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Cytec Corp.
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Transformers And Transformer Parts

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of JX Series Modular Mux Switching Systems, LX Series Versitile Switching Systems, HDX Series High Density Matrix Switching Systems, RS Series Switching Systems and RJ Series Switching Systems.

JX Series Modular Mux Switching Systems

  • Size Standard 19" rack mounting chassis, 5.25" high and 16" deep.
  • Prewired Backplane accepts 16 Switch Modules and one Control Module. The Backplane includes signal bussing so that the Switch Modules can be interconnected up to a 512x1 Multiplexer or 256x2 Matrix.
  • JX/256 Mainframe This is a stand alone unit with its own Power Supplies controlled from any one of the Control Modules. It can also be supplied with an optional Manual Control and Front Panel LCD Display.
This compact and economically priced Series can be used as Multiplexers, Matrices orIndividual Switches. As Multiplexers, they can be used as a single multiplexer to switch alarge number of inputs or outputs to one common port , or as a dual multiplexer to switchbetween either of two common ports. As Matrices, any number of switches can be selectedand wired out in the required configuration. Individual Relays are available as SPST or SPDTwith standard, mercury wetted, low thermal, armature or power relays.Typical applications include:Data AcquisitionComponent TestingBed of Nails TestersCable Testers
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LX Series Versitile Switching Systems

  • SPECIFICATIONS Contact Rating VA
  • S 10
  • M 50
  • LT 10
  • HV 10
LX MAINFRAMESThe LX Series Mainframes are 19" rack mounting chassis, 3.5"high and 15.6" deep with power supplies and motherboardsthat hold up to 16 Switch and Display Modules and one ControlModule. Signal connectors are located at the unit's rear paneland LED display is visible through the front panel.The following Mainframes are standard:LX-1The LX Series are high reliability, low cost, versatile Switching Systems. A modular design concept isused, and interchangeable Control Modules, Switch Modules and Display Modules can be assembledinto Matrices, Multiplexers or Individual Switch Point configurations. All chassis have full front panelLED displays, and Status Feedback from all switches is provided. A variety of switch modules areoffered, including those designed to handle the following signals: Coaxial RF, Low Level with a DCoffset less than 1 microvolt, High Voltages to 1500 volts, and High Current to 8 amps.Control Modules available are 10100Base-T Ethernet LAN, IEEE488 Bus, RS232 Serial and TTLParallel Port. USB and Manual Controls are optionally available.LXA GENERAL PURPOSEThese are the most versatile units, accepting any of the LXSeries Switch Modules and capable of furnishing Multiplexers, Matrices or Individual Switches as needed.LXB MATRICESThese mainframes hold the LXB Series Switch Modules andfurnish several prewired Matrix configurations.LX EXPANSION CHASSISThese units have the same motherboards as the Mainframes butdo not have built-in power supplies or Control Modules. Theyare powered and controlled from a single MESA Control Mainframeas described in the MESA Bulletin. Larger configurationscan be created from up to 16 Expansion Chassis, and differentproduct series can be combined to supply a complete systemfor switching a variety of signals.LX-W WIRED UNITSAll Mainframes and Expansion Chassis can be supplied in 16"deep chassis with modules wired out to user specified connectors.Please contact our Applications Engineers for moreinformation.SWITCH MODULESThere are two basic switch module series: the LX8 Series andLXB Series. All modules have signal connectors accessed atthe chassis rear panel.LX8 SERIESThese modules are used in the LXA Mainframes and includethe following:LX8G2 Switch Modules are built with 8 two pole relays andhave signal inputs and outputs arranged so that they can bewired to supply several matrix configurations.LX8G1P Switch Modules are built with 8 single pole Type PPower Relays. These are designed for high power and currentapplications and have signal connectors that can be wired toprovide several matrix configurations.LX8K Switch Modules have 8 Normally Open single pole relayswith inputs and outputs wired to a signal connector.LX8OD Driver Modules have 8 optoisolated Output Driversand are used to drive external logic or electrical loads.LX8ID Input Detection Modules have 8 optoisolated InputDetectors that are capable of sensing DC or AC voltage levels.LXB SERIESThese Switch Modules are used in the LXB Matrices and includethe following:LXB2(1x4) Switch Modules have 8 two pole relays arrangedas two 1x4 matrices.LXB4(1x2) Switch Modules have 8 two pole relays arrangedas four 1x2 matrices.
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HDX Series High Density Matrix Switching Systems

