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Setra Systems, Inc.
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  1. Pressure Switches 28 Products available
  2. Computer Monitor 5 Products available
  3. Sensors And Transducers 5 Products available
  4. Electronic Test Instruments 3 Products available
  5. Sensors 3 Products available
  6. Manometers 3 Products available
  7. Transformers

    2 Products available
  8. Measurement Gauges & Fittings

    2 Products available
  9. Calibrating Machine

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  10. Transducer

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  11. Others Products 6 Products available

Pressure Switches

Our Complete range of products are Submersible Pressure Transducer, High Performance Pressure Transducers, Very Low Differential Pressure Transducer, AccuSense High Accuracy Pressure Transducer and Wet-to-Wet Differential Pressure Transducer.

Submersible Pressure Transducer

  • Model 595
  • ranges -5° to+45°C
Setra Systems Model 595 digitallycompensated immersible pressuretransducer has beenspecifically designed to meet therigors of long term immersibilitywhile providing the ultimate inlevel sensing technology. The 595 hasbuilt in specific gravity compensation so itgives a true level reading even when themedia is subject to temperature changesover the ranges -5 to+45C..Manufactured with 318 stainless steelwetted parts, which provide excellentcorrosion resistance, the 595 can beadjusted via the cable by means of a PCor a hand-held interface which reducesthe installation time and removes theneed to withdraw the unit from the mediafor calibration
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High Performance Pressure Transducers

  • Models 546/547
Setras Model 546 and Model 547 pressuretransducers offer laboratory typepressure measurement in a ruggedindustrial housing complete with 5:1 rangeturndown, ideal for high overpressureapplications, to provide full scale output from25% to 125% of full range.Utilizing thin film technology, Models 546 and547 have 4 to 20 mA output, 0.1% Full Scaleaccuracy, high overpressure capability, choiceof absolute, gauge, or sealed gauge pressuremeasurement, and pressure ranges from10 psi up to 10, 000 psi. The compensatedtemperature range is from -13F up to +167F.Designed for use with corrosive media, the Models 546 and 547 are offered with17-4 PH stainless steel or Inconel (17-4 PHand 15-7 Mo for ranges 30 psi) wetted partsto provide years of maintenance free pressuremeasurement in demanding industrialapplications. (Order Model 547 for pressuretransducer with Inconel wetted parts.)
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Very Low Differential Pressure Transducer

  • Model 267
Setras Model 267 is the most rugged high accuracy, low differentialpressure transducer on the market. It delivers accuraciesof 1% FS (without display), 0.5% FS (with display), and optional0.25% FS and 0.4% FS accuracies, and pressure rangesfrom 0.1 W.C. up to 100 W.C. The 267 is housed in a robust, NEMA 4 rated enclosure and has an optional static pressureprobe reducing installation and material costs. The 267 is offeredwith an optional LCD display and a standard accuracy of0.5% making it ideal for high accuracy Pharmaceutical applications.Customization is StandardThe 267, unlike most competitors, offers many mechanical andelectrical options that can be integrated into existing designs.The optional 0.25 diameter pressure probe is made of sturdyextruded aluminum and is designed with baffles to prevent velocitypressure errors which saves money and reduces time onthe job site.
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AccuSense High Accuracy Pressure Transducer

  • Model ASM
Setras Model ASM is the highest accuracy transducer formeasuring gauge, absolute, compound and vacuum pressurein the AccuSense product line. Its 0.05% FS accuracyis calibrated using the End Point Method, which improveslinearity when compared to competitive transducers whichuse the Best Fit Straight Line Method of calibration. TheASMs calibration is tamper proof by utilizing a SecureCalcalibration key, which eliminates inadvertent adjustments, while allowing authorized users to adjust the sensors calibrationcoefficients for a true sensor calibration. The designof the ASM offers class leading overpressure capability andmultiple pressure and electrical fittings for a wide range ofapplications.High Accuracy For Demanding ApplicationsThe Model ASM pressure transducer uses a resonant variablecapacitance sensor. This sensor is linearized and thermallycompensated through a computerized curve fitting algorithmthat optimizes the sensors linearity for maximum accuracyin demanding applications.
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Wet-to-Wet Differential Pressure Transducer

