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Our offered Product range includes CXAR Series Coax Switches and CXM Series Microwave Systems.

CXAR Series Coax Switches

  • Dimensions 19" Rack Mount (483 mm) 15" deep (381 mm) 3.5" (2 RU) high (89 mm)
  • Weight 15 lbs (6.8 Kg) max
  • AC Power 10 Watts max. 110/220 selectable.
RF Systems with Bandpass from DC to 1.6 GHz, 50 or 75 Ohm Impedance and low crosstalk.Low Leakage modules for current measurements down to 100 femto amps or resistance up to 100 terra ohms.Low cost reed relay 1 or 2 pole coaxial modules for high speed, long life switching of signals below 100 MHz.Computer Control from Ethernet LAN, IEEE488 BUS, RS232 Serial, USB or TTL.LED Front Panel Display and Status Feedback to Computer for visual indication and debugging.Manual Control Option for use without computer control.The CXAR Units are 19" rack mounted chassis, and are available as either Mainframes or Expansion Chassis pre-wired to acceptany of the CXR Series of Coaxial Switch Modules. All chassis have front panel LEDs showing latched switch points and have IOconnectors mounted through the rear panel.CHASSIS:CXAR16 Mainframe or -E Expansion Chassis - 16 relay drives allow for two 8x1 modules or four 4x1 modules.CXAR32 Mainframe or -E Expansion Chassis - 32 relay drives for four 8x1 modules, eight 4x1 modules or combinations.CXAR64 Mainframe or -E Expansion Chassis - Up to 64 relay drives. Control up to 16 4x1 modules in a 5.25" high chassis.CXAR128Mainframe or -E Expansion Chassis - Up to 128 relay drives. Control up to 16 8x1 modules or 8 16x1 modulesin a 7" high chassis.SWITCH MODULES:There are five series of Switch Modules. Each series has design features tailored to specific needs.CXR Series use coaxial reed relays and are available with a bandpass up to 200 MHz. BNC or Screw Terminal Connectors.CXR-G Series use armature relays in a tree configuration and have a bandpass exceeding 1 GHz. BNC or SMA Connectors.CXR-2A Series use two pole relays to switch balanced line signals and have bandpass up to 200 MHz. BNC's or Twin-ax.CXR-LL Series use single pole low leakage relays for currents as low as femto amps or resistance as high as terra ohms.CXS Series use solid state relays for high reliability 50 or 75 ohm switching.
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HX Series High Voltage Switching Systems

  • Weight 20 lbs (9 Kg) max
  • Dimensions 19" rack mount (483 mm) 15" deep (381 mm) 5.25" (2 RU) high (89 mm)
  • AC Power 75 watts max. 110/220 selectable
EATURES:Standard relays hot switch up to 3500 volts or 3 amps, carry 5000 volts and 5 amps.Customized systems switch up to 40 kV.Front panel LEDs show switch status and aid in debugging.Computer Control via Ethernet LAN, combined IEEE488RS232 Serial or TTL.Remote Status feedback to controlling computer.Manual Control option for use without computer control.The HXV Units are 19" rack mounted chassis, and are available as either mainframes or expansion chassis that are pre-wired toaccept any of the HXV Series high voltage switch modules. All chassis have front panel LEDs showing open and closed switchpoints. Signal IO connectors protrude through the rear panel.CHASSIS:HXV32 Mainframe or -E Expansion Chassis -- 32 relay drives allow four HXV8x1 or HXV4x2 modules to be installed, or twoHXV8K modules. The chassis height is 5.25".HXV96 Mainframe or -E Expansion Chassis -- furnishes 96 relay drivers, controlling up to 12 HXV8x1 or HXV4x2 modules, or six HXV8K Switch Modules in a 7" high chassis.HXV128 Mainframe or -E Expansion Chassis -- Up to 128 relay drives. Controls up to 16 HXV8x1 or HXV4x2 modules, oreight HXV8K modules in a 10.5" high chassis.Expansion Chassis - Up to 16 expansion chassis are run from a single Mesa Controller, allowing systems with up to 8096 switchpoints to be built. HXV chassis can be mixed with other Cytec products to provide a complete turn-key switching solution.SWITCH MODULES:HXV8x1 Modules -- Individual modules can be wired together to build larger 1xN multiplexer configurations. Interconnectsare located either externally or inside the chassis using screw terminal connectors built into the switch modules.HXV4x2 Modules -- Are used to build 2xN matrices. Useful for HiPot testing and Insulation Resistance testing where Hiand Low must be switched between any two of many measuring points.HXV8K Modules --- Furnish 8 SPST discrete relays which can be externally interconnected to form various configurations.
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CX Series Coax Matrix Switches

