Size 8” (205mm)
96dB Average
FEATURESIndustry standard 8" (203mm) coaxial, 16 watt, loudspeaker withhigh quality factory installed 8 watt line matching transformer andwhite CRS baffleOffers proven performance with wide frequency responsePost-mounted tweeter adds strength and a more attractive appearanceIdeal for multi-purpose commercial, industrial, and institutionals useIndividually packaged for stocking & ordering convenienceAPPLICATIONSUse Atlas Sound 8" (203mm) dia., multi-purpose, coaxial loudspeakerModel GD87W for voice transmission, music and signal reproduction inhigh-quality commercial, industrial and institutional applications.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe speaker used in the GD87W is the next generation of Atlas Soundhigh performance cone loudspeakers, very similar to the precedingC-Series speakers. The similarity in the sonic qualities ensures thatcontractors and designers who have worked with the Atlas Sound C803ASeries in the past will know exactly what to expect when they use theGD87W.High-quality, 25W Model GD87W utilizes a post mounted tweeter whichadds strength to the assembly and provides an attractive appearance.This coaxial loudspeaker features a 55Hz-15kHz 5dB frequencyresponse and a broad, uniform dispersion pattern of 90 @ 2kHz. Suchprovisions allow for highly intelligible sound reproduction and betterdistribution for high-quality sound systems. The GD87W combines afull-size 8" (203mm) dia. low-frequency reproducer and a 3" (76mm)high-frequency reproducer. The two sections are coupled via a built-incrossover network. The woofer has a 10 oz. (260g) ceramic magnet; thetweeter has a 2.35oz. (67g) ceramic magnet.The unit has an average sensitivity of 96dB (1W1M). The loudspeaker ismatched with a high efficiency 8 watt 70.7V transformer with a maximuminsertion loss of 0.6dB. This premium transformer is constructed of audiograde laminations and has a full range frequency response of +1dB from50Hz-15KHz. The primary taps are 1, 2, 4, and 8 watts. The GD87Wincludes a factory installed CRS baffle with concealed loudspeakermounting studs and includes screw mount hardware. The baffle finish iswhite powder coat epoxy.