Fireye type 25SU5 model 5011, 5012, 5013 and type 25SU3 model 5166, 5168 controls are surface mounted controls used in conjunction with type 45UV5, 45RM, 45FS, 45UVFS flame scanners. These controls and scanners comprise a repetitive self-checking system that confirms flame presence and absence to provide reliable ignition and flame failure protection. When combined with appropriate auxiliary devices, these controls enable construction of integrated safety interlock systems for single and multiple industrial burner applications firing gas, oil, pulverized coal, or a combination of fuels continuously. The 5011, 5012, 5013, 5166, and 5168 Controls may also be installed in the safety control circuits of supervised manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic burner management systems as the primary safety control. Wiring Base required: PN 60-2206-1 (5011, 5012, 5013), PN 6-2206-2 (5166, 5168).