  • Bandpass(50 ohm) DC to 700 MHz (-3 dB)
  • Bandpass(75 ohm) DC to 500 MHz (-3 dB)
  • Isolation -60 dB to 700 MHz
CXB MAINFRAMES -- DC to 50 MHzCX-1Modular Systems with BNC connectors available in incrementalnonblocking configurations from 1x8 to 16x8, or from2x4 to 32x4. 19" rackmount chassis, 3.5" high.CXE MAINFRAMES -- DC to 50 MHzModular Systems with BNC connectors available in incrementalnonblocking configurations from 2x8 to 32x8. 19"rackmount chassis, 3.5" high.CXG MAINFRAMES -- DC to 700 MHzAvailable as 4x8 or 8x8 nonblocking matrices in 50 or 75ohm characteristic impedance. Available with BNC, SMA oruser specified connectors. 19" rackmount chassis, 7" high.CXF MAINFRAMES -- 50 or 75 Ohm MatrixAvailable as 4x8 or 8x8 nonblocking, full fan-out matrices with50 or 75 ohm impedance. BNC, or SMA connectors for 50ohm systems, BNC or F for 75 ohm systems. 19" rackmountchassis, 7" high.CXL MAINFRAMES -- DC to 700 MHzAffordable 8x8 blocking matrix with 50 ohm characteristicimpedance. Available with BNC, SMA or user specified connectors.19" rackmount chassis, 3.5" high. No LED indicators.MANUAL CONTROL OPTIONSCONTROL OPTIONSMC2 KEYPAD MANUAL CONTROL W LCD DISPLAYM128-TW OR M256-TW THUMBWHEEL CONTROLSThis manual control uses a thumbwheel selector and strobebutton to select switchpoints.LANGPIBRS232USBFREE CYTEC CONTROL SOFTWARECheck out the latest versions of free GUI software on ourwebpage at: http:cytec-ate.comsupport.htmThe software runs on Windows XP or later.Source code available on request.IF-11 LAN GPIB RS232 ControlCytecs newest control module has the three most popularcontrol interface protocols built into one module andis backwards compatible with all previous Cytec controlmodules.LAN - 10100BaseT Ethernet with an RJ45 Connector.The interface uses a static IP easily reset by the end user. Thereare three ports available and all may be used at the same time.Two ports can be set by the end user and one is the defaultTelnet which may be disabled.GPIB - IEEE488.2 compliant control module.Commonly used with automated test applications. Works withall GPIB control cards and software including National Instruments, Matlab and Keysight. Drivers available upon request.RS232 - Standard D9 serial port which can be used from com
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RS422 Digital Matrix Switching Systems