  • Model 231RS
Setras Model 231RS is the industrys first multi-configurable, wet-to-wet differential pressure transducer utilizing remotesensors. This design reduces labor and material costs versustraditional copper piping installations. The 231RS has a robust, NEMA 4 enclosure with an LCD display and a hinged, captivecover allowing for easy access to switches in order to adjustrange and output. An optional display is available that allowsusers to view high, low, and differential pressure readings on asimple rotating cycle.Advantages of Remote SensorsRemote sensors provide multiple advantages. By connectingthe high and low side transducers at the point of measurementinstead of running copper piping back to the transducer, thelabor and material costs are cut by one-third.
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Sanitary Pressure Transducer

  • Model 290
The Model 290 is Setras highest accuracy solution for measuringgauge and compound pressure ranges in sanitary processingapplications. Unlike competitive transducers whichuse an oil filled design, the 316L stainless steel sensor is designedto operate without the need for an intermediary liquidwithin the sensor. The design of the 290 negates clampeffect making installation and service faster and easier thanthe competition. Its small footprint and accuracy (0.2% FS)covers a wide range of pressure ranges that meet both 3Acertification and withstand CIPSIP environmental conditions, making it ideal for a variety of applications.Robust Non-Liquid Filled SensorThe Model 290 sanitary pressure transducer uses an airvariable capacitance sensor. This sensor design eliminateschance of product contamination, position effect and thermaltransients when compared to liquid filled sensors. Thediaphragm is able to withstand pressure down to full vacuumfor worry free operation during tank and piping evacuationcycles.
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High Accuracy Low Differential Pressure Transducer

  • Model 239
Setras Model 239 is the standard for measuring lowdifferential pressure in the Test & Measurement industry.Decades worth of installations have helped the 239 builda reputation of reliability and remains the trusted choicefor critical installations. The 239 delivers an optional highperformance 0.073% FS accuracy over a wide temperaturerange which outperforms competitive transducers in the lowpressure market. The 239 offers multiple options to meetboth simple and demanding application requirements thatare not provided on competitive transducers.Long-Term ReliabilityThe Model 239 differential pressure transducer uses a simpleand reliable variable capacitance sensor design. The 239provides repeatable and dependable readings in ruggedapplications through its efficient sensor design.
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Compact Low Pressure OEM Pressure Transducer

  • Model Model 3550
Setras Model 3550 MEMS pressure sensor is designed for OEMswho require high performance, reliability and stability for absolute, gauge and compound measurements at an affordableprice. The 3550 offers exceptional 0.25% FS accuracy in pressureranges from 15 PSI to 250 PSI in a small, 316L stainlesssteel package designed for harsh environments. The Model3550 offers a variety of different outputs, pressure connectorsand electrical connectors to satisfy the most challenging applicationrequirements.316L SS DesignThe sensor and all wetted materials are manufactured using316L stainless steel. The design of the sensor gives the 3550high corrosion resistance for the harsh conditions of the alternativefuels market. The unit is calibrated to an accuracy of0.25% FS across the entire pressure range offering.
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Heavy Duty OEM Industrial Pressure Transducer

