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Rain Forest Lumber Company Inc.

Rain Forest Lumber Company Inc.
location Lake Oswego, United States

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Our Complete range of products are Red Alder Lumber, Aspen Lumber, Cottonwood Lumber, Basswood Lumber and Hickory Lumber.

Red Alder Lumber

We make available the finest quality Red Alder Lumber, which thrives even in the moist conditions. Red Alder Lumber is fast growing specie, which is widely acknowledged for its light weight. We bring fine textured Red Alder Lumber for the clients. A distinctive property of Red Alder Lumber is that it glues well. Red Alder (Alnus Rubra) SpecieRed Alder (Alnus rubra) grows along the Pacific coast between Alaska and California. It is the principal hardwood for commercial manufacture of wood products in Oregon and Washington and the most abundant commercial hardwood species in these two states. The wood of red alder varies from almost white to pale pinkish brown, and there is no visible boundary between heartwood and sapwood. Red alder is moderately light in weight and intermediate in most strength properties but low in shock resistance. It has relatively low shrinkage. Uses Of Red alder (Alnus rubra)
  • Used for sash
  • Door panel stock
  • Other millwork
  • Specific Gravity : 0.41 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 449 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 10.1% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 9515MPa
  • Hardness : 2624 N


4/4 - 8/4Superior
4/4 - 8/4Superior 1 Face
4/4 - 8/4CJB
4/4 - 8/4Cabinet
4/4 - 8/4Custom Cab
4/4 - 8/4Com Shop
4/4 - 8/4Premium Frame
4/4 - 5/4Regular Frame
6/4 - 8/4Rustic
  • Limited offerings in 10/4 & 12/4
  • A typical container volume will be 18,000 board feet or 42 Cubic Meters
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Aspen Lumber

Leveraging on the sincere efforts of a dedicated team of professionals, we make available the finest quality Aspen Lumber. Aspen Lumber that we offer is sourced from the most reliable vendors in the market. Aspen Lumber is commonly used for construction of furniture parts, drawer sides, doors, and moldings. Furthermore, we offer Aspen Lumber at the most competitive prices. Aspen Lumber being very soft is used for making matches. Aspen SpecieAspen is a generally recognized name that is applied to bigtooth (Populus grandidentata) and quaking (P. tremuloides) aspen. Aspen lumber is produced principally in the northeastern and Lake States, with some production in the Rocky Mountain States. The heartwood of aspen is grayish white to light grayish brown. The sapwood is lighter colored and generally merges gradually into the heartwood without being clearly marked. Aspen wood is usually straight grained with a fine, uniform texture. It is easily worked. Well-dried aspen lumber does not impart odor or flavor to foodstuffs. The wood of aspen is lightweight and soft. It is low in strength, moderately stiff, and moderately low in resistance to shock and has moderately high shrinkage. Aspen is cut for lumber, pallets, boxes and crating, pulpwood, particleboard, strand panels, excelsior, matches, veneer, and miscellaneous turned articles. Today, aspen is one of the preferred species for use in oriented strand board, a panel product that dominates the sheathing market. Details
  • Specific Gravity : 0.41 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 449 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 10.1% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 9515MPa
  • Hardness : 2624 N


4/4 - 5/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 5/41 Common
4/4 - 5/42 Common
Note : Limited availability in 6/4 to 8/4
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Cottonwood Lumber

We are counted among the authentic names for making available Cottonwood Lumber, which finds wide applications due to its uniform texture. The Cottonwood Lumber we offer is well-seasoned and hence, is absolutely odorless. Being lightweight, Cottonwood Lumber is widely preferred for making easily portable furniture and other items. We lay special emphasis on the storage and packaging of Cottonwood Lumber to retain its flawlessness. Cottonwood SpeciesCottonwood includes several species of the genus Populus. Most important are eastern cottonwood (P. deltoides and its varieties), also known as Carolina poplar and whitewood; swamp cottonwood (P. heterophylla), also known as river cottonwood and swamp poplar; black cottonwood (P. trichocarpa); and balsam poplar (P. balsamifera). Eastern and swamp cottonwood grow throughout the eastern half of the United States. Greatest production of lumber is in the Southern and Central States. Black cottonwood grows on the West Coast and in western Montana, northern Idaho, and western Nevada. Balsam poplar grows from Alaska across Canada and in the northern Great Lakes States. The heartwood of cottonwood is grayish white to light brown. The sapwood is whitish and merges gradually with the heartwood. The wood is comparatively uniform in texture and generally straight grained. It is odorless when well dried. Eastern cottonwood is moderately low in bending and compressive strength, moderately stiff, moderately soft, and moderately low in ability to resist shock. Most strength properties of black cottonwood are slightly lower than those of eastern cottonwood. Both eastern and black cottonwood has moderately high shrinkage. Some cottonwood is difficult to work with tools because of its fuzzy surface, which is mainly the result of tension wood. Cottonwood Is Used Principally For
  • Lumber
  • Veneer
  • Pulpwood
  • Excelsior
  • Fuel
Lumber And Veneer Are Used Primarily For
  • Boxes
  • Crates
  • Baskets
  • Pallets
  • Specific Gravity : 0.40 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 449 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 11.3% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 9466MPa
  • Hardness : 1913 N


