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Rain Forest Lumber Company Inc.

Rain Forest Lumber Company Inc.
location Lake Oswego, United States

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We offer a complete product range of Basswood

Cherry Lumber

We make available to the clients Cherry Lumber, which is greatly used in hardwood flooring. Cherry Lumber is a great option in domestic lumber. We assure that this Cherry Lumber, which we offer, is sourced from the most reliable vendors in the industry. After careful procurement, these Cherry Lumbers are carefully stored in well-managed warehouses to retain their qualities. Black cherry (Prunus serotina) SpecieBlack cherry (Prunus serotina) is sometimes known as cherry, wild black cherry, and wild cherry. It is the only native species of the genus Prunus that produces commercial lumber. Black cherry is found from southeastern Canada throughout the eastern half of the United States. Production is centered chiefly in the Middle Atlantic States. The heartwood of black cherry varies from light to dark reddish brown and has a distinctive luster. The nearly white sapwood is narrow in old-growth trees and wider in second-growth trees. The wood has a fairly uniform texture and very good machining properties. It is moderately heavy, strong, stiff, and moderately hard, with high shock resistance. Although it has moderately high shrinkage, it is very dimensionally stable after drying. Black Cherry Is Used Principally For
  • Furniture
  • Fine veneer panels
  • Architectural woodwork
  • Burial caskets
  • Wooden ware
  • Novelties
  • Patterns and paneling
  • Specific Gravity : 0.50 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 561 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 9.2% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 10, 274MPa
  • Hardness : 4226 N


4/4 - 16/4FAS/SEL - Prime 100/90 Red
4/4 - 16/4FAS/SEL - Prime 90/50 Red
4/4 - 12/41 Common unselected color
4/4 - 10/4 2 Common unselected color
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Black Walnut Lumber

We offer the Black Walnut Lumber, which is widely acknowledged for its good steam bending characteristics. Black Walnut Lumber carries the fantastic property of gluing satisfactorily. Black Walnut Lumber is highly durable and has commendable shock resistance. We offer Black Walnut Lumber at the most competitive price. Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) SpecieBlack walnut (Juglans nigra) ranges from Vermont to the Great Plains and southward into Louisiana and Texas. About three-quarter of walnut wood is grown in the Central States. The heartwood of black walnut varies from light to dark brown; the sapwood is nearly white and up to 8 cm (3 in.) wide in open-grown trees. Black walnut is normally straight grained, easily worked with tools, and stable in use. It is heavy, hard, strong, and stiff, and has good resistance to shock. Black walnut is well suited for natural finishes. Because of its good properties and interesting grain pattern, black walnut is much valued for furniture, architectural woodwork, and decorative panels. Other important uses are gunstocks, cabinets, and interior woodwork. Details
  • Specific Gravity : 0.55 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 609 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 10.2% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 11, 584MPa
  • Hardness : 4492 N


4/4 - 12/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 8/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 8/41 Common
4/4 - 8/41 Common
4/4 - 8/42 Common
4/4 - 8/42 Common
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White Oak Lumber

We have emerged as a reliable name for offering White Oak Lumber, which is greatly acknowledged for its decay resistance. The White Oak Lumber is majorly used for the construction of furniture, flooring, pallets, agricultural implements, railroad cars, truck floors, furniture, doors, and millwork. We ensure safe storage and packaging of White Oak Lumber so as to retain its finish and durability. White Oak SpecieWhite Oak Lumber comes chiefly from the South, South Atlantic, and Central States, including the southern Appalachian area. Principal species are white (Quercus alba), chestnut (Q. prinus), post (Q. stellata), overcup (Q. lyrata), swamp chestnut (Q. michauxii), bur (Q. macrocarpa), chinkapin (Q. muehlenbergii), and swamp white (Q. bicolor). The most important western oak species, Oregon white oak (Q. garryana), is a member of this group. The sapwood of the white oaks is nearly white and roughly 2 to 5 cm (1 to 2 in.) wide. The heartwood is generally grayish brown. Heartwood pores are usually plugged with tyloses, which tend to make the wood impenetrable to liquids. Consequently, most white oaks are suitable for tight cooperage, although many heartwood pores of chestnut oak lack tyloses. The wood of white oak is somewhat heavier than the wood of red oak. Its heartwood has good decay resistance. White oaks are usually cut into lumber, railroad crossties, cooperage, mine timbers, fence posts, veneer, fuel wood, and many other products. High-quality white oak is especially sought for tight cooperage. Details
  • Specific Gravity : 0.68 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 769 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 12.6% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 12, 273MPa
  • Hardness : 6049 N
Note : Values for Q. alba