  • Model 3200
The Model 3200 sputtered thin film pressure sensor is designed forOEMs who require top of the line performance, reliability, stabilityand maximum durability at an affordable price. The Model 3200 isideal for the most heavy duty industrial applications by providing themaximum performance to durability ratio available. The Model 3200offers exceptional 0.5% FS accuracy in pressure ranges from 75 PSI to32, 000 PSI; features an all welded stainless steel construction for a robustdesign, and IP67 seal for moisture and humidity protection. TheModel 3200 offers a variety of different outputs, pressure connectorsand electrical connectors, to satisfy the most challenging applicationrequirements.Built to LastThe Model 3200 is a heavy duty pressure device with long term stability, product reliability and accuracy built in. The compact weldedstainless steel design is constructed to protect the sensor in the mostdemanding of industrial environments. The Model 3200 provides a3x overpressure (0 to10k PSI) and a 2.5x overpressure (10k to 14.5 PSI)rating, ensuring that the sensor does not fail during unexpected pressurespikes. The electrical connectors are tested to an environmentalprotection specification of IP67, and a robust internal design ensuresthat the transducers can survive high levels of vibration.
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Absolute Pressure Transducer

  • Model 280G
Setras Model 280 is a high accuracy transducer for measuringgauge, absolute and compound pressure offering superiorperformance at an affordable price. Its highly-engineeredrange specific capacitance sensor enables accuracies up to0.073% FS giving the 280 superior linearity to competitivesensors. The 280s design offers customers a low-cost solutionfor measuring absolute pressure in Test and Measurementapplications. The slim design and simple electrical interfaceallow users to install the unit in many difficult applications.The Model 280 has standard pressure ranges from 25 PSI to10, 000 PSI.
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Industrial Pressure Transducer

  • Model 206
The Model 206 pressure sensor is designed for Industrial and OEM customers who require high performance, reliability and versatility at an affordable price. It offers exceptional 0.13% FS accuracy for pressure ranges as low as 25 PSI up to 10, 000 PSI to meet a multitude of demanding applications. The Model 206 features all stainless steel wetted materials and offers many pressure and electrical connections to satisfy challenging installation requirements. The Model 206 also features field accessible zero and span potentiometers allowing the unit to be calibrated in the field.Rugged Stainless Steel Design - The 206 has a rugged stainless steel design and is built to withstand the rigors of the most difficult industrial applications. The unit is designed to meet NEMA4 and IP65 environmental ratings, preventing unwanted moisture ingress.
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Ultra High Purity Pressure Transducer

  • Model 225
Setra's Model 225 is ideally suited for high-purity gas delivery systems semiconductor processes, and control applications that require ultra-clean operation, high throughput perfomance, and exceptional long-term stability.Designed with a low cavity volume of 0.11 in3, virtually eliminating particle entrapment, the GCT-225 can be easily purged. All wetted parts are 316L VIMVAR stainless steel passivated to 5 Ra (7 Ra. max.) fi nish, which eliminates surface irregularities and provides the proper surface chemistry for corrosion resistance, assuring contaminant-free gas distribution. Every sensor is mass spectrometer helium leak tested to 1 x 10-9 ATMCCsec.
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Ultra High Purity Flow Through Pressure Transducer

  • Model 223
Setra's Model 223 ultra-high purity pressure transducer is designed for the most demanding specialty gas monitoring and control applications, where construction integrity, purity and performance cannot be sacrificed.The 223 has a small, streamlined sensor chamber for easy purgeability. The sensor is designed to provide superior mechanical and thermal stability, especially in transient temperature conditions resulting from flowing gases. Isolation of the sensing element from the pressure fitting virtually eliminates any torque effect.The superior mechanical and thermal stability is achieved through Setra's patented variable capacitance sensor. Its fundamentally simple design features a 316L VIMVAR stainless steel sensor passivated to 5 Ra (7 Ra. max.) finish, which eliminates surface irregularities and provides the proper surface chemistry for corrosion resistance, and an insulated electrode plate fastened to the center of the sensor diaphragm, forming a variable capacitor. As pressure increase or decreases the capacitance changes. This change in capacitance is detected and converted to a linear analog signal by Setras unique electronic circuit. Various tube diameters are available with optional face seal fittings. Sturdy construction allows for trouble-free installation and high tolerance of system torsion and welding effects, providing confident installations.Model 223 transducers are able to endure bakeout to 185F (85C), without affecting calibration. Every sensor is mass spectrometer helium leak tested to 1 x 10-9 ATM.CCsec. This ultra-high purity series is based on Setras proven capacitive sensing technology and the highly accurate and stable voltage or current output signals are virtually EMIRFI immune.After manufacture and assembly, Setras Ultra- High Purity pressure transducers are flushed with deionized water, purged with high-purity heated nitrogen, baked, double bagged, backfilled with nitrogen and sealed, prior to shipping.
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Gauge Pressure Transducer

