We offer a complete product range of Performance Metrics and Automatic Sealing System
Industrial Hose
FB Wright offers many different types of Industrial Hoses. Some of the more common hose types are Air, Water, Fire, Layflat, Composite, SuctionDischarge Hose, Material Handling, PTFE Lined, Metal Hose, Self Storing, Water Blast, and Crush Proof Hose.
Hydraulic Hose is used in a wide variety of industrial applications where steel pipe is not feasible. It's flexibility allows the user the option of routing around obstacles. It is the material of choice where vibration is an issue. Hydraulic Hose is available with a variety of tube and cover materials depending on your application. The typical pressure ranges are from suction lines to 10, 000 PSI hydraulic applications.
Garlock has been the leading manufacturer of industrialsealing products since 1887. The Hydraulic Componentsdivision has the experience, technology andproducts to meet the demanding needs found in todaysreciprocating equipment.CHEVRON: the original vee ring packing, nowavailable in Deep Vee Ring designStyle 9220 GARTHANE U-Seals: strong, flexible, and durablePolytop and SLUDGE-PAK Sets: unique combinationsfor difficult serviceRoll Balance Packing: tough steel and aluminummill packing
Garlock manufacturing process ensures optimumfiller density across the gasket winding to achieveconsistent compression and superior sealabilityHigh tightness level achieved with minimal compressiveload, for longer-lasting sealAll SW gaskets manufactured in accordance withthe guidelines set forth in the ASME B16.20 specifications
Chemical-resistant and fire-safePTFE envelope withstands aggressive chemicalsand corrosive mediaFire-safepassed independent fire testsTwo sealing elements significantly reduce corrosionand bacterial contamination of flangesSeals to the ID of the pipe boreSpecify pipe schedule when ordering
Garlock CHEVRON packing is the original automatichydraulic and pneumatic design for sealing rods, pistonsand plungers. The distinctive and exclusive hinge-likeaction of each CHEVRON ring permits immediate reactioneven to minor pressure changes. Each individuallip of a CHEVRON packing set independently reacts topressure, and automatically effects a seal. The multiplelip configuration automatically distributes pressure and aneffective seal along the shaft. The proprietary design ofGarlock CHEVRON packing also permits an automaticreaction to pressure shock and overloads. Once GarlockCHEVRON packing has been selected and installed, itwill seal effectively and automatically