Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Micro-Filter, Silo Venting Filters, Weigh Hopper Venting Filters and Hopper Venting Filters.
Power installed7.5 kW
The SEPCOM MFT Micro-filter consists of a motor drive which drives a tool producing internally the force required for micro-screening, and by a screen retaining the solid phase which is expelled through the top of the machine. The material to be treated is introduced in the lower part. The intensity of the pumping effect is used to increase separation efficiency.
SILOTOP ZERO is a cylindrically shaped dust collector for venting pneumatically filled silos. Its stainless steel body contains vertically mounted POLYPLEAT elements made from ABSOLUTE filter media. The air jet cleaning system is integrated into the hinged weather protection cover.
HOPPERTOP is a compact, cylindrically shaped venting filter for installation on weigh hoppers in concrete batching plants and, in general, where limited space is an issue.
HOPPERJET is a polygonally shaped, small footprint venting filter for installation on intermediate storage hoppers or weigh hoppers. It can be used in various industries.