  • Model 209
The Model 209 pressure sensor is designed for Industrial and OEM customers who require high performance, reliability and versatility at an affordable price. It offers exceptional 0.25% FS accuracy with pressure ranges from 1 PSI up to 10, 000 PSI to meet a multitude of demanding applications. The 209 features all stainless steel wetted materials and offers many pressure and electrical connections to satisfy challenging installation requirements. The 209 features a patented overpressure stop to protect the sensor against unexpected spikes or in high pulsation applications.True Low Range Sensor - The Model 209 is a capacitive transducer that is designed for industrial applications with demanding price and performance requirements. The Model 209 offers exceptional reliability in typical industrial grade environments. The true low range sensor design offers high performance with no additional amplification required to meet range requirements down to 1 PSI.Flexibility for Many Applications - The 209 transducer offers many pressure and electrical fittings covering many installation configurations. It minimizes additional engineering time to accommodate the sensor, allowing for earlier project completion and quicker time to market.Robust Design & Construction for Reliable Service - The Model 209 is designed and build to withstand demanding applications. The industrial construction, with optional positive overpressure stop, enables the sensor to withstand overpressure conditions up to 16X the rated range.
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Digital Pressure Transducer

  • Model 470
Setra Systems Model 470 offers extremely high accuracy and unmatched stability in a digital output configuration. Environmental monitoring and test & measurement systems around the world rely on Setras experience in barometric pressure measurement instrumentation, as well as high accuracy measurements of higher pressures. The 470 utilizes Setras unique SETRACERAMTM sensor, which is combined with advanced microprocessor based circuitry and sophisticated firmware to provide system accuracy to better than 0.02% FS.The Model 470 is intended for applications which do not require local display of pressure or key pay access to commands. The 470s solid stability, reliability and versatility make it the first choice for weather observation systems worldwide. It is programmable for continuous interval or on-demand printing at an adjustable (300-9600) Baud rate.
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Barometric Pressure Transducer

  • Model 278
Setras Model 278 is the ideal solution for measuring barometric pressure for remote environmental applications. The 278 is designed using the SETRACERAM ceramic sensor, enabling it to meet stringent accuracy requirements over wide operating temperatures in remote applications. The small footprint and removable terminal block on the 278 makes installation fast and easy. The 278 is ideal for solar powered applications because of its low power consumption and sleep mode feature. Under normal operation, this feature minimizes current draw when readings are not being taken.Designed for Remote Sensing Applications - The Model 278 pressure transducer is designed to be used in remote applications that require low power consumption. Its sleep mode feature allows for instant startup and fast readings.Improved Performance with Ceramic Sensor - The 278 utilizes a variable capacitance sensor that is made using ceramic material fused together with glass and gold to form the SETRACERAM pressure element. This stable material and design offers class leading thermal performance and low hysteresis, allowing it to be integrated into demanding installations. The ceramic sensor enables improved performance compared to other stainless steel sensors, enabling the 278 to give accurate measurements and better test results.Flexibility in Installation - The Model 278 is designed with a compact footprint for quick installation. The removable terminal block provides easy wiring. Its mounting holes are designed to fit industry standard grid systems to maximize the use of panel space while minimizing your time at the job site.
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Low Differential Pressure Transducer

