recommended by the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association.
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Externally Pressurized Expansion Joints

Externally Pressurized Expansion Joints are the perfect choice for large amounts of axial compression or extension. Triad Bellows can design externally pressurized metal bellows expansion joints with over 18 total axial movement capability. Other benefits of an externally pressurized expansion joint is that they have a built in guiding system eliminating the need for the first pipe guide in a piping run. For steam applications, where usually a flow liner is required, externally pressurized expansion joint, due to its construction eliminates this requirement. This type of metal expansion joint also incorporates an outer casing to contain the pressure which also protects the metal bellows from damage.
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Hinged Expansion Joints

Triad Bellows offers Hinged Expansion Joints in single, universal and slotted hinge designs. Our hinged metal bellows expansion joints are designed to allow angular rotation in a single plane only. For this reason hinged metal expansion joints must be used in sets of 2 or 3 to function properly. The hinges and pins are designed to restrain pressure thrust of the bellows and to accept loads transmitted by the piping design. Universal hinged expansion joint designs allow for large amounts of lateral offset while slotted hinge designs can provide for small amounts of axial movement.
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Single Expansion Joints

This basic expansion joint is made by attaching fittings to a single metal bellows. Triad Bellows will incorporate any weldable fitting into your expansion joint design. Single Metal Bellows Expansion Joints are most commonly used for axial compression and extension but may also be designed for lateral offset and angular movement. Our design engineers commonly utilize multi-ply metal bellows for the maximum cycle life. Tie Rods, flow liners and covers can be added to the single metal expansion joint to enhance the performance capabilities.
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