50 (ANSI-B.74.8.1987)
Specific Gravity
3.92 g/cc
Fired Color
BROWN FUSED ALUMINA (AL2O3) FOR REFRACTORY & ABRASIVEBTUS BROWN ALUMINUM OXIDEThe information contained in this data sheet has been determined through the application of accepted engineering practice and is believed to bereliable. Since the conditions of application and use of our products are beyond our control, no warranty is expressed or implied regarding accuracyof the information, the results to be obtained from use of the product, or that such use will not infringe on any patent. This information is furnishedwith the express condition that you will make your own tests to determine the suitability of the product for your particular use.Updated: 0513ABOUT:BTUS is a brown aluminum oxide obtained from the reduction of high quality bauxite in an electricarc furnace.APPLICATIONS:Due to its high toughness, BTUS is recommended for use in bonded abrasives (grinding wheels, cutoff wheels, points, etc), coated abrasives (paper & cloth), blasting abrasives, as well asrefractory applications