  • Model 264
With millions of sensors installed world wide, Setras 264 is the standard for low differential pressure measurement in HVAC building automation, high accuracy pharmaceutical and healthcare facilities. The 264 very low differential pressure transducer uses a dead-ended stainless steel welded capacitive sensing element that requires minimal amplification and delivers excellent accuracy and longterm stability in critical installations. The 264 has a 3 year, unconditional warranty, giving the end-user peace of mind well beyond the initial commissioning phase and guarantees performance well after the BAS warranty. The 264 utilizes a robust design that offers brass barbed fittings, a Snap Track Mount and an optional conduit cover for easy and consistent installation.The Industry "Standard" Pressure Transducer - The 264 has been a consistent and trusted HVAC sensor for over two decades. The reputation of reliability and quality with exceptional delivery time has helped the 264 remain the trusted choice for any low differential pressure application.Convenient Installation - The 264 is available in both a base and DINrail providing the installer with flexible mounting options. The base mount allows the sensor to be installed anywhere, whereas the DINrail configuration is designed to maximize space efficiency in difficult installations.
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Multi Configurable Pressure Transducer

  • Model 231RS
Setra's Model 231RS is the industries first multi-configurable, wet-to-wet differential pressure transducer utilizing remote sensors. This design reduces labor and material costs versus traditional copper piping installations. THe 231RS has a robust, NEMA 4 enclosure with an LCD display and a hinged, captive cover allowing for easy access to switches in order to adjust range and output.Advantages of Remote Sensors - Remote sensors provide multiple advantages. By connecting the high and low side transducers at the point of measurement instead of running copper piping back to the transducer, the labor and material costs are cut by one-third.All Inclusive Field Selectable Design - The 231RS has a multi-configurable design, providing the user with field selectable ranges and outputs as well as push button or remote zero. The flexible design gives the user total flexibility to make changes on the job site.Multiple Connector Options for Added Flexibility - The 231RS offers remote sensors that connect to the unit via armored jacket, cable or conduit fitting available in 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 foot lengths. With the remote sensors, there is no need for a 3 or 5 valve manifold and no risk to compromising the electronics.
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Multi Range Low Differential Pressure Transducer

  • Model 267MR
The Model 267MR is Setras most highly configurable multirange low differential pressure transducer. It offers multi-range capability with 6 field selectable ranges and 2 field selectable outputs that are easily configured by flipping a Dip Switch. The 267MR is housed in a NEMA 4 rated enclosure with an optional static pressure probe reducing installation and material costs. It delivers 0.25%, 0.4% and 1% FS accuracy options with pressure ranges from 0.1 W.C. up to 100 W.C.All Inclusive Field Selectable Design - The 267MR is the ideal product for any contractor to stock in their truck; combining the flexibility of a multi-range with the performance of a single-range transducer to ensure the installer has the right solution for any job.Robust Enclosure for Difficult Applications - The 267MR is housed in a NEMA 4 rated housing and is built to withstand harsh environments. The 267MR is available in both wall and duct mount providing the installer with flexible mounting options. The wall mount allows the sensor to be installed anywhere, whereas the duct probe configuration is designed to maximize space efficiecny in difficult applications.The Setra Sensor - The core technology of the 267MR is the all stainless steel capacitive sensing element. Setra designs and manufactures all of their sensing elements resulting in full control over the process and quality of every single sensor. The welded dead-ended capacitive sensors requires minimal amplification and delivers excellent accuracy and longterm stability. Setras technology has been used in over 8 million installations and has the highest field acceptance rate in the industry.
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316L Stainless Steel OEM Pressure Transducer

