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Airmatic Inc.
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  1. Computer Monitor 5 Products available
  2. Transmitter Device 4 Products available
  3. Water Level Sensors 4 Products available
  4. Sheet Metal Electrical Enclosure

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  5. Vibratory Compactor

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  6. Electric Motors & Components

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  7. Calibrators And Monitoring Systems

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  8. Dressing Bandages & Disposables

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  9. Pressure Switches

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  10. Pollution Control Machines

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  11. Others Products / Services 73 Products / Services available

Computer Monitor

We offer a complete product range of Diaphragm Bin Monitor, Tilt Switch Level Monitors, Microwave Solids Flow Monitors, Rotary Paddle Bin Monitor and Self-Validating Rotary Paddle Bin Monitor

Diaphragm Bin Monitor

  • Item 7-8100
  • Dimensions 3.25 lb, 1.5 kg
Economical, Reliable, and Durable Point-Level DetectionLow Profile MountingMultiple Diaphragm MaterialsOver-Pressure ProtectionUltra-Sensitive Switch OptionUL, CSA Approvals Industry's Preferred Diaphragm Unit for Over 30 YearsEconomical Point-Level Detection in Bins and HoppersUltra-Sensitive Switch for Lightweight MaterialsUnique External Installation and MaintenanceMonitors line of BINATROL diaphragm bin monitors consists of economical, reliable, and durable point-level controls for point-level detection of dry bulk materials. The units can be used to eliminate bin overflow, maintain a predetermined material level, indicate plugging of chutes or conveyors, or provide level control functions. The flush mount, non-intrusive BINATROL units are ideally used when vessel size or internal clearance is limited, or where protrusion into a vessel is not acceptable. All installation and servicing, including diaphragm replacement and sensitivity adjustment, can be done from outside the vessel.
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Tilt Switch Level Monitors

  • Item 4-3103
  • Dimensions 24 lb, 11.25 kg
Monitor's line of tilt switches are economical, trouble-free, point-level controls, available for detection of dry bulk materials. The units can be used as high-level indicators to eliminate bin overflow or to control levels in open piles. In addition, the tilt switches are useful in determining over- or under-load on conveyor belts. The simple-yet-efficient internal construction (one moving part) provides indication when unit is tilted at a 17 angle throughout the complete 360 of axial arc. Each tilt switch includes a threaded bore for attaching extension actuators which can increase sensing repeatability and protect the tilt switch from direct contact with coarse material. Monitor offers two different models of tilt switches, each suited to satisfy different application requirements.
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Microwave Solids Flow Monitors

  • Voltage 100-240 VAC( ±10%)
  • Item 17-8411-12
  • Models SFD-2
Best Value In Solids Flow DetectionSuperior Application VersatilityExcellent SensitivityIndicate FlowNo-Flow In Chutes, Feeders and PipelinesOnOff Flow DetectorHazardous Location ApprovalSenses Light And Heavy Materials, Small And Large ParticlesNon-Contact Sensor Detects Flow Through Most Non-Metallic SurfacesNon-Intrusive Flush Mounting-No Probe Protruding Into Material FlowSFD-2 Provides Relay Outputs and Convenient Remote ElectronicsSFI Solids Flow Indicator Provides Variable Analog SignalSensors Include CSA Class II, Division I Approval for Hazardous LocationsMonitor's line of microwave solids flow monitors are high quality, industrial grade instruments capable of providing a signal indicating the flowno-flow condition of solids and powders in gravity chutes, feeders and pneumatic pipelines. The Model SFD-2 Solids Flow Detector provides relay outputs that can be setup to indicate changes in the target flow stream (onoff). The Model
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Rotary Paddle Bin Monitor

  • Item 1-8300-11
  • Dimensions 8 1/2 lb, 3.9 kg
Twist OnOff Cover - No More Bolts!Motor Shuts Off When Paddle Is ImpededSignificantly Extends Motor LifeReduces Maintenance CostsWiring Access - 2 Conduit EntrancesCompetitive Price Makes Monitor Your Best Value3 Bearing Design with Sealed Bearings Last LongerBuilt-In Slip Clutch Extends LifeHazardous Location Approvals AvailableUnique Low-Voltage DC Design AvailableStandard Units Rated to 300F (149C)Hi-Temp Models Rated to 750F (399C)Monitor's line of rotary paddle bin monitors consists of the most reliable, rugged and economical point-level control sensors available for detection of dry bulk materials. These easy to install units are proven performers in a wide variety of bulk materials. Monitor's paddle units can be used to eliminate bin overflow, maintain a pre-determined material level, indicate plugging of conveyors and pneumatic lines or provide a number of level control functions. Unlike many other available paddle units, Monitor's paddle level indicators incorporate a feature that automatically shuts off the motor of the unit when the paddle is in a stalled position, which both extends the life of the motor and minimizes maintenance.
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Self-Validating Rotary Paddle Bin Monitor

  • Item 1-8511-11
  • Dimensions 8 1/2 lb, 3.9 kg
Self-Validating Eliminates Costs Associated with Unexpected Sensor FailuresIndustry-First Magnetic Sensing Technology (Patented)Monitor Sensor Health, not just System Power Failure - "Fail-Safe" PLUSTwist OnOff Cover - No More Bolts!Wiring Access - 2 Conduit EntrancesMotor Shuts off when Paddle is ImpededSignificantly Extends Motor LifeReduces Maintenance CostsLocal Status Indicating Light on Most ModelsStandard Units Rated to 250 F (121 C)Hi-Temp Models Rated to 750F (399 C)Hazardous Location Approval AvailableImagine a bin level sensor that is more than just an indicator of the presence or absence of material. Picture technology that allows intelligent devices to indicate when something is wrong. Dream of a level sensor that provides real-time information when the quality of the sensor function no longer allows it to operate as you expect. That is a "self-validating" bin level indicator. Now you can wake up, your dream has arrived. Costly overfilling and outages due to sensor failure can now be avoided! The SafePoint self-validating bin monitor is the state-of-the-art in rotary paddle technology. Going beyond traditional fail-safe sensor technology that only protects against power failure, the SafePoint bin monitor is the most reliable, rotary paddle point level control sensor available. The SafePoint bin monitor provides the ultimate in performance wherever critical continuous operation must be ensured. Detection of both material presence and its own operational status is performed on a continuous basis. The SafePoint level sensor monitors its electrical and mechanical operating condition. This, in conjunction with separate outputs for material sense and unit status (fault conditions), make the SafePoint a self-validating device.
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