COMBUSTION ANALYZER FOR IN-VEHICLE AND TESTBED TESTSDEWETRONs measurement system for combustion analysis are suitable for cold start tests, stationary testbed applications or mobile in-vehicle tests. KEY FACTSCOMBUSTION ANALYZER In-vehicle and testbed applicationDirect pressure and angle sensor connectionCold start testingCAN input and output, various testbed linksTime and angle based measurementSUITABLE FOR COLD START At cold start tests the combustion analyzer runs and records signals already before the piston makes the first move. So the whole start process will be recorded for further investigation. INPUT SIGNALS Indicating & absolute pressureInjection, timing signalsTDC sensorsCrank angle signalsCAN-in, CAN-outXCP via LANFlexRay, LINVibration, strain, temperatureElectrical powerVARIOUS INPUTS Isolated charge amplifiers, bridge amplifiers with constant current supply feature, are used for high-pressure sensors and for the absolute pressure sensors of inlet and exhaust. Due to the changeable amplifier concept of the instrument, almost any signal like torque, current, acceleration, temperature, etc. can be measured. Voltage inputs cover start of injection, end of injection and ignition, and any other additional signal captured in time or angle domain. The isolated voltage and current inputs can be used to calculate electrical power. MOBILE OR TEST-BED DEWETRON internal combustion analyzers are suitable for mobile application, like in-car usages and also for test-bed applications. The systems support time and angle based measurement. CRANKANGLE CPU Included Crankangle CPU, is able to handle all kinds of crank marker disc signals which provides CDM- and TRIG- signal. In case more angle resolution is required, Crankangle CPU will do the interpolation up to 0, 1 deg. Pickup sensors, for the native CDM signals, like 60-2, can be directly connected. The isolated input can handle voltages from 0, 5 V up to 60V. Crankangle CPU will do gap filling and interpolation. TESTBED INTERFACE Testbed interface, via RS232 or TCPIP is provided to link the analyzer to a testbed for automated measurements. An open AK-protocol, or native interfaces for AVL PUMA Open, DT2, . is supported. In addition, calculated results can be also transferred via CAN-out. Results can be recorded from mapping tools to get immediate feedback.