  • Model 209H
The Model 209H pressure transducer is designed for customers who require high performance, reliability and versatility in harsh applications. The Model 209H features all 316L stainless steel wetted materials, ideal for the demanding requirements of the alternative energy market. The sensor offers many pressure and electrical connections to satisfy challenging installation requirements. The 209H features a patented overpressure stop to protect the sensor against unexpected spikes or in high pulsation applications.316 SS Design - The sensor and all wetted materials are manufactured using a 316L stainless steel design to protect the sensor in the corrosive applications of the alternative fuels martket. The unit comes standard with an accuracy of 0.25% FS across a wide pressure range offering, providing high performance and low cost.
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Secure-Sense Low Differential Pressure Transducer

  • Model 269
Setras Model 269 transducer is the highest accuracy solutionfor monitoring differential pressure in critical environments.Its 0.25% accuracy is calibrated using the End Point Methodwhich improves linearity when compared to competitivetransducers which use the Best Fit Straight Line method.The 269s calibration is tamper proof by utilizing a removableprocess head that eliminates inadvertent adjustments whileallowing in-situ calibrations without removing the processtubing. Calibrations can be performed automatically whenperformed with Setras MicroCal outfitted with an expertsystem. The 269 offers multiple mounting configurations, includingDIN rail, for quicker and easier installation.High Accuracy for Demanding PharmaceuticalApplicationsThe Model 269 differential pressure transducer uses adead-ended capacitive differential sensing element withsuperior linearity and enhanced thermal performance to ensurethe highest accuracy and reliability in your most criticaland demanding applications.
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Multi-Range Critical Pressure Transducer

  • Model MRC
  • ranges 0.1” W.C.
Setras Model MRC multi-range low differential pressuretransducer uses a dead-ended capacitive sensing elementthat requires minimal amplification and delivers excellentaccuracy and longterm stability. The MRC is the industrys firstmulti-range sensor designed for critical environments. It isthe only multi-range sensor available with 0.5% FS accuracyand field selectable ranges down to 0.1 W.C., a requirementfor critical applications. The MRC has 4 selectable ranges and3 selectable outputs, easily adjustable on the job with a flipof a switch or jumper. The MRC is offered with 3 differentmounting options: Duct Probe, DIN rail or Wall Mount and auniversal design that incorporates all 3 configurations in oneto address any installation changes on the job site.Industry First 0.5% FS Accuracy Multi-RangeThe Setra MRC is the first multi-range transducer designed foruse in Critical Environments. No other multi-range transducerproduct offers better than 1% FS accuracy; a requirement inmost critical applications. The Setra MRC is available down to0.1W.C. with 0.5% FS accuracy.
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Heavy Duty Intrinsically Safe CSA Rated Pressure Transducer

  • Model 32CS
The Model 32CS is designed for heavy duty applications in hazardouslocations requiring intrinsic safety, top of the line performance, reliability, and stability at an affordable price. The Model 32CS offers exceptional0.5% FS accuracy in pressure ranges from 75 PSI to 32, 000 PSI;features an all welded stainless steel construction for a robust designand IP67 seal for moisture and humidity protection. The Model 32CSoffers a variety of different outputs, pressure connectors, and electricalconnectors to satisfy the most challenging application requirements.In addition, voltage units are available with a dual pressuretemperatureoutput. For ATEXIECEx intrinsically safe pressure transducers, referto Setras 31IS and 32IS.Built to LastThe Model 32CS is a heavy duty pressure device with long term stability, product reliability and accuracy built in. The compact weldedstainless steel design is constructed to protect the sensor in the mostdemanding of industrial environments. The Model 32CS provides a 3Xoverpressure (0 to10k PSI) and a 2.5x overpressure (10k to 14.5k PSI)rating, ensuring that the sensor does not fail during unexpected pressurespikes. The electrical connectors are tested to an environmentalprotection specification of IP67, and a robust internal design ensuresthat the transducers can survive high levels of vibration.
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Low Pressure Transducer

