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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Garlock EDGE Gasket, VESSEL Gaskets, Garlock Kammprofile Gasket and Metallic Gasket.

Garlock EDGE Gasket

Seals at lower stress than conventional gaskets withoutan inner ringEliminates flange damage caused by overtighteningRelief ports allow tighter seal at lower loadsEliminates radial bucklingSTABL-LOCK inner wrap construction preventssealing element from flowing into and contaminatingprocess stream
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VESSEL Gaskets

Garlock manufactures a wide variety of solid metal, metalclad, and metal core gaskets. Among the most requestedstyles are double-jacketed gaskets, Kamm-profile, corrugatedgaskets, and solid metal gaskets, all availablein a choice of metals and filler materials.Exchanger and Vessel GasketsCustom configurations of heat exchanger gaskets arealso available. Spiral windings can be designed with orwithout partitions welded to the winding, or inner andouter rings with welded partitions. Contact Garlock for allof your heat exchanger and vessel gasket needs
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Garlock Kammprofile Gasket

Accommodates standard ASME flanges as well asweaker and non-circular flangesSeals less-than-perfect flangesHandles pressures from vacuum to Class 2500Performance replacement for jacketed heat exchangergasketsFire safepassed API 6FB fire testsAvailable in heat shield configuration for high tempapplications above 850F (454C) (see page D-6)
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Metallic Gasket

The superior technology of the GRAPHONIC familyof gaskets ensures excellent sealing performance andreliability, even in the most difficult applications. Eachof the three styles combines a corrugated metal corewith a compressible sealing element of various materials, for resistance to a wide range of harsh conditions, including extreme temperature, corrosive chemicals, and thermal cycling.
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