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Puritan Magnetics, Inc.
location United States

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Manual Clean Suspended Magnet

This unit simply suspends above the conveyor belt or the head pulley and lifts tramp metal from the product burden as it passes through the powerful magnetic field. Four eyebolts are provided for suspension (suspension chain not included). Cleaning is achieved by manually removing the collected tramp metal from the face of the magnet. E-Z CLEAN options are available to simplify cleaning. Available in permanent and electromagnetic designs.
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Electro Magnets

Power supplies provide quick cycling required for automated equipment Standard round, square, and rectangular sizes availablePower supplies with various contrMixed demolition debrisCrushed or broken concreteMixed solids at MRF facilitiesProcessing of shredded tiresScrap yardsSlag and coal operationsRecycling FacilitiesAutomated parts transfer Temporary holding and fixturingol options
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Plate Magnets

Plate Magnets are designed for use in chutes and suspension over conveyed product. Installed on the bottom side of a chute, a Plate Magnet will provide maximum protection as product travels through the powerful magnetic circuit. The magnetic field projects from the face of the Plate Magnet reaching into the product stream and pulling the ferrous contaminants to the magnet face. The magnetic field on a Plate Magnet is strongest at the surface and gets weaker the further you move away. To prevent captured ferrous contaminants from being washed off from oncoming product, a trap face design should be chosen. A trap face is a tapered step on the magnets working surface. This trap is placed at a position within the north and south magnetic fields that cause captured ferrous contaminants to be drawn to the underside of the trap where they are safely held on to, preventing washoff from oncoming product. It is also important to note that the magnetic area of a Plate Magnet should cover the entire width of the spout it is protecting.
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Drawer Magnets

Manual Clean Drawer Magnets provide excellent equipment and product protection of medium and fine ferrous contaminants in dry, free flowing products under gravity flow. Multiple staggered rows provide maximum contact area for product flow. As product flows through the stainless steel housing, it cascades over the staggered rows of magnetic tubes. Ferrous contaminants are pulled to the surface of the magnets where they move to the underside of the tube to prevent any washoff. Drawer Magnets should be cleaned periodically for the most efficient performance. To clean the magnetic tubes, release the latch assembly and open the door. Remove the grate assemblies one at a time. Remove the tramp metal by hand. Use extreme caution and wear gloves during the process. Rare earth magnets are extremely powerful and tramp metal is very difficult to remove by hand. EZ CLEAN or POW-R CLEAN options should be considered.
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