  • Single pole configurations 64x4 to 960x4 32x8 to 480x8 16x16 to 224x16 8x32 to 112x32
  • Two Pole Configurations 32x4 to 512x4 16x8 to 256x8 8x16 to 128x16 4x32 to 64x32
  • Multi-wire configurations 8x8 to 128x8 four wire matrix
CYTEC's HDX Series are economical, high density, passive, bidirectional switch matrices.Each chassis holds up to 2048 two pole Type A relays, and a modular design allows greatflexibility in creating different switching topologies. For example, the following single chassisconfigurations are all possible: 960x4 single wire matrix, 64x32 two wire matrix, or 32x8eight pole matrix. See the possibilities listed below. Several independent matrices, suchas a four separate 32x16 two pole matrices, can be provided in one chassis as well.Ethernet LAN, RS232 & IEEE488 controls are standard, while USB and front panel Manual Controlsare optionally available. Modular design allows you to easily expand system.CONTROL MODULESMANUAL CONTROLThis local control supplies a front panel Keypad and LCDDisplay that lets the operator control any switch and verifyswitch status.Software SupportCytec has everything from basic drivers for National InstrumentsLabView and LabWindows and C code examples, tofull GUI open source software. We support all codes andoperating systems.MC-2 WITH LCD DISPLAYHDX-1IF-11 LAN GPIB RS232 ControlCytecs newest control module has the three most popular controlinterface protocols built into one module and is backwardscompatible with all previous Cytec control modules.LAN - 10100BaseT Ethernet with an RJ45 ConnectorGPIB - IEEE488.2 compliant control moduleRS232 - Standard D9 serial port which can be used fromcomputer com ports or USB to COM port cables
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RS Series Switching Systems

  • Contact Rating VA 30
  • Switching Voltage DC 110V
  • Switching Current DC 1.0A
  • Carrying Current DC 1.0A
RS MULTIPLEXERSThese pre-wired chassis hold RS Switch Modules built withD9, D15 or D25 style connectors and switch 9, 15 or 25 wires.RS16 Mainframe accepts up to 16 of the RS Modules as a16x1 Multiplexer.RS16-E Expansion Chassis may be used with a MESA controllerto build multiple chassis multiplexers up to 256x1, dependingon bandpass restrictions.RSM MATRICESThese Matrices are made up of RSM Mainframes pre-wiredin the requested Matrix configurations and holding up to16 of the RSM Switch Modules. Switch Modules are availablethat switch either 9, 15 or 25 wires to D9, D15 or D25connectors.RSM SWITCH MODULESThese Switch Modules are available in two basic configurations.These modules switch either 9, 15 or 25 wires to D9.D15 orD25 connectors.RSM2(1x4) Module has two separate 1x4 multiwire matrixconfigurations.RSM1x8 Module has one 1x8 multiwire matrix configuration.RSM MAINFRAMESThese Mainframes are available in three basic configurations.RSM16x8 Mainframe is pre-wired to hold sixteen of theRSM1x8 Switch Modules in a 16x8 Matrix configuration.RSM32x4 Mainframe is pre-wired for sixteen of the RSM2(1x4)Switch Modules in a 32x4 Matrix configuration.RSM2(16x4) Mainframe is pre-wired for sixteen of theRSM2(1x4) Switch Modules as two separate 16x4 Matrixconfigurations.BULLETINRS-6-2015RS-1WARRANTYCYTEC Corp. warrants that all products are free from defectsin workmanship and materials for a period of 5 years. Relaysare guaranteed for their rated operations when used withintheir published voltage, current and power specifications.RS Switch ModulesRS Switch modules are available as 9, 15 or 25 wireversions with D9, D15 or D25 connectors. All wires areswitched in unison using Type A armature relays suitedfor analog or digital data. The modules switch the signalsthrough the system as a 1 to 1 connection and act exactlylike a piece of cable. No impedance matching necessary.
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RJ Series Switching Systems

  • Weight 15 lbs. (6.8 kg) max
  • Dimensions 19" rack mount (483 mm) 16" depth (406 mm) 5.25" (3RU) height (133 mm)
  • AC Power 50 watts max. (110/220 VAC selectable)
CAT5E, CAT6 and CAT6A Cable testingDSL Network Equipment Automated TestDSL cable testing of Insertion Loss IsolationDSL LAN Lab AutomationAutomated Ethernet Network MonitoringProgrammable Patch PanelsPhysical Layer Passive SwitchesNetwork Redundancy or failsafe switchesTwo to Eight wire communication switchesPhysical layer switching of POE.Features:Configure for your needsSimple ASCII Text string commandsFull Status FeedbackPhysical Layer switch acts just like a cableControl remotely from anywhereProgram examples in almost any language5 Year warrantyLifetime tech support at no chargeField Upgradab
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