4/4 - 8/4FAS/SEL & Superior Grades
4/4 - 8/41 Common unselected color
4/4 - 8/42 Common unselected color
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Basswood Lumber

We are a reputed name for offering Basswood Lumber, which is adored for its nice wooden texture and its straight grain. Basswood Lumber is a great alternative for designing simple looking furniture. Furniture made using Basswood Lumber add a touch of elegance to the interiors. Moreover, the thickness of Basswood Lumber makes it the perfect choice for carving. American basswood (Tilia americana) SpecieAmerican basswood (Tilia americana) is the most important of the native basswood species; next in importance is white basswood (T. heterophylla), and no attempt is made to distinguish between these species in lumber form. In commercial usage, white basswood is used to specify the white wood or sapwood of either species. Basswood grows in the eastern half of North America from the Canadian provinces southward. Most basswood lumber comes from the Lake, Middle Atlantic, and Central States. The heartwood of basswood is pale yellowish brown with occasional darker streaks. Basswood has wide, creamy white or pale brown sapwood that merges gradually into heartwood. When dry, the wood is without odor or taste. It is soft and light in weight, has fine, even texture, and is straight grained and easy to work with tools. Shrinkage in width and thickness during drying is rated as high; however, basswood seldom warps in use. Basswood Lumber Is Used Mainly In
  • Venetian blinds
  • Sashes and door frames
  • Molding
  • Apiary supplies
  • Wooden ware and boxes
Basswood Is Cut For
  • Veneer
  • Cooperage
  • Excelsior
  • Specific Gravity : 0.41 (12% M.C.)
  • Average Weight : 449 kg/m3 (12% M.C)
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : 10.1% (Green to 6% M.C.)
  • Modulus of Elasticity : 9515MPa
  • Hardness : 2624 N


4/4 - 16/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 12/41 Common
4/4 - 9/4 2 Common
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Hickory Lumber

We are reckoned for offering the finest quality Hickory Lumber, which finds wide application for construction of tool handles that require high shock resistance. Excellent steam bending characteristics of Hickory Lumber are widely acknowledged. What makes the Hickory Lumber that we offer a preferred choice is its high bending and crushing strength! True Hickory SpeciesTrue Hickories are found throughout the eastern half of the United States. The species most important commercially are shagbark (Carya ovata), pignut (C. glabra), shellbark (C. laciniosa), and mockernut (C. tomentosa). The greatest commercial production of the true hickories for all uses is in the Middle Atlantic and Central States, with the Southern and South Atlantic States rapidly expanding to handle nearly half of all hickory lumber. The sapwood of the true hickory group is white and usually quite wide, except in old, slow-growing trees. The heartwood is reddish. The wood is exceptionally tough, heavy, hard, and strong, and shrinks considerably in drying. For some purposes, both rings per centimeter (or inch) and weight are limiting factors where strength is important. The major use for high quality hickory is for tool handles that require high shock resistance. It is also used for ladder rungs, athletic goods, agricultural implements, dowels, gymnasium apparatuses, poles, and furniture. Lower grade hickory is not suitable for the special uses of high quality hickory because of knottiness or other growth features and low density. However, the lower grade is useful for pallets and similar items. Hickory sawdust, chips, and some solid wood are used to flavor meat by smoking. Details
  • Specific Gravity : a) 0.75 (12% M.C.) b) 0.66
  • Average Weight : a) 833 kg/m3 (12% M.C.) b) 737 kg/m3
  • Average Volumetric Shrinkage : a) 14.3% (Green to 6% M.C.) b) N/A
  • Modulus of Elasticity : a) 15, 583MPa b) 11, 928MPa
  • Hardness : a) N/A b) 8095 Na) Carya glabra (true hickory)b)Carya illinoensis (pecan)


4/4 - 8/4FAS/SEL - Prime
4/4 - 8/41 Common unselected color
4/4 - 8/42 Common unselected color
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