  • Model 550
Setras Model 550 low pressure transducer features 3:1 range turndown forfield adjustment from 110% to 32% of the nominal range, making this unitwell suited for applications that are subject to overpressure. Adjustment ismade via the switch and potentiometer conveniently located on the top ofthe transducer housing.The Model 550 is packaged in a rugged 316 stainless steel housing for usein general purpose and submersible applications. A male or female threadedpressure fitting is offered for general purpose applications, and an openface style with a KF25 flange is offered for submersible applications.The Model 550 circuit is RFIlightning protected, virtually eliminating costlyfield replacement.
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Multi-Range General Pressure Transducer

  • Model MRG
  • ranges 0.5, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0”W.C.
The Setra Model MRG is Setras newest differential pressuretransducer. The Setra MRG is the ideal product for any contractor, combining the flexibility of a multi-range with the performanceof a single range transducer. The MRG has 8 selectableranges and 3 selectable outputs, easily adjustable on the jobwith a flip of a switch or jumper. The MRG uses an IP67 ratedhousing and has a conduit fitting for easy wiring, making theMRG an ideal solution for any general HVAC application.Universal DesignThe Setra MRG utilizes a universal design that gives the usertotal flexibility to make changes on the job site. The user hasthe option to choose the field configurable range, mounting(DIN Rail, wall mount and duct mount), output (mA or Volt) andengineering unit (W.C. or Pascals). This flexibility means thatthe contractor can use the MRG for all of their needs.8 Field Selectable RangesThe Setra MRG provides 8 field selectable ranges (0.5, 1.0, 2.5and 5.0W.C.). These ranges can be selected on site by flippingto the desired range.
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Pressure Transducers

  • Model 256
The Model 256 is one of the most rugged and reliable sensorsavailable. Specifically designed for NEMA4IP65 service the 256 ispackaged in a die-cast aluminum enclosure and includes Setras robustcapacitive design, making it resistant to environmental effectssuch as shock, vibration, temperature and EMIRFI.Available in a wide variety of gauge pressure ranges, the 256 featuresadjustable potentiometers for zero and span settings.Only 3.6 high x 4.0 wide, the Model 256 is designed for compactinstallations. The removable cover provides easy access to the internalterminal strip for wiring. Installation is quick and easy with12 inch internal threaded conduit ports for electrical termination.
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Ultra-High Purity Pressure Transducer

  • Model 227
Setras Model 227 transducer is designed for high density, modularblock gas sticks and panels, required for todays 300 mmtools. The Mode 227s 1-18 footprint optimizes valuable space, and its rugged design makes it ideal for pressure measurementsthat require long-term stability, high accuracy and exceptionalinsensitivity to environmental extremes.Unlike many other designs with large dead-ended cavity volume, the 227 has a small swept sensor chamber for easy purgeability.All wetted parts are 316L VIMVAR stainless steel passivated to 5Ra (7 Ra. max) finish, which eliminates surface irregularities andprovides the proper surface chemistry for corrosion resistance, assuring contaminant-free gas distribution.Available with 5 VDC, 10 VDC, or 4 to 20mA output, the Model227 offers +_0.25% Full Scale or 1.0% of Reading accuracy.The Model 227 comes with a industry standard1-18 C-Seal orW-Seal downmount interfacing base with choice of a multiconductorcable, 4-pin bayonet connector, and 9 or 15 pin D-subconnector for electrical termination. When coupled with theModel 328 1-18 rotatable display, this package provides theultimate in pressure measurement and display.
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Submersible Pressure Transducer

  • Model 526
Setras Model 526 pressure transducer is designed with a thicker diaphragmfor robust industrial and submersible applications that require exceptionalstability and high accuracy.Depending upon the electrical connection selected, when coupled withthe Model 526 enclosure, which is fabricated in 316 SS17-4 PH SS, this unitis rated for IP30, IP65, IP68 operation.The Model 526s modular design is offered in a wide choice of millivolt, voltage or current outputs over almost any pressure range, and a varietyof pressure and electrical connections, enabling this unit to be custom configuredfor an OEM application.
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