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Setra Systems, Inc.
location United States

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Our product range contains a wide range of Vacuum Capacitance Manometer, Absolute Capacitance Manometer and Capacitance Manometer

Vacuum Capacitance Manometer

  • Model 730
Setras Model 730 is a high accuracy absolute capacitance manometer(also referred to as Capacitance Diaphragm Gauge(CDG)), for measuring low vacuum pressure ranges that arecritical to the control of processes in photovoltaic, semiconductorand industrial markets. The 730 utilizes welded, allInconel wetted components which provides capability withthe most aggressive process media. Its high frequency electronicsdesign is fully RoHS compliant and yields extremelylow noise, while maintaining the fast response time requiredfor todays critical control applications. External noise rejection, fast warm-up, resistance to environmental effects, andlong term stability are unmatched by competing models.High Performance For Demanding ApplicationsThe Model 730 capacitance manometer uses a rigid singleelectrode variable capacitance sensing element resulting inhigh over pressure capability and superior long term stability.Its percent of reading accuracy, low hysteresis, and highresolution provides a wide dynamic range, making the 730an ideal fit for measuring and controlling critical manufacturingprocesses.
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Absolute Capacitance Manometer

  • Model 761
The Model 761 is Setras low cost absolute capacitance manometer designed for semi-conductor, petrochemical, pharmaceuticalprocess and industrial vacuum markets. The 761s new high frequency electronics design is fully RoHS compliant and yields extremely low noise, while maintaining the fast response time required for todays critical control applications. External noise rejection, fast warm up, resistance to environmental effects, and quick return to zero are unmatched by competing models costing twice as much.
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Capacitance Manometer

  • Model 760
Setras VactronTM Model 760 capacitance manometer isan absolute pressure transducer designed for accurateand repeatable vacuum measurements. Various full scaleranges are available from 10 Torr up to 1000 Torr. The unitsof measurement may be specified in Torr, mBarhPa, or kPa.The Model 760 operates from a 15 VDC power supply andprovides a 0-10 VDC or 0-5 VDC signal output that is linearwith pressure and independent of gas composition. Theelectrical connection can be either the industry standard 15pin D-sub or 6 position terminal strip connector.Setras VactronTM SensorThe high accuracy VactronTM pressure sensor in the Model760 is Setras patented variable capacitance technology.A centrally located feed-through assembly supports acircular electrode in close proximity to the back surface ofthe diaphragm. Together, the electrode and diaphragmform a variable capacitor within a small reference vacuumchamber maintained at very low pressure. As the pressureincreases, the diaphragm deflects and the gap between theelectrode and diaphragm decreases, causing an increasein the capacitance. This change in capacitance is detectedand converted to a highly accurate linear DC electronicsignal by Setras unique custom integrated circuit, whichutilizes a patented charge balance principle. Excellent zerostability and barometric insensitivity are achieved throughan innovative sensor design.
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