4/4 - 12/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 8/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 8/41 Common
4/4 - 8/41 Common
4/4 - 8/42 Common
4/4 - 8/42 Common
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Yellow Poplar Lumber

The clients can avail the finest quality Yellow Poplar Lumber from us at the market leading prices. The greatest commercial production of Yellow Poplar Lumber takes place majorly in the South and Southeast. Yellow Poplar Lumber is widely used in making boxes, pallets, and crates. We bring forth to the clients Yellow Poplar Lumber is diverse grades. Uses Of Yellow Poplar Lumber
  • Furniture
  • Interior molding
  • Siding
  • Cabinets
  • Musical instruments
  • Engineered wood composites
Yellow PoplarYellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) is also known as poplar, tulip-poplar, and tulipwood. Sapwood from yellow-poplar is sometimes called white poplar or whitewood. Yellow-poplar grows from Connecticut and New York southward to Florida and westward to Missouri. Yellow-poplar sapwood is white and frequently several centimeters wide. The heartwood is yellowish brown, sometimes streaked with purple, green, black, blue, or red. These colorations do not affect the physical properties of the wood. The wood is generally straight grained and comparatively uniform in texture. Slow-grown wood is moderately light in weight and moderately low in bending strength, moderately soft, and moderately low in shock resistance. The wood has moderately high shrinkage when dried from a green condition, but it is not difficult to dry and is stable after drying. Yellow-Poplar Is Made Into Plywood For Paneling
  • Furniture
  • Piano cases
  • Other special products
  • Specific Gravity : 0.42 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 449 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 9.8% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 10, 894MPa
  • Hardness : 2402 N


4/4 - 16/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 8/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 8/41 Common
4/4 - 8/41 Common
4/4 - 8/42 Common
4/4 - 8/42 Common
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White Ash Lumber

We have emerged as a credible name for offering high quality White Ash Lumber, which is widely used in cabinet work and paneling. The White Ash Lumber is one of the important species of the White Ash group and the American White Ash (Fraxinus americana) grows in the Eastern half of the united states. The White Ash Lumber can be availed at the market leading prices from us. The White Ash GroupIt includes White Ash, Green Ash (F. pennsylvanica), Blue Ash (F. quadrangulata), and Oregon ash (F. latifolia), out of which all except the Oregon Ash grow in the eastern half of the United States, and the Oregon ash grows along the Pacific Coast. The heartwood of the white ash group is brown, and the sapwood is light-colored or nearly white. Second-growth trees are particularly sought after because of the inherent qualities of the wood from these trees: it is heavy, strong, hard, and stiff, and it has high resistance to shock. Oregon ash has somewhat lower strength properties than American white ash, but it is used for similar purposes on the West Coast. American white ash (F. americana) and green ash (F. pennsylvanica) that grow in southern river bottoms, especially in areas frequently flooded for long periods, produce buttresses that contain relatively lightweight and brash wood. American White Ash Lumber Is Used In
  • Non-striking tool handles
  • Oars
  • Baseball bats
  • Other sporting and athletic goods
Weight : For handles of the best grade, some handle specifications call for not less than 2 or more than 7 growth rings per centimeter neither less than 5 nor more than 17 growth rings per inch). The additional weight requirement of 690 kg m3 (43 lb. ft.3) or more at 12% moisture content ensures high-quality material. Principal Uses For The White Ash Group
  • Decorative veneer
  • Cabinets
  • Furniture
  • Flooring
  • Millwork
  • Crates
  • Specific Gravity : 0.41 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 449 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 10.1% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 9515MPa
  • Hardness : 2624 N


4/4 - 16/4FAS1F - Prime
4/4 - 12/41 Common
4/4 - 8/42 Common
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