Our offered Product range includes Clamshells for Food and Car Trunk Liners.
Paper Potato Bags
Window in 5 # 10#, 20#, and 50# sizesSolid 50# size in brown or white paperMaster bags 105, 510 or 163 or combination (check off style)Stock designs or custom print availableThese are just some of our designs, many more available.Our paper potato bags are made of high quality food grade brown and white kraft paper. These bags can be customized with your design. We choose only kraft paper of the highest quality for durable packaging. Our paper bags can withstand rough handling and long shipping times while keeping your potatoes fresh. Call us for more information on stock designs and custom prints today!
We supply corn mesh bags made with open weave polypropylene fabric for the proper ventilation of packed corn. The bags allow air circulation around the product to ensure that they remain fresh for a longer period of time. The corn bag print design can be customized according to your specifications. Ask for a quote now!
5# or 10# sizes with vent holesStock designs for Eastern, Red, Russet and Yukon Gold varietiesCustom designs can be manufactured as per specification Our poly potato bags prevent the greening of potatoes with the large area on the front covered with printed graphics that can be from our stock or your design. The back of our poly bags are clear for consumers to see the quality and freshness of the potatoes. Vent holes keep the crops fresh and dry during transport.
Master size provides for maximum ventilationMesh header bags for all sizes between 1lb and 10lbsCustom headers available in paper, cardstock and laminated paperAll color mesh availableDifferent mesh types available We use the best possible quality raw materials for our mesh potato bags so they're excellent for packing perishables. We make sure our bags are of premium quality and can take the weight of potatoes without getting damaged during transport. We offer our durable mesh potato bags at affordable prices. Ask us for a quote today!
Our bulk potato bag is produced from unique black woven, ventilated polypropylene fabric which provides optimum airflow through the bag during normal storageBlack fabric is specially chosen in order to protect the potatoes from lightCarrying Capacity: 2500 lbs 5:1 SfDischarge: 14" diameter spout and 18" lengthLoops: 4 loops, 10" high We use the strongest lightweight material for our bulk potato bags so they can withstand rough shipping and handling. These are durable enough for long periods of storage and can be reused. We choose only the polypropylene fabric of the highest grade. This gives more than ample UV protection for potatoes while in transit and in storage.
Stock or Custom print extra Heavy duty (polypro) bagsWill increase your Pick-your-own salesCustomers can carry out more pumpkins in this bag than they could carry in their arms!Huge supply of Halloween frames and items available
White durable plastic, stock or custom printedKeeps the vehicle cleanCan be reused and can be tacked to the garage or tool shed for referral to the stock printed Plant Care & Insect Control information.Sold in cases of 500 - dispenses easily from box.
New bagsPlain, custom printed up to 100 lb. sizeSpecial: stock or custom print pumpkin bagsPlain Poly BagsVented and non-ventedSlide close availableSizes thru 10 x 8 x 24Light and Heavy gauges availableVented LinersHeavy Duty Plastic bags 17 x 26