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Airmatic Inc.
location United States

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Our Product / Services

  1. Computer Monitor 5 Products available
  2. Transmitter Device 4 Products available
  3. Water Level Sensors 4 Products available
  4. Sheet Metal Electrical Enclosure

    2 Products available
  5. Vibratory Compactor

    2 Products available
  6. Electric Motors & Components

    2 Products available
  7. Calibrators And Monitoring Systems

    2 Products available
  8. Dressing Bandages & Disposables

    2 Products available
  9. Pressure Switches

    2 Products available
  10. Pollution Control Machines

    2 Products available
  11. Others Products / Services 73 Products / Services available

Airmatic Inc.

Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier Of Electric Vibrator, Vibratory Motor, Foot Mounted Vibratory Motor, Concrete High Frequency, Bin & Form Rotary Electric Vibrators, Mount Beam Kits, WORKMASTER Mount Beam Kit for Vibrators, Quick-change Cradle Lug Mounts, NPT Sintered Bronze, Mini Rotary Level Indicator, Mini Rotary 4-Vane Polycarbonate Paddle, Mini Rotary Insertable Polycarbonate Paddle, Mini Rotary Single-Vane SS Rectangular Paddle, BMRX Rotary Level Indicator, 24 Standard OEM Capacitance Probe, PROCAP I Customized Capacitance Probe, PRO AUTO-CAL 115 Customized Capacitance Probe, PRO AUTO-CAL 115 Standard Sleeved Capacitance Probe, PRO Remote 25 115 Customized Capacitance Probe, PRO REMOTE 25 LV 12-24 Standard Remote Capacitance Probe, BELDON 8232A Triax Cable Kit, PROCAP I-3A Standard 3-A / USDA Capacitance Probe, COMPACT PRO 115 Compact Capacitance Probe, BM-T Tilt Switch REQUEST INFORMATION, BM 45-R Standard Internally Mounted Black Neoprene Diaphragm Switch, BM 65-RHT Heavy-Duty Grey Silicone Internally Mounted Diaphragm Switch, VR-21 Standard Vibrating Rod, VR-41 Rigid Extended Vibrating Rod, VR-51 Flexible Extended Vibrating Rod, CVR-600 Compact Vibrating Rod, CVR-600 High-Temp Compact Vibrating Rod Assembly, SMARTBOB2 115 VAC Continuous Level Remote Sensor, SMARTBOB TS1 RS-485 Lightning Surge Protector, f / SMARTBOB TS1 Pipe Extension, NPT Galvanized Female Coupler, BINMASTER SMARTBOB MultiBob Continuous Inventory System, SMARTBOB C-100 Control Console, VAC Wall Transformer, SMARTBOB C-50 Analog Expansi...


Basic Information

  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier
  • Registered Address Malvern, PA 19355-3981 map, United States
  • Total Number of Employees 10-49
  • Year of Establishment 1944
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