  • Input Voltage High (VIH) 2.1V Min
  • Input Voltage Low (VIL) -0.3V Min
  • Output Voltage High (VOH) 2.4V Min
The DX256X256 Series are 19" rack mounting units and arebuilt as either Mainframe or Expansion Chassis. The SolidState Digital Matrix is modular, capable of being expandedfrom a 64x64 to a 256x256 by adding the desired numberof input and output modules. The configurations occur in64 channel increments so typical configurations will be64x448, 128x384, 256x256, etc. Other possible configurationssuch as dual 128x128 clock and data matrices or multichassis clock and data systems.DX256X256 CHASSISDX256x256 Mainframe Rear View ( Standard 422 Matrix )CUSTOM CHASSISCustom configurations are available with options susch asredundant control modules, redundant power supplies orcustom interface panels.MANUAL CONTROLMC-2 WITH LCD DISPLAYCONTROL MODULESDX256X256 MAINFRAMEThe Standard Mainframes are built with power supplies, user specified Control Module and optionally Keypad LCDDisplay Manual Control. The system is completely modularby adding the desired number of DX64 Input and OutputSwitch Modules defined on pages 2 and 3 of the bulletin.The expansion chassis is identical to the mainframe in sizeand function. The expansion chassis, however, uses a separtecontrol chassis that allows multiple chassis to be driven inunison. This allows you to build even bigger configurationssuch as 512x512 Clock and Data systems if needed.DX256x256-E EXPANSION CHASSISIF-11 LANIEEE488RS232 CONTROL MODULEThis module provides the following remote control ports:10100BaseT Ethernet LAN with 2 ports plus telnet.RS232 Serial or USB Adaptor.IEEE488 TalkListen interface (GPIB).This local control supplies a front panel Keypad and LCDDisplay that lets the operator control any switch and verifyswitch status.
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CXM Series Microwave Systems

  • Weight 30 lbs (14 kg) max
  • Dimensions 19" Rack Mount (483 mm) 15" deep (381 mm) 7" (4 RU) high (178 mm)
  • AC Power 10 W per closed switch- 115/230 VAC selectable
FEATURES:RF systems with bandpass from DC to 18 GHz, 50 ohms impedance, low crosstalk & high isolation.Some systems with extended bandpass as high as 40 GHz.Both Nx1 multiplexers and NxM matrices offered. SMA connectors standard, N, BNC, TNC also available.Computer control via IEEE488 & RS232 standard. Ethernet LAN, USB and front panel Manual Controls optional.Front Panel LEDs for visual indication of closed switches and remote Status feedback aid in debugging.Passive design doesn't add to signal noise or create intermodulation products typical of solid state devices.The CXM systems are 19" rack mounted chassis, and are built as either Mainframes or Expansion Chassis. They are designed tohold CXM Series Microwave Switches in configurations specified by the user. All chassis have front panel LEDs showing switchpoint status. RF connectors are typically mounted on the rear panel.CHASSIS:CXM16 Chassis - Furnishes 16 relay drives, allowing two 8x1 switch modules, four 4x1 modules or eight 2x1 modules.CXM32 Chassis - 32 relay drives allow four 8x1 modules, eight 4x1 modules, thirty-two 2x1s, or a combination.CXM64 Chassis - Up to 64 relay drives. Control up to eight 8x1 modules, sixteen 4x1s, sixty-four 2x1s or a combination.CXM128 Chassis - Up to 128 relay drives. Control up to sixteen 8x1 modules, thirty-two 4x1s or combinations.CXM256 Chassis - Up to 256 relay drives. Typically used to control up to 16 CXM10x1 Switches.MICROWAVE SWITCH MODULES:Several Microwave Switch Module types are offered. Each type has design features tailored to meet specific needs.CXMNx1-NO Series are Normally Open type and are available in sizes ranging from 3x1 to 10x1.CXMNx1-FS Series are Failsafe type. Similar to the NO type, but these modules default to Port 0 closed when powered off.CXMNx1-FT Series terminate unused ports to ground via 50 ohms. Prevents reflections off open ports. 2x1 to 10x1 sizes.CXM Transfer Switches have four ports that switch to one of two configurations. Configuration A routes Ports 1-3 and 2-4.Configuration B routes Ports 1-2 and 3-4.Microwave Switches are available with connectors other than SMAs, higher power ratings and frequencies to 40Gz. Please contact the Factory for more information. We are open to using any brand of relay you prefer.
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