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Surface Mount Loudspeaker

  • Power Rating (RMS) 100 Watts
  • Woofer Size 51 ⁄4"
  • Woofer Magnet 20oz
FeaturesCompact, 2-way loudspeaker systems for exceptional performance inmusic and sound reinforcement systemsWeather-resistant construction for year-round indoor or outdoor useUV-resistant-talc-impregnated-polypropylene injection moldedenclosure, powder coated aluminum grilles and all brass hardwareinsertsConforms to 100HR salt spray test per ASTM B117Color matched heavy-duty zinc chromate plated and powder coatedC bracket (included)Highly efficient 514" polypropylene woofer1" FerroFluid cooled dome tweeterAtlas Sound TRX WAVEGUIDE Provides an Accurate, ConstantDirectivity High Frequency CoverageAtlas Sound POLYGUARD high frequency circuit diverts damagingtransient signals to protect the tweeterAll 14"-20 hardware inserts allow easy integration of off-the-shelfsecurity hardwareScrewdriver adjustable 30-Watt 70.7V 100V Transformer fordistributed sound applications. (Includes Transformer bypass settingfor direct coupled 8 operation)OMNIMOUNT 10 Series compatibleAvailable in black or whiteApplicationsUse surface-mount Atlas Sound SM52T-B and SM52T-WH loudspeakersystems for commercial, professional and residential applications orwhere high-fidelity sound and weather-resistance are desired. Full-rangefrequency response makes these systems ideal for indoor or outdoorinstallation, in monaural and stereo foreground or background musicsystems, and for applications in boutiquesshops, restaurantscafes, leisure, recreationsports centers, and houses of worship. Multi-position, C-shaped mounting bracket and rugged construction provide optimuminstallation flexibility and assurance of long-term service.General DescriptionEnvironment-resistant SM Series loudspeaker systems offer qualitysound reproduction and contemporary styling in a compact enclosure.System components consist of a highly efficient woofer section andFerrofluid cooled, titanium dome high frequency device. Vocal andmusical clarity is optimized by the mathematically conceived, advanceddesign of the Atlas Sound TRX Control WaveGuide high frequencydirector. This design provides smooth, even sound coverage (90H x90V). The high frequency section is symmetrical, for equal coverage inboth vertical and horizontal cabinet mounting positions. High frequencycomponent protection is provided by the Atlas Sound PolyGuardprotection circuit. The SM52T includes an internally mounted 30 Watt70.7V100V line matching transformer with screwdriver adjustable tapselection for use in distributed sound applications. The tap selectionswitch also includes a transformer bypass setting for direct coupled 8operation
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Sound Masking Digital Signal Processor

Vibra-Sonic Control is proud to offer our clients the latest in Digital Signal Processor (DSP) technology, the SoundMaskIt line by SMI. These centralized and computer controlled systems possess sophisticated functionality that includes sound masking generation, equalization, telephone paging, microphone public address, background music, networkability and ambient sensing capabilities. Control of these units is administered through a Graphic User Interface (GUI) managed via a local Windows based laptop or desktop computer. 8 Zone Self-Contained Sound Masking DSP AmplificationPink Noise GenerationTelco PagingMusic InputMicrophone InputAmbient Sensing InputSchedulingAVB Network for Paging and Microphone Streaming
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Sound Masking System

1 Zone Self-Contained Sound Masking DSP AmplificationPink Noise GenerationDSP Mounted on an M1000 Speaker so No Racking Space is Required
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Coaxial Speaker

  • Power Rating 50 Watts
  • Transformer Taps 2, 4, 8, 16, & 32 Watts & 8Ω Bypass
  • Woofer Magnet Weight 14 oz (398g)
ApplicationsAtlas Sounds FAP62T combines superior coaxial loudspeaker performancewith even dispersion and easy installation. A low profile enclosureand wide coverage make the FAP62T a perfect choice for low ceilings.The FAP62T will satisfy the needs of owners, architects, contractors, and consultants by delivering true, high fidelity sound reproductionin an attractive and easy-to-install system. The FAP62T is ideal forhigh-intelligibility voice, music, and signal reproduction in commercial, industrial, and institutional applications.General DescriptionThe FAP62T's 110 dispersion angle can reduce the number ofloudspeakers necessary to achieve coverage in distributed systems withlow ceilings.The loudspeaker component matches the performance of the legendaryAtlas Sound FA136 driver. High quality construction 6" coaxial cone typedriver includes a 1 voice coil and polypropylene cone with a butyl rubbersurround. The 19mm coaxially mounted tweeter is constructed of PEI. Ahigh sensitivity of 88dB average (92dB peak) means less power may berequired to achieve the desired SPL. This loudspeaker is factory assembledin an optimally tuned and ported deep drawn enclosure and includesa specially designed 32 watt low saturation 70.7V 100V transformer.A convenient front mounted selector switch allows tap selection withoutthe need to remove the speaker from the ceiling. This switch alsoincludes a transformer bypass setting for 8 direct coupled operation.FeaturesExtended Low Frequency Response from the 475 in3Optimally Tunedand Ported Deep Drawn Galvanized Steel EnclosureEasy Installation in Drop Tile or Sheetrock Ceilings Via C-RingV-RailTile Bridge and Dog Leg Mounting System (Included)Front Mounted Tap Selector Switch for Easy System TuningAdjustments Include Transformer Bypass Setting for 8 DirectCoupled OperationUnique Trap Door Input Section Allows for Through Conduit Runswith Rigid or Flex Conduit4 Pole Detachable Phoenix Style Connector Allows Easy Pre-Wiringand Is Convenient for Daisy Chaining Additional Strategy Series FullRange Speakers or SubwoofersPress Fit Grilles Blend Better into Contemporary ArchitectureEnhanced Quality 70.7V 100V Internal Transformers MinimizeInsertion Loss and Maintain Low Frequency Response WhileProviding Increased Output for Higher SPL ApplicationsUL Listed 1480
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