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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of a Grade American White Rice, 25% American White Rice, B Grade American White Rice, American Rice Parboiled and 5% American White Rice
Grain classification comprising of Long grain Class 1 not less than 70.0%, the rest shall be Long grain Class 2. Of all these there may be Long grain Class 3 not exceeding 5.0%Grain composition comprising of Whole kernels not less than 60.0 % Brokens having the length as from 5.0 parts onward but not reaching 8.0 parts not exceeding 4.0 %The rest shall be Head rice having the length as from 8.0 parts onward.
Grain classification comprising of Long grain Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 either singly or combined. Of all these there may be Short grain not exceeding 50.0%Grain composition comprising of Whole kernels not less than 40.0% Brokens having the length not reaching 5.0 parts and not passing through sieve No. 7 not exceeding 28.0%. Of this there may be Small white brokens C1 not exceeding 2.0% The rest shall be Head rice having the length as from 5.0 parts onward.
Undeveloped kernels, Immature kernels, Other seeds and Foreign Matter either singly or combined not exceeding 2.0% Milling degree Ordinarily milled but not better than Reasonably well milled
Grain classification comprising of Long grain Class 1 not less than 40.0 %, the rest shall be Long grain Class 2 and or Class 3. Of all these there may be Short grain not exceeding 5.0 % Grain composition comprising of Whole kernels not less than 60.0 % Brokens having the length as from 5.0 parts onward but not reaching 8.0 parts not exceeding 4.5%. Of this there may be brokens having the length not reaching 5.0 parts and not passing through sieve No. 7 not exceeding 0.5 %, and Small white brokens C1 not exceeding 0.1 %The rest shall be Head rice having the length as from 8.0 parts onward.
Undeveloped kernels, Immature kernels, Other seeds and Foreign matter either singly or combined not exceeding 0.2 % Milling degree Extra well milled
What is Parboiled RiceThe word parboiled originated in English and it is derived from the agglutination of partial + boiled, which means “partially boiled.” It is not glued or waxed rice, as many think.The parboiling process is based on the hydro-thermal treatment which paddy rice is subjected to, and it is solely executed by the action of water and heat without any chemical agent.
The parboiling process is performed through three basic operations:Water-logging: paddy rice is placed in tanks with hot water for a few hours. In this process, the vitamins and minerals that are in the seed peal penetrate into the grain as it absorbs water.
Gelatinization: Main Process– Wet rice is subjected to a higher temperature under steam pressure, causing a change in the structure of the starch. At this stage, the grain is more compact and the vitamins and minerals are fixed inside.
Its advantages are:
Branding and Packaging For Retail:
Grain classification, comprising of:
Long grain Class 1 and Class 2 combined not less than 60.0%, the rest shall be Long grain Class 3. Of all these there may be Short grain not exceeding 10.0%
Grain composition, comprising of:Brokens having the length as from 5.0 parts onward but not reaching 8.0 parts not exceeding 4.0%. Of this there may be brokens having the length not reaching 5.0 parts and not passing through sieve No. 7 not exceeding 0.5% and Small parboiled brokens C1 not exceeding 0.1% The rest shall be Head rice having the length as from 8.0 parts onward.
Rice and matter that may be present:
Red kernels and or under-milled kernels not exceeding 0.5% Partly black kernels and Peck kernels combined not exceeding 1.5%, of which partly black kernels shall not exceed 0.5% Paddy not exceeding 3 grains per 1 kg of rice Undeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and Foreign matter either singly or combined not exceeding 0.2%
Origin & PricingRice prices change on a weekly basis. As a leading American Parboiled Rice Supplier, we source our rice from the United States, Portugal, Thailand and Vietnam. The prices below are guideline prices. Definitive pricing will be provided at the time of order.
Grain classification comprising of Long grain Class 1 not less than 20.0%, the rest shall be Long grain Class 2 and or Class 3. Of all these there may be Short grain not exceeding 10.0% Grain composition comprising of Whole kernels not less than 60.0% Brokens having the length as from 3.5 parts onward but not reaching 7.5 parts not exceeding 7.0%. Of this there may be brokens having the length not reaching 3.5 parts and not passing through sieve No. 7 not exceeding 0.5%, and Small white brokens C1 not exceeding 0.1%The rest shall be Head rice having the length as from 7.5 parts onward.
Undeveloped kernels, Immature kernels, Other seeds and Foreign matter either singly or combined not exceeding 0.3% Milling degree Well milled