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We offer the best product range of Vdi Tooling, ACCU-STOP precision spindle stop, CHUCK STOPS, Concentrated Coolants and MIST COOLANT.

Coolant Hoses

The standard for low pressure coolant delivery, Loc-Line is the leader in modularhoses. Loc-Line is manufactured in a premium grade acetal copolymer materialwhich is chemically resistant to petroleum products, coolants and most commonchemicals.FEATURES:Unique ball and socket design is fully hand adjustable in bothposition and lengthBending does not decrease the inside diameter and it will notkink or fatigue like copper tubingUnlike metal hoses, Loc-Line will not damage machine toolcutters if contact occursNo internal positioning rod that can break or restrict fluid flowRepeated positioning is easy-stays in position without any springback
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-Flexible spray mist coolant system meets your needs and costs only$0.03 per operating hour?-Is biodegradable coolant safe for people, machines and parts?-Spray mist coolant systems delivers efficiency and longer tool life?-Universal coolant systems improves material machinability?Kool Mist is perfect for:Industrial Machine ShopsAerospace CompaniesManufacturingTool and Die ShopsSaw MillsPipe ManufacturersNuclear Power PlantMilitary basesHome Machine ShopsAnd many more.
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Vdi Tooling

The main principle behind the VDI System is a quick-change, cam-operated clamping system for eachtoolholder within the tool disc. Tool changes can therefore be performed within seconds, rather thanwithin minutes as with the traditional block system. The toolholders can also be preset away from thelathe on a presetter. This quick-change design principle has been employed in Western Europe formany years, but is relatively new to North America. We offer the full range of VDI quick-changeprecision toolholders for CNC lathes. We offer the largest selection from several suppliers withextensive stock at competitive prices. Shanks from 20 to 80mm are offered.All VDI holders are manufactured to the strictest tolerances and conform to DIN 69880 and VDI3425.Other Features Include:Heat-treated steel with approx. 700Nmm2 tensile strengthHardened and ground cylindrical shaftGround tool seat faces and shoulderblack oxided to retard oxidationInternal coolant supplies with adjustable ball-type nozzlessquare tools can be preset with spring loaded plates
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ACCU-STOP Precision Spindle Stop

Accu-Stop is a precision spindle stop for CNC lathes that provides a solid, precisestopping surface for work pieces. Its modular assembly allows you to stop partsanywhere from outside the chucks bore to nearly the entire length of the drawtube.Accu-Stop is made of low-carbon steel coated with zinc oxide for durability and auniform appearance. The Accu-Stop bolts to the front of the chuck, allowing thework piece and the stop to turn together to eliminate friction, gouging, and damageLength adjustable by addingor removing tube section andadjusting rod.
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Cut time dramatically on jobs where the part must be registered in machine more than one time or where more than one part is to be machined. Just slide the bodyinto the spindle of the machine, rotate the T-handle wrench which expands 3 keyswhich lock the body securely into position. When the chuck or collet is opened andthe next piece loaded into machine all distances from the stop will repeat exactly
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Kit Includes:Portamist model 60MAir and coolant hoses12 flexible Loc-Line positionerMagnetic baseOne gallon of Formula 78concentrated coolantSample (4 oz) of Form
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This product is so useful and simple, youll wonderwhy you never thought of it. The Royal chuck stop isa precision machined aluminum extrusion whichmounts squarely against the face of almost any 3jaw lathe chuck, providing a fixed reference surfacefor workpieces to locate against.
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Concentrated Coolants

Can handle most machine shop work such as drilling, tapping, pantographing, cutoff saws, band saws andsurface grinders. The controls of this completelyportable unit are factory mounted to the tanktop instead of the machine, so that the entiresystem can be relocated at will.516 nozzleOutput from each nozzle is regulatedby a single knob on the controlNo scrambled lines! Coolant andcompressed air are brought to the nozzleseparately through a coaxial line, halvingthe number of lines to the machine
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Mix 4 ounces with each gallon of water.For heavy machining, mix 8 ounces ormore per gallon of water.Increases tool lifeFor machining and tappingNo-fogging, odorlessContains rust preventative
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