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Dewetron, Inc.
location United States

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Analyzers And Analytical Instruments

We offer the best product range of Power Analyzer, DEWE2-PA7 POWER ANALYZER, Power Quality Analyzers and FFT Analyzer.

Power Analyzer

  • Multi power up to 12 power phases
  • High accuracy 0.01 % low range error
DEWE2-PA7 POWER ANALYZERPRECISION MIXED SIGNAL POWER ANALYZER FOR POLYPHASE MEASUREMENTSThe DEWE2-PA7 Mixed Signal Power Analyzer is your turnkey solution for analyzing polyphase electric vehicles and engines behaviour with only ONE instrument.It guarantees a basic accuracy of 0.01 %.Multi power, up to 12 power phasesPolyphase, 1 to 9 phases per power systemHigh accuracy: 0.01 % low range errorHigh dynamic range inputsMeasurement range 1000 V 20 A (crest factor 2)9 multi-touch screenMixed signal inputs (low voltage, digital, RPM, )18-bit AD conversion
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  • High accuracy 0.01 % low range error
PRECISION MIXED SIGNAL POWER ANALYZER FOR POLYPHASE MEASUREMENTSThe DEWE2-PA7 Mixed Signal Power Analyzer is your turnkey solution for analyzing polyphase electric vehicles and engines behaviour with only ONE instrument.It guarantees a basic accuracy of 0.01 %. DEWE2-PA7 KEY FACTS Multi power, up to 12 power phasesPolyphase, 1 to 9 phases per power systemHigh accuracy: 0.01 % low range errorHigh dynamic range inputsMeasurement range 1000 V 20 A (crest factor 2)9 multi-touch screenMixed signal inputs (low voltage, digital, RPM, )18-bit AD conversion
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Power Quality Analyzers

POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS FOR MOBILE AND STATIONARY DAQThe modular product concept allows simple customization of the Power Quality Analyzers. Define your individual measurement system for power quality analyzing. KEY FACTSPOWER QUALITY ANALYZERS Mobile and stationary up to 128 channelsFlexible reporting and standard reportsVariable inputsInterconnected distributed devicesFLEXIBLE REPORTING DEWETRON Power Quality Analyzer are suitable for measurements according to EN50160, IEC61400-1221, IEC61000-3-x or IEC50001. Popular export formats and interfaces for third party tools guarantee a flexible and customizable reporting. File base storing, database storing and reliable data transmission via any TCPIP connection (LAN or cellular) are also benefits for DEWETRONs Power Quality Analyzer. INPUT & OUTPUT Isolated high voltage inputsIsolated current inputsInternal current transducer supply and TEDS supportHigher frequencies, flicker, symmetrical components, SCADA (IEC60870-5-104)CAN interface for auxiliary inputsTemperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.Analog outputMODULAR & DEDICATED DEWETRONs modular product concept allows changing amplifier easily and configuring your customized Power Quality Analyzer. Up to 16 isolated inputs in one instrument and high speed ORION data acquisition with sample rates up to 10 MSsch guarantees synchronous, precise and high accuracy power analysis. For simple and basic long term logging we also provide dedicated Linux based instruments. DEWETRON systems can be extended and interconnected and help you to get your job done. MOBILE & STATIONARY Mobile and fixed installed DEWETRON Power Quality Analyzer for your analysis of wind, photovoltaic and other renewables power plants with up to 128 channels per system. Different chassis and system configurations allows to setup your individual system solutions for power quality analysis, long term recording and reporting.
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FFT Analyzer

FFT ANALYZER FOR REAL TIME CALCULATIONS AND EXPORTThe FFT Analyzer is a standard instrument in the software. Beside the real-time calculation on the FFT values you are able to export the array channels to the most common file formats, or copy the spectra directly into your report. KEY FACTSFFT ANALYZERS Averaged FFTReference FFTMulti-channel FFTSpectrum up to 5 MHzReal-time and post-time FFT
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